Crime and punishment II Flashcards
a person or story which proves that sb was not in a place when a crime was committed
an alibi
apelacja (od wyroku sądowego)
a request to a court asking for a previous decision to be changed
an appeal
threatening to reveal a secret about sb unless they do sth the other person wants
wejść w konflikt z prawem
dealings with the police for a very minor crime
have a brush with the law
pamięć podręczna (w komputerze), tajny skład (np. broni)
a hidden number of, used for explosives, weapons, etc
a cache of
przeszłość kryminalna
a list of crimes which sb has been found guilty of, which is kept by police
a criminal record
wycofać oskarżenie
to decide that sb did not commit the crime that they are charged with
to drop the charges against sb
pasować do opisu
to look exactly like sb (a criminal) that has been described
to fit a description
być uznanym za (nie)winnego
a judge decides that sb did (not) commit the crime that they have been charged with
to be found (not) guilty of
wydać wyrok
to announce ina court of law what sentence a criminal will receive
to hand down a sentence
bronić kogoś w sądzie
te defend sb in a court of law
to handle sb’s defence
zatwardziały przestępca
an experienced criminal who is unlikely to ever abide by the law
hardened criminal
obywatel przestrzegający prawa
a person who does not break the law
a law-abiding citizen
ani strzępu dowodów
not a single piece of it
not a shred of evidence
wydać wyrok
to tell a court what punishment a convicted person will receive
to pass a sentence
(formal, police language) to arrest sb
to place sb under arrest
policjant w cywilnym ubraniu
a policeman who does not wear a uniform
a plain-clothes policeman
zostać aresztowanym
arrested and kept in prison while waiting to go to court
to be in/taken into police custody
poprzednie skazanie za…
to have previously been found guilty of a crime in a court of law
a previous conviction for…
money paid to sb who threatens to hurt or blackmail the other person
protection money
urządzać nalot (o policji)
if the police does it, they arrive without warning and search the place because they believe that a criminal or sth illegal is hidden there
to raid
wydać wyrok
to decide in a court of law whether sb is guilty or not guilty of a crime
to reach a verdict
wyjść na wolność za kaucją
sb who is waiting to go on trial does not have to wait in prison because a large sum of money has been paid as a guarantee that they will not run away
be released on bail
duża liczba nieprzyjemnych zdarzeń, które dzieją się w krótkim czasie
a series of unpleasant things that follow each other, often in the same area, over a short period of time
a spate of…
stanąć przed sądem
to go to a court of law and be judged
to stand trial
namierzać miejsce pobytu kogoś
(police language)/(formal) to look for sb
to trace the whereabouts of sb
wymuszenie, szantaż, wyłudzenie
niepodważalne alibi
watertight alibi
wnieść apelację
lodge an appeal