creative writing terminology Flashcards
is a category of writing that has a particular kind of content or structure, such as narrative, mystery, fantasy, sci-fi, etc.
In general, characters are humans, but can also be animals, aliens, and even the landscape.
refers to the narrator who relates the story to the reader. the narrator often a character in the story is the eyes, ears, an voice of the story.
where the story takes place. whether it’s grandmas farm, a boat in the Atlantis ocean, outer space, or simply a backyard, the setting should have plenty details. it helps a reader imagine whats happening.
The plot is the sequence in which the writer arranges the events for the story.
The main character in a literary work; the hero.
a conversation in literature. dialogue generally refers to anything spoken by a character, even if the character is not actually speaking to anyone to anyone or having conversation. something the term is broadened to include direct thoughts from a character.
A conversation is literature. dialogue generally refers to anything spoken by a character, even if the character is not actually speaking to anyone or having a conversation. Sometimes the term is broadened to include direct thoughts from a character.
the use of words including range of vocabulary, the choice of wording, word order, and style of use.
An appendix to a text or other work intended to wrap up any last loose ends of the plot.
Figure of speech
An expressive use of language, such as a metaphor or pun, used to suggest an image or comparison. In a figure of speech, words are not used literally.
is the is of exaggeration for emphasis not meant to be taken literally. if used too often, hyperbole loses effect.
The sensory detail referring more specifically to figures of speech, which produce mental images for the reader.
a figure of speech combining contradictory words for descriptive purposes.
the preface or introduction to a story.
Writer’s block
An unfortunate condition! it refers to when a writer is unable to continue writing because his/ hers brain feels “blocked”