Give 2 reasons ludendorf wanted to create a more democratic system of government after the war?
1 ) Germany would be likely to gain more favourable peace terms in the armistice
2) to undermine
growing revolutionary sentiment in Germany that was
inspired by revolution in
Russia. He feared people of Germany might be liable
to break out into mass disturbances.
What was the name of the new voting system for the Wiemar republic?
Proportional representation
Name 3 powers of the new president.
1) The supreme command of the armed forces,
2) Ability to appoint the chancellor of the Reichstag
3) To completely dissolve the Reichstag should he w
What were the name of the group of people that signed the armistice in 1918.
November criminals
Define the term “Freikorps”.
Private army made of ex soldiers and unemployed youths led by ex-officers and military personnel. they firs formed in 1918 in the wake of Germany’s defeat in the first world war.
Define artical 48
The article in the Wiemar constitution that allowed the president to suspend the Reichstag’s in an emergency and rule by decree.
What role did the freikorps play in the sparticist revolt
to hold back communist invasion and the spariticist leaders to protect elbert and the weimar government
What is meant by the cold war?
when two sides try to defeat each other using political propaganda, economic restrictions and agreements and military intervention but with no direct conflict. E.g. USSR and the USA after the second war.
what is meant by the Marshall plan
economic aid plan set up for European counties in 1947 to aid them with supplies such as food, railway carriages’ , monitor help post war recovery and it provided aid to prevent the USSR from gaining influence
What is meant by the term volksstrurm
the Nazi home guard, formed in October 1944 as a last ditch defence against invasion.
What is meant by lebensraum?
“living space”- land taken from other countries to provide Germany with farmland and natural resources
State 4 key features of the Nazi government?
leadership decision-making control administration one nation
What were 2 the military implications from the treaty of Versailles?
Germany was limited to 100 000 troops that could not leave Germany
Not allowed an air force
No warship over 10 000 tonnes
Not allowed tanks or heavy artillery
Name 2 lands Germany lost due to the treaty of versailes
Alsace, Lorraine, eupen, Malmedy, Upper Silesia
How much reparation did Germany have to pay as part of the treaty of Versailles.
132 000 million gold marks