Crime Flashcards
Describe non-sexual crimes of violence
- Up 6% since 2015-16
- 3% of all crimes recorded in Scotland 2016/17
- e.g homicide etc (1%), robbery (20%), other violence (20%), attempted murder +serious assault (58%)
- Craig McClelland was stabbed to death by James Wright in July 2017
Describe Sexual Crimes
- Up 5% since 2015-16
- 5% of all crimes recorded in Scotland in 2016-17
- e.g crimes associated with prostitution (3%), rape + attempted rape (17%), sexual assault (40%), other sexual crimes (40%)
Describe Crimes of Dishonesty
- Down 2% since 2015-16
- 47% of all crimes recorded in Scotland in 2016-17
- E.g theft by OLP (2%), theft from motor vehicle by OLP (3%), other crimes of dishonesty (4%), theft of motor vehicle (5%), fraud (7%), housebreaking (14%), shoplifting (25%), other theft (40%)
- Famous comedian Micheal McIntyre was robbed by two men on mopeds while parked outside kids school in June 2018
Describe fire-raising, vandalism etc
- Down 3% since 2015-16
- 22% of all crimes recorded in Scotland in 2016-17
- e.g fire raising (5%), vandalism (95%)
- London riots 2011
Describe Other Crimes
- Down 7% since 2015-16
- 23% of all crimes recorded in Scotland in 2016-17
- e.g other (<1%), handling offensive weapons (6%), crimes against public justice (34%), drugs (59%)
How many crimes were recorded in Scotland in 2016-17?
What happened to crime levels in Dumfries and Galloway in 2016-17?
Went up by 1%
What happened to crime levels in Glasgow in 2016-17?
Went up by 1%
In Glasgow, how many crimes per 10,000 people were there in 2016-17?
In Dumfries and Galloway, how many crimes per 10,000 people were there in 2016-17?
In Scotland, how many crimes per 10,000 people were there in 2016-17?
Social causes of crime
- Peer pressure - bullying, fitting in, e.g carry knife or buy alcohol
- Poor role models - parents or siblings who break law, 2012 (37%) of prisoners has family convicted of criminal offence
- Lack of education- low income,unemployment, homelessness, deal drugs, e.g Scotland 2015 (25%) youth prisoners no qualifications
- Lack of care from parents - abuse, addiction, gangs, carry knife, graffiti
Economic causes of crime
- Poverty- can’t afford basics, shoplift, drug dealing, e.g Glasgow one of most socially deprived cities in Scotland and has highest crime rate
- Boredom- socially deprived areas lack activities for young people, unemployed, social activities expensive, do drugs, vandalism, e.g Fergulsie is a socially deprived area of Paisley with high crime rates
- Greed- financial gain, look successful, fraud, e.g MP expenses scandal
Biological causes of crime
- Male- more violent, stand up for themselves, pubs + city centres, prove themselves, e.g 90% of prisoners in Scotland and Uk are men
- Born that way- e.g psychopaths, kill animals when children
- Addiction- drugs/alcohol, fund their habit, alcohol =more violent = assault, e.g Scotland 2011 63% violent crimes perp under influence
Describe impact of crime on perpetrators
- Prison - loss of freedom + contact with fam (Storybook dads day 50%)
- Reoffend- universities of crime, revolving door, e.g 60% reoffend within 2 years
- Drug addiction - rife in prison
- Hard to get jobs - through lack of income return to life of crime
- Education- Open University degrees, qualifications, jobs such as plumber or personal trainer
Impact of crime on victims
- Financial - loss of property, e.g burglary, higher insurance, poverty
- Physical - acid attacks disfigurement, blindness, affect job prospects, poorer health, death
- Emotional- assault =stress/depression, scared to leave home, suicidal
Impact of crime on Families of Victims
- Loss of loves one - e.g Craig McClelland stabbed to death by James Wright had 3 young kids, shocking nature of death lead to anxiety and depression
- Financial difficulties- e.g loss of Craig’s salary, single parent family, extra security measures
Impact of crime on families of perpetrators
- guilty by association- treated negatively, children bullied
- Financial strain- loss of salary, costly prison visits and phone calls,
- Children- 3x more likely to engage in anti social behaviour than peers who don’t have parent in prison, e.g 65% boys with convicted father
Impact of crime on communities
- Employment prospects- business less likely to open, insurance higher due to risk of burglary or vandalism
- ’bad’ name- e.g Lochside in Dumfries, tourists, less money
Impact of crime on wider community
- Taxpayers - prison £50,000 per person per year
* strain on nhs- victims of assault + violence, drug abuse, cost taxpayers