Crash Course Flashcards
According to the NASM Code of Conduct, list four guidelines a trainer must adhere to protect the public and the profession.
- Not diagnose or treat illness or injury unless for basic first aid or if the Certified Professional is legally licensed to do so and is working in that capacity at that time
- Not train clients with a diagnosed health condition unless the Certified Professional has been specifically trained to do so,
- Not begin to train a client prior to receiving and reviewing a current health-history questionnaire signed by the client.
- Hold a current cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and automated external defibrillator (AED) certification from a NASM-approved provider at all times
List the 10 steps to business success in fitness.
- Decide on an income figure
- Identify weekly earnings required for that goal
- Calculate the number of required weekly sessions
- Identify the required closing percentage
- Create client conversion timeline
- Identify the total number of interactions required based on the closing percentage
- Identify the required amount of daily interactions
- Do an hour by hour daily breakdown of interactions
- Make sure you obtain contact information
- Conduct follow-ups
What are the 4 P’s of marketing in fitness?
1 – Product
2 – Price
3. -Placement
4 – Promotion
What are the 4 key steps to “asking for the sale”.
1 – Be visible and available
2 – Be confident enough to ask for the sale
3 – Display value and quality of service. Market your personality as well as your product
4 – Remain is consistent contact with prospective and current clients
What are the ways you can overcome the objection to a sale?
– Empathize with and understand the client’s concerns
– Isolate the actual drawbacks
– Remind the client of the benefits
– Make a plan to resolve concerns
List five tips that can enhance the quality of communication.
– Use of appropriate body language
– Provide an explanation of important concepts
– Show empathy and compassion
– Use positive reinforcement
– Use positive greeting protocols (smile, handshake. hello)
Define SMART Goals
S Specific M Measurable A Attainable R Realistic T Timely
List eight important considerations in goal expectation management.
- Understand the client’s motivations
- Hone in and clarify vague statements like “I want to get fit” or “I want to look better”
- Allow clients to verbalize their goals for more clarity
- Identify unrealistic outcomes
- Set goals based on the SMART principles
- Be able to contrast between product and progress based goals
- Be aware that progress occurs at different rates for different clients
- Identify how and when each client’s goals will be reassessed and revisited
List five common barriers to successful behavioral change.
Time constraints
– Setting unrealistic goals
– Inadequate social support
– Social anxiety and low self-esteem, Convenience or addictiveness of current behavioral patterns
What key topics should be discussed at the end of each initial session with a new client?
– If the client is ready to begin or has any further questions/queries
– The social dynamics, etiquette, and training culture of the facility
– Dress code
– The potential outcomes of interactions with other clients/members
Define the 3 main functions of the nervous system.
The three primary functions of the nervous system include sensory, integrative, and motor functions. Sensory Function is the ability of the nervous system to sense changes in either the internal or external environment. Integrative Function is the ability of the CNS to analyze and interpret sensory information to allow for proper decision making, which produces an appropriate response. Motor Function is then the body’s response (via the efferent pathway) to that integrated sensory information, such as causing a muscle to contract when stretched too far or changing one’s walking pattern when transitioning from walking on a sidewalk to walking in the sand.