Crime and the Media Flashcards
In what ways do the media represent crime?
Overrepresentation of violent and sexual crime
Overrepresent criminals and victims as older and more middle-class
exagerate police sucks
Exaggerate the risk of becoming a victim.
Crime is represented as a series of events
the overrepresentation of violent and sexual crime
Ditto and Duffy (1983
046% of media reports were on these crimes which makes up only 2% of crimes recorded by the police
Overrepresentation of criminals and victims as older and middle-class
most rime is committed by the working class, and around the age of 15-20
Felson - refersd to this as ‘age falacy’
Exagerate police success
police are a maj0r source for crime stories, they want themselves to be reported in a good light
Exaggerate the risk of becoming a victim
women and white people are reported as being at the greatest risk of crimes, whereas young black and ethnic minority males are at the greatestt risk
Crime is reported as a series of separate events
underlying structures and causes of crime are never examined
How has media coverage changed?
Schlesinger and Tumber
before 1990s the media focus was on murder and petty crime
but after the 1990s there was a greater media focus on drugs, abuse, terrorism and football hooliganism
this was asa result of rising crime rates
what are the main values of the news
How does the media cause crime?
imitation - providing deviant role models
Arousal - viewing violent or sexual imagery
Hypodermic syringe model
transmitting knowledge of criminal techniques
glamorisation of criminality
Imitation example
James bulgur case - imitated the violence of ‘Childs play’
Desensitisation example
bobo dol experiment - repeated forms of violence exposed to young people may cause insensitivity towards other peoples pain
what is meant by the hyperaemic syringe?
refers to media being compared to drugs in the way it is addictive
it can also cause arousal the learning of criminal skills, desensitisation etc
evaluation of the impact of media on crime
audience differs too greatly in age, social class, gender, level of education, and consequently do not react to media in the same way
Violence is actually caused by the complexity of factors. e.g poor socialisation, peer group influences, mental illness
different people react to violence differently, for example, Buckingham’s research suggests that young people are more media literate and use the media in a responsible way.
How does media coverage create fear and moral panic
some sociologists suggest that media reporting of crime may create an unrealistic fear of crime, especially among the elderly.
Gerbner found that heavy users of television have agreater fear of crime than light users of television
Shlesinger and Tumbdr found a correlation between consumption of media through tabloids and fear of crime
how does the media create a sense of relative deprivation
Left realists suggest that media is responsible for stimulating desires for money or unaffordable consumer goods through advertisements which encourages feelings of relative deprivation
functionalists such as Reiner argue that mass media help to bring about anomie and confusion, which brings motivation to commit crime
reined and Young both argue that the mass media distort people expectations of monetary success too high
merton argue that the pressure to conform to unrealistic goals encourages deviant behaviour as a means of achieving them
What is the argument of cultural criminology?
Argue that media turns crime itself into the commodity that people desire. the media encourages them to commit crime
Hayward an Young (2012) see late modern society as media saturated, blurring the difference between the image and the reality of crime
Company’s use images of crime to sell products, for example ‘gangster rap’
soem places refuse entry to people wearing certain products because of crime that is associated with them e.g. stone island
How does the advancement of technology and the internet create crime?
Cyber crime
jewkes (2003) - The internet creates opportunities to commit ‘conventional crime’ and ‘new crime’ using software
What are the different types of cyber crimes identified by Wall
Cyber trespass -hacking into other peoples properties
Cyber dissection and theft - identity theft and violation of intellectual rights
cyber violence- doing psychological harm or inciting harm including bullying and racial abuse
global cyber crime - policing cyber crime is difficult due to the sheer scale of internet,
what is the evaluation of cyber crime
despite the new crimes and the new ways to commit them, the new ICT provides the police with greater surveillance
ICT permits routine surveillance through the use of CCtV