Crime Prevention Flashcards
How can crime be prevented
- Situational crime prevention (SCP) - Right realists
- Environmental crime prevention - Right realists
- Social and community based prevention - Left realists
- punishment
- surveillance
SCP definition
- Clarke - SCP is a pre-emptive approach that relies on reducing opportunities of crime - ‘control the situation’
- Saw crime as a rational choice, where the criminal weighs up the cost benefit of doing the crime
- this suggests a target hardening approach is needed
Three features of measures aimed at SCP - Clarke
1 - directed at specific crimes
2- involve managing or altering the immediate environment of the victim
3- aim to increase the effort and risks of committing crime as well as reducing the rewards
Felson - example of SCP
- The Port Authority Bus terminals poor design was a perfect location for deviant conduct such as luggage thefts, rough sleeping, homosexual liaisons and drug dealing
- Solution – to replace the large sinks in which the homeless people were bathing with smaller ones
Evaluations of SCP
- It does not reduce crime it just displaces it : Chaiken et al found that subway robberies in NY just moved to the streets above
- It tends to focus on petty street crimes – so doesn’t explain corporate/state crime (a Marxist criticism)
- Assumes rational choice by criminals but ignores the root cause of crime (Left realists)
- Surveillance may lead to unwanted labelling, prejudice and stereotyping
What are the 5 types of displacement?
1- Spatial - moving elsewhere to commit crime
2- Temporal - commiting crime at different times
3- Target - choosing a different victim
4- Tactical - using a different method
5- functional - commiting a different type of crime
What is Environmental crime prevention?
- Wilson and Kelling
- Crime prevention through environmental design - ‘control the environment’
- based on the theory that proper design and effective use of the built environment can lead to a reduction in the fear and incidence of crime
Broken window thesis
- Used to describe signs of disorders / lack of concerns for others
- Leaving “broken windows” unrepaired sends out a signal that no one cares
Strategies based on broken window thesis
- Environmental improvement strategy : any broken windows must be repaired immediately
- Zero tolerance policy: proactive tackling of any sign of disorder