Crime and Victims Flashcards
Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics
the official information about crime in Canada is maintained by the Canadian Center For Justice Statistics
Uniform Crime Reports
surveys the incidence of crime, which refers to the number of crimes reported to police during a given period of time, and then a crime rate is calculated to provide an official estimate of crime
Crime Severity Index
a measure of the severity of crime that is calculated by measuring the number of crimes reported to police relative to the seriousness of those crimes that are reported
the dark figure of crime
refers to the difference between how much crime occurs and how much crime is reported to or discovered by police
seriousness rule
refers to the practice of classifying or recording police reported crimes according to which of the several offences is the most serious.
backwards law
the focus is on events that occur less frequently.
For example, media coverage focuses more on policing and high profile cases with significantly less coverage of corrections or parole
Victimization Surveys
a self report survey that asks responders whether they have been victimized during a given time period and whether they reported it to police. a benefit is that these surveys address the dark figure of crime
the Office of the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime
the main resource for victims of crime in Canada which helps to facilitate access to services and information to crime victims
System based victim services
services that are offered independent from police, courts, and crown attorneys
-the goal of these services is to assist the victim throughout their contact with the criminal justice system
Community based victim services
community organizations that offer direct services to victims
Canadian Victims Bill of Rights
established clear, federal statutory rights for victims of crime. if you are victim, you have the right to information, the right to protection, the right to participate, and the right to seek restitution
criminal injury compensation programs
-victims can seek compensation through criminal injury compensation programs administered by the provinces that offer financial remuneration
The gamergate controversy
revolved around issues of sexism, harassment, and misogyny in video game culture
focused only on their specific mandate and not considering the larger context of a problem of crime and disorder, specific patterns of criminal behaviour or the needs of offenders
the negative impact on victims of crime caused by the decisions and the action of criminal justice personnel