Crime And Punishment Flashcards
Definition of justice
Doing what is right and fair based on the law
Why is justice important for Muslims?
One of allahs characteristics is ‘Al’Adl’ meaning ‘the just’ Muslims therefore strive to be fair in their own daily lives
‘I have prohibited myself injustice’ Hadith
Why do Muslims believe justice is important for the victims?
To show that there should be appropriate consequences for harmful actions
How do Muslims think that the distribution of wealth is unjust?
Islam forbid the charging of interest on things like loans as the rich get richer and the poor get poorer
Definition of crime
An act that is against the law
What is a qadi?
A judge in Muslim law
Definition of shariah?
Islamic legal system based on Muslim scholars’ understanding of the Qur’an, Sunnah and Hadith
What are Hudud crimes?
Crimes against goad, which have a fixed punishment
What is a Qisas crime?
Crimes against individuals or families, where the victims nearest relatives are able to choose their preferred punishment
What is a Ta’zir crime?
Crimes for which punishment is not stated in the Qur’an or the Hadith, and is therefore left to the discretion of a qadi
How is socialisation a cause of crime?
Difficulties in conforming to society’s norms because of poor parenting or a troubled family life
How is media stereotyping a cause of crime?
Prejudice against people from a particular social or racial backgrounds which reinforce negative perceptions towards specific groups forcing them into isolation and eventually crime
How is lack of opportunity a cause of crime?
Poor performance in examinations or lack of suitable job opportunities that people believe that are entitled to but denied
How is sub culture a cause of crime?
Peer groups that approve of or encourage delinquent behaviour due to a dislike for rules and disrespect for society
What are Muslims doing to end crime?
The Muslim chaplains association offers support to criminals and ex prisoners. Thy give pastoral car and prevent them from reoffending . Mosaic is an ex criminal programme they provide support and assistance. They help with housing an unemployment
Muslims believe crime is a d__________ from allah
With source of authority
‘With intoxicants and gambling, Satan seeks only to incite enmity and hatred among you, and to stop you remembering God and prayer’ Syrah 5:90-91
What are Muslims attitudes to drugs and alcohol?
They are Harlan for Muslims
They cloud the mind
What is evil
A cause of human suffering
Name two types of evil?
Moral evil
Natural evil
What is moral evil?
The acts of humans which are considered to be morally wrong
What is natural evil?
Natural disaster, such as earthquakes or tsunamis
What do Muslims believe about the test of faith?
Many Muslims believe that they are only in earth for a short time. This life is to test to see that they must endure evil evil and suffering to paradise
Why do Muslims believe about freewill?
Most Muslims believe that they have freewill and are responsible for all of their actions. They must choose between the rights and wring
What does haram mean?
What does halal mean?