CRch2 Flashcards
CR Chapter 2
An angel of the Lord what? Appeared to Joseph in a dream. 2:13,19
CR Chapter 2
After they had what? Heard the king. 2:9
CR Chapter 2
As soon as what? You find him. 2:8
CR Chapter 2
Great what? Mourning. 2:18
CR Chapter 2
He g
He gave orders to what? Kill al the boys in Bethlehem and its vicinity who were two years old and under. 2:16
CR Chapter 2
He wa
He was afraid why? When he heard that Archelaus was reigning in Judea in place of his father Herod, he was afraid. 2:22
CR Chapter 2
He we
He went and lived where? In a town called Nazareth. 2:23
CR Chapter 2
He wi
He will what? Save his people from their sins. 1:21
CR Chapter 2
In accordance with what? The time he had learned from the Magi. 2:16
CR Chapter 2
Jesus was what? Born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod. 2:1
CR Chapter 2
King of whom? King of the Jews. 2:2
CR Chapter 2
Report to whom? Me. 2:8
CR Chapter 2
Stay where? There (Egypt). 2:13
CR Chapter 2
The l
The Lord had said throught the prophet what? Out of Egypt I called my son. 2:15
CR Chapter 2
The r
The rulers of whom? Judah. 2:6
CR Chapter 2
They w
They went where? On their way. 2:9
CR Chapter 2
They we
They were what? Overjoyed. 2:10
CR Chapter 2
This is what? What the prophet has written. 2:5
CR Chapter 2
What c
What country? Their country. 2:12
CR Chapter 2
What p
What prophet? The prophet Jeremiah. 2:17
CR Chapter 2
What t
What town? A town called Nazareth. 2:23
CR Chapter 2
What vi
What vicinity? Bethlehem and its vicinity. 2:16
CR Chapter 2
What vo
What voice? A voice is heard in Ramah. 2:18
CR Chapter 2
When h
When he had what? Called together all the people’s chief priests and teachers of the law. 2:4
CR Chapter 2
When th
When they had what? Gone. 2:13
CR Chapter 2
Who a
Who appeared? (same answer) An angel of the Lord. 2:13
CR Chapter 2
Who d
Who died? Herod. 2:19
CR Chapter 2
Who h
Who heard this? King Herod. 2:3
CR Chapter 2
Who w
Who worshiped him? They. 2:11