Cranium Bones Flashcards
forms the forehead
where sound enters and leads to the eardrum
external meatus
what suture connects the 2 parietal bones?
sagittal suture
what suture connects the frontal and parietal bone?
coronal suture
protects the brain
connects the occipital and parietal
protects the eyes and brain
protects the brain and ears
attaches the side of neck muscles and ligaments
styloid process
what suture connects the parietal and temporal bones?
squamous suture
forms the superior and lateral walls of the cranium
sharp needle like projection
styloid process
butterfly shaped and spans width of skull
provides protection to ear and eye
zygomatic process
forms a snug enclosure for the pituitary gland
sphenoid bone
forms roof of the nasal cavity
ethmoid bone
forms base and back walls of the skull
full of air cavities - sinuses
sphenoid sinuses
allows spinal cord to connect with the brain
foramen magnum
rest on the first vertebrae of the spinal column
occipital condyles
joins with the cheek bone
zygomatic process
medial part of the sphenoid bone
sella turcica
attachment site for muscles of the neck
mastoid process
forms the floor of the cranial cavity