Crew Emergency Comm Procedures Flashcards
Flight Crew Brace Command
“Attention, attention. Brace, brace”
Flight Crew Evacuation Command
Attention, attention. Evacuate, evacuate”
Alert phase command
Attention, attention. Cabin Crew at stations”
End of alert phase
How is it communicated to cabin crew?
“Resume normal duties”
Via intercom - NOT PA
Rapid Disembarkation command
How is it communicated and to who?
“Rapid Disembarkation.”
To cabin crew via interphone
NOT via PA
Pilot incapacitation/Lithium Battery Event Command
“Flight attendant report to the flight deck immediately.”
Decompression Command
“Attention, attention. Emergency Descent”
Rejected take off command
“Remain seated and await further instruction.”
“Attention, attention. Cabin crew at stations.” (Initiating Alert Phase)
Anticipated Severe Turbulence command
“Cabin crew be seated.”
How should commands be made if the PA system is inoperative.
All communication to the cabin shall be made via the interphone to the cabin crew.