Creation Flashcards
Who is the succession of the 12 apostles?
The bishops
What is the Bible?
The whole Bible is considered the word of God for Catholics
This means the writer were inspired by the Holy Spirit
Who does Adam represent in the creation of Adam by Michaelangelo?
All humans
What are some aspects of Adam in the creation of Adam by Michelangelo?
Adam is the perfect man who is full of strength
reflects belief that God’s creation is ’very good’ and that humans are the high point of creation
What are some aspects of God in the creation of Adam by Michelangelo?
-God is ancient, showing he is eternal
Made to look powerful, muscular, strong, surrounded by angels from heaven and not held back by the physical world
What is happening to God in the painting of the creation of Adam?
God is being carried through the air by angels
showing his transcendence
What three things is the red outline behind God seem to be?
A womb: showing God giving life
A heart: showing that God love for us all
A brain: God is all knowing
What does God and Adam are lying in similar positions show?
That humans are made in Gods image
What does the hands almost touching show in the creation of Adam painting?
Humans need a close relationship with God
And that humans depend on God for life
What does the hand of God artwork show?
God’s hand is large – showing his power and greatness
Lines from God’s hands show that God created everything in the universe
What is the nature of God?
God is the creator
God is omnipotent
God is transcendent
What does God the creator show?
All creations are special
Humans share qualities with God
“Humans are made in the image of God”
What is God is omnipotent show?
Good, has the power to do whatever he wants
This inspires Christians to trust in God
“so everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good”
What does God transcendent show?
Shows he is all above human understanding
“There, God said let there be light, and there was light”
What is the nature of humans?
God gives humans the spirit of God
God gives humans free will
Who was George Le maitre?
A Roman Catholic, priest scientist, who made up the belief that the universe was made by a massive explosion known as the Big Bang
Who was Russell Stannard?
He said that there is no conflict between science and religion
Instead, they work together to give us a clearer understanding of God’s creation
What does religion and science do?
They give us a clearer picture
Religion gives you the WHY
Science gives you the HOW
What is the belief in natural law?
Our understanding of right and wrong comes from human nature
Where did the belief in natural law come from?
The belief that God made all humans in his image, therefore humans share in gods, goodness
And have a understanding of right and wrong
What are the two basic natural laws?
“do good and avoid evil”
“Protect and preserve life”
What does stewardship mean?
This means looking after the world with care and love on behalf of God
What does the sanctity of life mean?
This means every stage of life should be treated with care and respect
What does the nature of God do?
We can learn about God’s characteristics
What is laudato si?
Is a encyclical that Pope Francis wrote in 2015 is about our responsibility to protect the planet and everyone in it
How on a local level, can we help with the environment?
Reduce the amount of unnecessary rubbish, they produce in their homes
How on a national level can we help with the environment?
Support and buy products from environment, friendly businesses
How on a global level can we help with the environment?
Help expose, multinational companies that threaten the environment
What is sustainability?
Living in a way that respects the environment and this means using natural resources are rate which they can be replaced
What are the two ways CAFOD support sustainability?
Encouraging people to live more, simply such as waste less and use view and natural resources
They work with groups like MONLAR in Sri Lanka, which helped farmers use sustainable, inexpensive farming methods
What is the dignity of humans?
God made us in his image, and therefore all humans are equal and everyone deserves respect
What is a fundamentalist?
Some Christians interpret the creation stories literal and therefore disagree with science
A quote for stewardship
‘The Lord put Adam in the garden of Eden to till it (raise crops) and keep it’
A quote for equality
‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself’
Name four books/types of writing found in the old Testament
What is the writing law about?
Tells them the laws of rules they have to follow
What is the writing history about?
Shows how god help the Jews and were ncluded to help to future generations to not make same mistakes
What is the writing wisdom about?
Includes a mixture of prayers, palms, poems, and these help people understand their faith and praise God
Is the writing prophecy about?
The books of the prophets inspired words challenging people to remain faithful to God
Are the four main sections of the new Testament?
Act of the apostles
The epistles
The book of Revelation
What is gospel about?
Cover the actions and teachings of Jesus
What is the act of the apostles about?
Tells us some of the events in the early church
What is the epistles about?
Letters that were written by the apostles and discussed how to follow Jesus’s teachings in every day life
What is the book of revelation about?
Written by the apostle John and includes his own mystical visions and some Christian beliefs that describe the end of the world