What key names are there for class differences in offending?
Sutherland, The Social Exclusion Unit, Williams et al, Cavadino and Dignan
What did Sutherland argue about class offending?
Pointed out that ‘criminal statistics show unequivocally that crime, as popularly understood and officially measured, has a high incidence in the lower socio-economic class and low incidence in the upper sociology-economic class’
What did the Social Exclusion Report show about class offending?
reported that many prisoners have a history of social exclusion, being more likely to have grown up in care, poverty and to have had a family member convicted
What statistic is there about class offending?
Despite a rate of unemployment of 5% in the general population, research showed that 67% of the prison population had been unemployed, 32% homeless (0.9% in the general population)
What did Williams et al find about class offending?
found other factors found more frequently in the prison population included having run away from home, experience of violence and/or drug and alcohol misuse, being excluded from school and having no qualifications (norms of lower classes)
What did Cavadino and Dignan find about class offending?
point out that ‘somehow between the commission of offences and official responses of prosecution and punishment, the difference between the classes gets vastly magnified’
What are the key points and names for class victimisation?
The British Crime Survey 2010-2011 showed that young households, lone parents and unemployed are all more than twice as likely to be burgled as the average household (lower class)
Young discussed the ‘myth of the equal victim’ suggesting that certain groups (eg lower classes) are hit much harder when they become a victim of a crime compared to other groups (eg upper classes)
Supported by Kinsey’s findings in the Merseyside crime survey where the poor suffered more than the wealthy from crime
What key points and names are there for gender offending?
Police recorded crime figures consistently show that males commit around 80% of all recorded offences, and women represent about 5% of those held in custody
Ministry of Justice
Official crime data
Gender may intersect with social class, as in 2010 female offenders were more likely than male offenders to be on benefits (suggests that deprivation may have more of an impact on women’s criminality than men’s)
HOWEVER challenged by the ‘chivalry thesis’ which argues that women get treated more leniently by the police and the courts
What did the Ministry of Justice find about gender offending?
shows that females accounted for only 18% of arrests and 25% of convictions in 2013
What did Official Crime Data find about gender offending?
suggests that the peak age for female offending is 15, which is younger than the peak age for males which is 18
What are the key names for gender victimisation?
The CSEW, Young, Walklate, Hanmer and Saunders, Stanko
The types of crime men and women are victims of differ, men are victims of violence more but the perpetrator is more likely to be a stranger, however women are 2x as likely to have reported non-sexual partner abuse and 7x as likely to report sexual assault
Males account for 7/10 homicide victims and are more likely to be killed by a stranger or an acquaintance, yet over 50% of female homicide victims were killed by a husband or partner
What did the CSEW find about gender victimisation?
shown each year since 1982 that fewer women are victims of crime than men yet levels of victimisation for men have decreased over the past 5 years
What did Young argue about gender victimisation?
points out that the same crime doesn’t have the same meaning or seriousness in all cases, as the ‘meaning of a punch’ depends on the power relationship between the perpetrator and the victim
What did Walklate argue about gender victimisation?
considered repeat victimisation and how women stay in abusive relationships due to being trapped and scared
What did Hanmer and Saunders, and Stanko, argue about gender victimisation?
Hanmer and Saunders carried out unstructured interviews and found that 20% of women in Leeds had been sexually assaulted and not reported it
Stanko found that over one 24 hours droid, an incidence of domestic violence is reported every second