Crime and punishment I Flashcards
działać w oparciu o poufną informację
to use information you have been given to try to prevent a crime or seize a criminal/illegal goods
to act on a tip-off
być uznanym za winnego zbrodni
to be found guilty in a court of law of crime you have been accused of committing
to be convicted of a crime
oddzielić ludzi od danego miejsca za pomocą taśmy, liny (np. od miejsca wypadku lub zbrodni)
to place a barrier around an area or building so as to prevent people leaving or entering
to cordon (an area/building) off
być ukaranym grzywną za popełnienie przestępstwa
to have to pay a cartain amount of money as a punishment
to be fined for (committing) a crime
być uznanym za (nie)winnego
to be in a court oflaw where a judge or jury decide that sb committed/did not commit the crime they have been accused of
to be found (not) guilty of
uniknąć kary za coś, wywinąć się od czegoś
to do sth wrong or illegal and not be punished for it
to get away with sth
napadać na coś (np. na bank)
to rob a person or a place, using a weapon
to hold (sb/sth) up
dochodzenie, śledztwo
an official investigation
an inquiry into (+ noun)
puszczać wolno (np. za kaucją, pouczeniem)
to be given a lither punishment (a fine/a coution) than you deserve
to let sb off (with a fine/caution, etc)
uciec z ukradzioną rzeczą
to steal and escape with sth
to make off with sth
być na wolności
to have escaped from prison and not been captured by the authorities
to be on the loose
być ściganym
to be trying to escape or hide from the police
to be on the run
być sądzonym za popełnienie zbrodni
to be in a court of law, where a judge and/or jury are deciding whether you are quilty or not
to be on trial for (committing) a crime
(nie) przyznać się (do zarzutów)
to say in a court of law that you are (not) guilty of the crime you have been accused of committing)
to plead (not) guilty (to the charges)
wykluczać (możliwość) coś (czegoś)
to say that sth is not possible
to rule out (the possibility of) sth
być skazanym na (liczba lat w więzieniu)
If a judge sentences sb, they states in court what their punishment is going to be
to be sentenced to (a number of years in prison)
rokować szanse na pozytywny wyrok
to be accepted as true or satisfactory when it is carefully examined in court
to stand up in court
zeznawać przeciwko komuś
to provide the court with information that shows that sb is guilty of the crime that they have been accused of committing
to testify against sb
dawać komuś cynk
to tell the police where and when a crime will be committed or where a criminal or illegal, stolen goods can be found
to tip (sb) off
wytropić (kogoś/coś)
to look for and find
to track (sb/sth) down