Crew Compartment HCR Flashcards
To learn and understand the crew compartment equipment
How many and what categories are the instrument systems divided into?
There are 4
1. Flight Instruments
2. Navigation
4. Miscellaneous
What instruments/systems, are included in the flight category?
1.Pitot / Static system
2. Airspeed Indicator
3. Altimeter
4. Turn & Slip Indicator
5. Vertical Speed Indicator.
What instruments are included in the navigation category
Magnetic compass
What instruments are included in the propulsion category
- Dual Tacho (RRPM/NP)
- Gas Producer (Ng)
- Measured Gas Temperature (MGT)
- Engine Oil Temp / Pressure
- Transmission Oil Pressure / Temp indicator
- Fuel Quantity indicator
- Fuel Pressure and Amps Indicator
What instruments are included in the miscellaneous category
- Clock/OAT/Voltmeter
- Engine Hour meter
What material is the static and pitot internal and drain lines made of?
What does the pitot heat switch do?
Activates the heater elements for the pitot and static lines
What is the PRCU and what is the purpose
PRCU is the Pedal Restrictor Control Unit and receives pitot airspeed inputs to control the electrical stop solenoid.
How does the PRCU work
When airspeed is 55 +-5 KIAS or GREATER the
PRCU electrically energises the solenoid which engages a mechanical restrictor and limits the left pedal travel and operates pedal stop caution light.
When airspeed is 55 +- 5 or LESS the PRCU
de-energises the solenoid and spring pressure retracts the mechanical restrictor and left pedal is returned to normal.
How does an electrical failure effect the PRCU
Solenoid is fail safe and restrictor is retracted with full left pedal available.
How does the Air Speed Indicator work
The IAS gauge reads airspeed by measuring the difference between impact air from pitot tube and static air pressure from the static ports.
How does the Altimeter Work
The altimeter pressure reads altitude above MSL when Kollsman window (barometric pressure setting) is adjusted to reflect the current barometric pressure at sea level for that location.
Blocked pitot tube is indicated by what and what are the hazards
If Pitot tube is blocked and drain hole is open then IAS will go to Zero. If both pitot tube and pitot drain is blocked then IAS will remain constant except for change in Altitude will vary due to changing static pressure.
Blocked static vent is indicated by what and what are the hazards
If the static vent is blocked and the pitot unblocked then the ASI reading will be inaccurate with the inaccuracies depending at what altitude the static source was blocked. A blockage of the static source also effets the altimeter and VSI.
Altimeter remains indicating at the altitude where the source was blocked and the VSI will keep reading 0.
How does the turn and slip indicator work?
The turn and slip indicator is a gyroscopic instrument which powers the turn needle by the 28v DC bus through the TURN C/B switch located on the overhead panel - It indicates the rate of turn ie 3deg or 2 min rate of turn when the the needle lines up with the L or R markers indicating left or right turn. It can also indicate a turn greater than or less than a rate 1 turn if not lined up on the L or R markers.
The instrument will also give an indication of a slip or skid in relation to where the tail is in reference to the nose direction of travel.
Describe the NP/NR Tacho gauge
Is a Dual Tacho instrument NR indication is located on the outside scale and NP indication is located on the inside scale. At flight RPM both NR and NP are 100%.
The NP gauge is powered by individual CB located on overhead panel. A NP monopole speed pick up mounted on the engine provides 2 separate signals to the ECU (Electronic Control Unit) One signal is the primary driver of the NP gauge, and is passed through ECU, even when ECU is not powered and the second signal is the primary input to the ECU.
The NR (rotor) side of the gauge is powered by 28v DC bus through its own CB also located on the overhead panel adjacent to the NP C/B.
An NR monopole speed pickup mounted on the MR Transmission lower case provides three separate identical signal outputs of the Rotor RPM.
One signal is sent to the NR circuit of the dual Tacho gauge, one signal is sent to the ECU and the other is sent to the MR RPM switch.
Describe the MGT gauge.
The Measured Gas Temperature indicator displays engine gas temperature between Gas producer turbine and the Power turbine via 4 probes. The MGT gauge is powered by the 28v DC bus through its own CB on the Overhead panel. The MGT gauge can determine and record 2 separate exceedance levels, one for starting and the other for normal operations.
Describe the Engine Oil pressure/Temperature gauge.
The engine oil pressure /temperature indicator displays oil pressure in PSI on the left side of the instrument and oil temperature in degrees C on the right side. This info is displayed on the trend arcs.
The 28v DC bus powers each side of the indicator through their own
The engine oil temperature input signal is provided by a thermo-bulb installed on the engine oil tank. A transducer mounted on the forward right side of the engine firewall provides engine oil pressure.
Describe the Transmission Oil pressure/Temperature gauge.
oil pressure is measured in PSI on the left side and oil temperature in deg C on the right side of gauge.
28v DC supplies the gauge through individual CB’s locate on the overhead panel.
Transmission oil temp input signal is provided by a thermo-bulb installed on the transmission oil filter manifold.
Transmission oil pressure PSI indication is provided via a transducer which is mounted on the transmission deck oil manifold.
Describe the Fuel gauge instrument.
The fuel quantity indicator displays TOTAL fuel quantity in pounds from three quantity probes located in the fuel cells. The fuel quantity gauge is powered by 28v DC through its own separate CB.
The fuel Quantity gauge indicates the Total USEABLE fuel in both tanks. If an Aux tank is fitted the quantity is automatically calcualted into the aft tank quantity.
Pressing the FUEL QTY TANK button indicates fuel in the forward tank only.
Describe the Fuel Pressure/Ammeter gauge
The fuel pressure/DC ammeter gauge displays fuel pressure in PSI on the left side and DC current load on the Generator on the right sideof the instrument.
Fuel pressure is measured from a pressure transducer located below the fuel valve and measures the output pressure of both boost pumps.
The ammeter indicates the load in amps that is being supplied to the 28vDC bus by the generator. Each side of the gauge is powered by the 28v DC bus through it’s own CB’s.
describe the clock/OAT and Voltmeter
This is a multifunction indicator which is powered by 28v DC through its own CB. When Batt switch is turned on the gauge should default to Volts mode and displays volts at the bus. The red button toggles between OAT and volts.
The flight time feature FT is activated when the aircraft is in flight, ie weight off gear.
Describe the engine hour meter
The engine hour meter is mounted in the battery compartment and is powered through it’s own C/B. The system is activated when NG is greater than 55% and the aircraft is in flight (ie weight off gear)
What gauges are able to record exceedances/ events? How many exceedances and events can be recorded?
The TQ, MGT & NG gauges are able to record up to 50 events and exceedances
What data is recorded if an exceedance or event is recorded
Date, duration and peak value of exceedance is recorded
Why doesn’t the exceedance disappear when the aircraft battery switch turned off.
The Tq, MGT and NG gauges contain a microprocessor with a 10yr lithium backup battery.
How would you know that an exceedance/event has is about to occur during your flight?
The CHECK INSTR caution light will illuminate and gauge trend arcs will begin flashing.
What happens to the gauge if the control inputs are reduced early enough to prevent an exceedance?
If the pilot makes the control inputs to reduce the instrument readings below the advisory values the gauge trend arcs stop flashing (return to normal) and the caution CHECK INSTR light will extinguish. No exceedance will be recorded.
How will you know that an exceedance has occurred?
If a limit has been exceeded the gauge trend arcs will stop flashing and an E plus the exceedance value will appear in the digital readout.
After an exceedance, what happens to the gauge when you acknowledge the exceedance via pressing the INSTR CHK button is pressed.
The CHECK INSTR caution light will remain on until the pilot acknowledges the exceedance by pushing the INSTR CHK button.
Once the pilot pushes the INSTR CHK button the last recorded exceedance will appear for up to 11 sec on the gauge digital readout.
Releasing the INSTR CHK button causes the E and exceedance value to disappear from the digital display and the CHECK INSTR light will extinguish. The instrument will then function normally. The E will only re-appear after 28vDC power has been removed and reapplied to the gauge.
How is the E reset from the gauge after an exceedance
The “E” and the value will continue to display each time the gauge is powered up with 28v DC until the exceedance is removed from the NVM (Non Volitile memory). This information will be stored in the instruments NVM until cleared by a computer.
What do the light colours on the caution warning panel mean?
- Red - Warning
- Amber - Caution
- White/ Green - Advisory
List the red warning lights
- Engine Out
- Engine Overspeed
- XMSN oil Temp
- XMSN Oil Pressure
- FADEC Fail
- Engine Fire
List the Amber Caution Lights
List the White Advisory Lights
What does the term Land as soon as possible mean?
Land without delay at the nearest suitable are (open field) at which a safe approach and landing is reasonably assured
What does the term land as soon as practical mean
The landing site and duration of flight is at the discretion of the pilot. Extended flight beyond nearest approved landing area is not recommended.
What does the ENGINE OUT warning light mean when the Fadec is in Auto mode?
The ENGINE OUT warning light provides an audio and visual indication when NG RPM falls below
55% +- 1 %.
In the Fadec auto mode the ECU will close the engine out relay, activating the ENGINE OUT warning light and audio alarm.
What does the ENGINE OUT warning light mean when Fadec is in the Manual mode?
In the Fadec Manual mode the ENGINE OUT relay is connected directly to the NG speed sensor. When NG RPM drops below
55% +- 1% activating the ENGINE OUT warning light and audio alarm.
What operates the RPM warning light?
The Rotor RPM warning light and audio (continuous tone) operate when NR sensor detects RPM decelerating below 95%
RPM Warning light only operated for high RPM exceeding 107%
What steps do you take if the Pedal Stop fails to disengage below 50 KIAS
Use the hand operated mechanical release to manually disengage the pedal stop mechanism.
What precautions in regard to Pedal stop mechanism should you be aware of in the event of a power failure.
Electrical failure would make the Pedal Stop mechanism inoperable. Speed should be limited to below 50kts or Left pedal inputs restricted to above 50kts.
What operates the BATTERY RELAY caution light
BATTERY RELAY operates when the battery is placed into the off position and the battery relay remains closed.
What operates the ENGINE OVSPD warning light
The ENGINE OVSPD light is operated when NG exceeds 110% or NP v Tq is above the maximum continuous limit (102.4% NP @100%Tq to 108.6% NP a@ 0%Tq).
What is the purpose of the CYCLIC CENTERING caution light and when is it activated?
The purpose of the CYCLIC CENTERING caution light is to reduce mast stresses on the rotor head. The system is enabled through the weight on gear switch.
What operates the HYDRAULIC SYSTEM caution light?
The HYDRAULIC SYSTEM caution light illuminates when hydraulic pressure decreases below 650psi and extinguishes when pressure increases above 750psi
What operates the GEN FAIL caution light
The GEN FAIL caution light operates when the generator is not on line or has failed.
What operates the CHECK INSTR caution light ?
CHECK INSTR caution light will operate when Tq, MGT, or NG has or is about to have an exceedance.
What operates the XMSN OIL PRESSURE warning light
The XMSN OIL PRESS warning light will operate when pressure decreases to 30 PSI +_2 and extinguishes when pressure increases to 38PSI. The pressure transducer is located in the transmission oil manifold assembly.
What operates the XSMN OIL TEMP warning light.
The XSMN OIL TEMP warning light will operate when the transmission oil temp rises above 110deg +-5 deg. A thermal switch is located on the transmission -mounted oil filter manifold.
What operates the ENGINE CHIP caution light
Either of the 2 magnetic chip detectors will operate the ENGINE CHIP caution light when enough ferrous material is attracted to the chip plug causing the electrical circuit to complete.
What operates the XSMN CHIP caution light
What operates the T/R CHIP plug
The T/R chip detector will operate the TR CHIP caution light when enough ferrous material has been attracted to the chip plug to complete the circuit
What operates the FADEC FAIL warning light and audio alarm
A FADEC FAIL warning light will and FADEC FAIL horn will sound when the ECU has detected a failue of the FADEC system.
What operates the FADEC DEGRADED caution light? What does it mean?
The FADEC DEGRADED caution light receives it’s signal from the ECU. The light indicates a degraded condition. It may also illuminate during shutdown indicating that a FADEC related error code has been recorded by the ECU.
What operates the FADEC MANUAL caution light?
The FADEC MANUAL caution light receives its signal from the ECU when the FADEC is operating in Manual mode. The AUTO RELIGHT white advisory light will also be illuminated.
What operates the FADEC FAULT caution light and what does it indicate?
The FADEC FAULT caution light receives it’s signal from the ECU. This light indicates that MGT, NP or Ng automatic limiting circuits may not be functional or that the PMA has failed.
What does the RESTART FAULT advisory light indicate?
The white advisory light indicates that a subsequent automatic engine start may not be possible.
What does the FUEL LOW caution light indicate
LOW FUEL indicates
100 +- 10lbs fuel remains in the aft fuel cell.
What prevents flickering of the LOW FUEL caution light?
The input from the low level detector is passed through the fuel signal conditioner providing a +- 13 sec time delay to reduce the possibility of intermittent annuciator flickering due to sloshing.
What operates the the L/FUEL BOOST & R/FUEL BOOST caution lights
The respective fuel pressure switch located at the base of each pump operates the corresponding caution light when fuel pressure drops to 1.5psi or lower. The light extinguishes when pressure increases to 5 PSI and above
What operates the the L/FUEL XFR & R/FUEL XFR caution lights.
The respective fuel pressure switch located at the base of each pump operates the corresponding caution light when fuel pressure drops to 1.5psi or lower. The light extinguishes when pressure increases to 5 PSI and above
What caution light will be illuminated when fuel transfer from the forward tank is complete.
SN 5300 to 53174, caution lights will be illuminated for approx 2 1/2 mins then extinguish when fuel from forward tanks is complete.
SN 53175 and subsequent caution light will only illuminate in the event of a pump failure ie No indication that fuel transfer is complete.
What information is critical to know in regard to fuel quantity in the event of a dual fuel transfer pump failure.
In the event of a dual transfer pump failure up to 150lbs of fuel may be trapped in the forward tank
What does the FUEL FILTER caution light indicate
The FUEL FILTER caution light indicates an impending airframe fuel filter bypass. (1 psi difference) The airframe filter will bypass at 4 PSI differential
What does the FUEL VALVE caution light indicate
The FUEL VALVE caution illuminates when the fuel valve position differs from the switch indication or when the valve is in transit between the open and closed positions.
What does the HEATER OVERTEMP caution light indicate
The HEATER OVERTEMP caution light indicates that one of the 3 temperature sensors has reached 104deg. Sensors are located under pilot and copilot seats and passenger compartment heating duct.
What does the BAGGAGE DOOR caution light indicate?
BAGGAGE DOOR caution warning light indicates Baggage door potentially opened or microswitch faulty.
What does the LITTER DOOR caution light indicate?
The LITTER DOOR caution light indicates door not secured correctly or either the upper or lower door striker microswitch is faulty.
What does the AUTO RELIGHT advisory light indicate
The AUTO RELIGHT indicates the engine igniter is operating.
What conditions will cause the AUTO RELIGHT advisory light to illuminate.
During start - AUTO RELIGHT advisory light should remain on until NG reaches 60%
When FADEC in Manual mode above 55%
FADEC detects engine out condition with NG above 50%
What does the START advisory light indicate
The start light illuminates when the start relay is energised and extinguishes when NG reaches 50%
What doe the Engine ANTI-ICE advisory light indicate?
The light illuminates when the engine anti icing system is operating.
What does the ENGINE FIRE warning light indicate
This kit is optional and not fitted to Hevilift B407’s
What effect would an electrical failure have on the Anti-Ice system and aircraft performance?
The engine anti-ice system is fail safe in the sense that it requires power to turn it off. When the Eng Anti-Ice switch is on (solenoid valve de-energised) hot bleed air passes from the compressor diffuser through the anti-ice valve to the engine inlet housing.
This heater air will reduce the aircraft performance.