crime and deviance Flashcards
consensus view on functionalism
breaking norms has helped society progress
= if norm of segregated bus travel was not challenged then division of race would still be present. =challenging biased norms
functionalist functions of crime
Functionalist theory of crime: crime is necessary. Besides highlighting its inevitability, Durkheim said that this limited amount of crime is also beneficial for the creation of a healthy society due to the positive functions that it serves for society as a whole.
changes in social norms force changes in legislation
anomie, work of merton strain theory
anomie=sitauation where social norms broke down, 2011riots
theory= a strain is caused by trying to achieve these socially accepted goals, in order to do so, people may turn to violence or crime
albert cohen= subcultures
status frustration
Cohen thinks that everyone learns the same values and goals through socialisation, part of creating a value consensus. In that way, working-class boys have the same life goals as middle-class boys. However, Cohen notes that working-class boys are much less likely to achieve at school than middle-class children. For Cohen this is down to cultural deprivation - working-class attitudes to school and education - rather than a structural issue relating to capitalism or material deprivation
society has structural inequalities impacting working class males so they dont have skills to achieve
subcultures reject norms and values of society
working class male= unable to achieve status to gain employment
achieved status through peer group
studied 2 youth groups
one group was middle class regarded as saints
working class seen as rough necks
both groups commited crime but police focused on rough necks