CRch3 Flashcards
CR Chapter 3
As soon as what? Jesus was baptized. 3:16
CR Chapter 3
Do not think what? You can say to yourselves, We have Abraham as our father. 3:9
CR Chapter 3
Every tree that does not what? Produce good fruit. 3:10
CR Chapter 3
He h
He had what? A leather belt around his waist. 3:4
CR Chapter 3
He w
He was what? Baptizing. 3:7
CR Chapter 3
He we
He went up where? Out of the water. 3:16
CR Chapter 3
I am n
I am not what? Whose sandals I am not fit to carry. 3:11
CR Chapter 3
I am w
I am what? Well pleased. 3:17
CR Chapter 3
I l
I love whom? This is my Son whom I love. 3:17
CR Chapter 3
I t
I tell you what? Out of these stones God can raise up children for Abraham. 3:9
CR Chapter 3
Jesus was what? Baptized. 3:16
CR Chapter 3
Prepare what? The way for the Lord. 3:3
CR Chapter 3
The k
The kingdom of heaven is what? Near. 3:2
CR Chapter 3
The s
The Spirit of whom? God. 3:16
CR Chapter 3
The wh
The whole what? Region of the Jordan. 3:5
CR Chapter 3
They were what? Baptized by him in the Jordan River. 3:6
CR Chapter 3
To fulfill what? All righteousness. 3:15
CR Chapter 3
We h
We have what? Abraham as our father. 3:9
CR Chapter 3
What i
What is near? The kingdom of heaven. 3:2
CR Chapter 3
What k
What kingdom? The kingdom of heaven. 3:2
CR Chapter 3
What p
What prophet? The prophet Isaiah. 3:3
CR Chapter 3
What r
What region? The whole region of the Jordan. 3:5
CR Chapter 3
What wa
What was spoken of through the prophet Isaiah? A voice of one calling in the desert, ‘Prepare the way for the Lord, make sraight paths for him.’ 3:3
CR Chapter 3
Whose clothes? John’s clothers. 3:4
CR Chapter 3
You b
You brood of vipers, what? Who warned you to flee from the coming wrath? 3:7
CR Chapter 3
You c
?? You can what? You can say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father.’ 3:9