Crime Flashcards
Define the term ‘crime’.
Crime refers to any act that is prohibited by law and punishable by the state.
What is meant by the term ‘deviance’?
Deviance refers to behaviour that violates social norms and expectations.
Describe the difference between ‘formal’ and ‘informal’ social control.
Formal social control involves official institutions such as the police and legal system, while informal social control refers to mechanisms such as peer pressure and family expectations.
Explain the concept of ‘white-collar crime’.
White-collar crime refers to non-violent crimes committed by individuals or organizations in the course of their legitimate occupation for financial gain.
What is meant by the term ‘strain theory’?
Strain theory suggests that deviance occurs when individuals experience a conflict between their goals and the means available to achieve them, leading to feelings of frustration and strain.
Discuss the concept of ‘labelling theory’.
Labelling theory proposes that individuals become deviant as a result of being labelled as such by others, leading to a self-fulfilling prophecy where the labelled individual adopts the deviant identity.
Define the term ‘subculture’.
A subculture is a group within society that holds values, norms, and beliefs that differ from those of the dominant culture.
What is meant by the ‘dark figure of crime’?
The dark figure of crime refers to the amount of crime that goes unreported or undetected by official statistics.
Discuss the impact of social inequality on crime rates.
Social inequality, including factors such as poverty and lack of access to education and employment opportunities, is often correlated with higher rates of crime and deviance.
What is the ‘age-crime curve’?
The age-crime curve illustrates the relationship between age and involvement in criminal activity, showing that offending rates tend to peak during adolescence and decline with age.
Define the term ‘victimization’.
Victimization refers to the experience of being targeted or harmed by criminal activity.
Discuss the role of media in shaping perceptions of crime and deviance.
The media plays a significant role in shaping public perceptions of crime and deviance through the selection and framing of news stories, often emphasizing sensational or violent incidents.
What is meant by the term ‘restorative justice’?
Restorative justice focuses on repairing the harm caused by crime through processes such as victim-offender mediation and community service, emphasizing reconciliation and rehabilitation over punishment.
Describe the concept of ‘state crime’.
State crime refers to illegal or harmful actions committed by governments or state officials in pursuit of political objectives or to maintain power.
Discuss the impact of globalization on crime and deviance.
Globalization has facilitated transnational crime networks and the spread of new forms of deviance, such as cybercrime, while also enabling greater collaboration between law enforcement agencies across borders.
Explain the concept of ‘criminalization’.
Criminalization involves the process of defining certain behaviors or activities as criminal offenses, often influenced by social and political factors, and subjecting individuals who engage in these behaviors to legal sanctions.
What is meant by the term ‘moral panic’
A frenzy whipped up by the media which causes the general public to worry regarding the ‘moral standards’ of society. (Eg - Terrorism in religious centres)
What is an example of a ‘high news value’ crime?
A crime which captures the most readers and is shocking - Kidnap, murder, warfare)