Craniofacial and Musculature Flashcards
Includes mandible
Skull w/out mandible
Upper part of cranium that covers brain
Runs front to back
Sagittal plane
Runs right to left
Coronal plane
Functions of skull
Protect brain
Scaffold for muscles
of bones of skull
22 bones
6 ossicles
Skull broken up into 2 parts
Cranium bones and #
Frontal, parietal (2), temporal (2), occipital, sphenoid, ethmoid
Facial bones and #
Vomer, inferior nasal concha (2), nasal (2), lacrimal (2), maxilla (2), palatine (2), zygoma (2), mandible
Parts of maxilla
Anterior nasal spine
Orbital cavity bones (7)
Frontal Sphenoid Zygoma Maxilla Palatine Lacrimal Ethmoid
Roof of orbit
Lesser wing of sphenoid
Lateral wall of orbit
Greater wing of sphenoid
Floor of orbit
Palatine bone
Median wall of orbit
Body of sphenoid
3 parts of nasal cavity
Nasal septum
Nasal concha
What attaches above infraorbital foramen
Levator labii superioris
What attaches below infraorbital foramen
Levator anguli oris
What attaches medial to mental foramen
Depressor labii inferioris
What attaches below mental foramen
Depressor anguli oris
Bones of anterior cranial fossa
2 parts of ethmoid seen in anterior cranial fossa
Crista galli
Cribiform plate
Bones of middle cranial fossa
Bones of posterior cranial fossa
Foramen rotundum
V2 Maxillary nerve
Foramen ovale
V3 Mandibular nerve
Accessory meningeal artery
Foramen spinosum
Middle meningeal vessels
Recurrent branch from mandibular nerve
Foramen lacerum
Internal carotid artery
Meningeal branch of ascending pharyngeal artery
Jugular foramen
Internal jugular vein
CN 9, 10, 11
Hypoglossal foramen
CN 12
Meningeal branch of ascending pharyngeal artery
Foramen magnum
Medulla oblongota
Spinal accessory nerve
Vertebral/spinal arteries
Superior orbital fissure
CN 3 CN 4 CN 6 Nasociliary nerve Lacrimal nerve Frontal nerve Ophthalmic veins
Inferior orbital fissure
Maxillary nerve
Zygomatic nerve
Infraorbital vessels
Veins to pterygoid plexus
Mandibular foramen
Inferior alveolar nerve and vessels
Mental foramen
Mental nerve and vessels
Incisive foramen
Nasopalatine nerve
Terminal branch of descending palatine vessels
Greater palatine foramen
Greater palatine nerve
Descending palatine vessels
Lesser palatine foramen
Lesser palatine nerves
Supraorbital foramen
Supraorbital N & A
Infraorbital foramen
Infraorbital N & A
Zygomatioorbital foramen
Zygomaticofacial nerve
Zygomaticotemporal nerve
Zygomaticotemporal foramen
Zygomaticotemporal nerve
Zygomaticofacial foramen
Zygomaticofacial nerve and vessels
Stylomastoid foramen
CN 7
Stylomastoid artery
Masseter origin and insertion
Deep: Inferior/posterior and medial zygomatic arch
Superficial: Lower border of zygomatic arch
Deep: Lateral ramus
Superficial: Lateral ramus
Masseter action
Mandibular elevation/closure
Masseter BV & N
Masseteric artery (maxillary branch)
Masseter nerve V3
Temporalis origin and insertion
Temporal fossa and fascia
Coronoid process and anterior ramus
Temporalis action
Mandibular elevation/closure
Retrude mandible
Temporalis BV & N
Deep temporal artery (maxillary branch)
Posterior and anterior deep temporal nerve (V3)
Lateral pterygoid origin
Superior head: Infratemporal crest and greater wing of sphenoid
Inferior head: Lateral surface of lateral pterygoid plate
Lateral pterygoid insertion
Superior head: Pterygoid fovea (condylar neck), TMJ disk and articular capsule
Inferior head: Pterygoid fovea
Lateral pterygoid action
Protrude and open (depress) mandible
Lateral movement
Lateral pterygoid BV & N
Pterygoid artery (maxillary branch)
Lateral pterygoid nerve V3
Medial pterygoid origin
Superficial head: Maxillary tuberosity and lateral surface pyramidal process of palatine bone
Deep head: Medial surface lateral pterygoid plate and posterior surface of pyramidal process of palatine bone
Medial pterygoid insertion
Medial surface of ramus below lingula
Medial pterygoid action
Close (elevate) and protrude mandible
Medial pterygoid BV & N
Pterygoid artery (maxillary branch)
Medial pterygoid nerve V3
Elevation of mandible
Medial pterygoid
Depression of mandible
Lateral pterygoid
Protrusion of mandible
Lateral pterygoid
Medial pterygoid
Retrusion of mandible
Right lateral movement of mandible
Right masseter
Right temporalis
Left medial pterygoid
Left lateral pterygoid
Buccinator origin and insertion
Origin: Pterygomandibular raphe, maxillary and mandibular buccal alveolar process
Modiolus/upper and lower lips
Buccinator action
Compresses cheeks
Buccinator BV & N
Buccal artery (maxillary branch)
Buccal branch of CN 7
Anterior digastric origin and insertion
Intermediate tendon - continuous with posterior belly
Digastric fossa anterior lower border of mandible
Anterior digastric action
Draws hyoid bone forward
Anterior digastric BV & N
Submental artery
Mylohyoid nerve V3
Posterior digastric origin and insertion
Mastoid/digastric notch posterior to mastoid
Intermediate tendon associated with hyoid
Posterior digastric action
Raises hyoid
Posterior digastric BV & N
Occipital artery
Posterior auricular artery
Digastric branch of CN 7
Mylohyoid origin and insertion
Mylohyoid ridge (mandible)
Hyoid, median raphe
Mylohyoid action
Elevates hyoid, base of tongue, and floor of mouth
Mylohyoid BV & N
Submental artery
Mylohyoid nerve V3
Geniohyoid origin and insertion
Inferior mental spine/genial tubercle
Hyoid bone
Geniohyoid action
Draws tongue and hyoid forward
Geniohyoid BV & N
Sublingual artery
Ansa cervicalis C1
What muscles are suprahyoid?
Anterior digastric, posterior digastric, mylohyoid, geniohyoid
3 extrinsic muscles of the tongue
Functions of extrinsic tongue muscles
Tongue movements
Genioglossus origin and insertion
Superior mental spine/genial tubercle
Tongue, hyoid
Genioglossus action
Protrude tongue
Retract tip of tongue
Depress tongue
Genioglossus BV & N
Lingual artery
Hypoglossal nerve - CN 12
Hyoglossus origin and insertion
Lateral tongue
Hyoglossus action
Depress dorsum of tongue
Pulls lateral borders down
Hyoglossus BV & N
Lingual artery
Hypoglossal nerve - CN 12
Styloglossus origin insertion
Styloid process
Lateral tongue
Styloglossus action
Retract tongue
Draws up sides of tongue
Styloglossus BV & N
Lingual artery
Hypoglossal nerve - CN 12
Tensor veli palatine origin and insertion
Lateral aspect of auditory tube and scaphoid fossa
Comes around hamulus to insert into palate aponeurosis
TVP action
Tense/elevate palate
Opens auditory tube during yawning/swallowing
Ascending palatine artery
Ascending pharyngeal artery
V3 branch
Levator veli palatine origin and insertion
Petrous portion of temporal bone, medial aspect of auditory tube
Palatine aponeurosis
LVP action
Elevates palate during swallowing/yawning
Ascending palatine artery
Ascending pharyngeal artery
Accessory spinal nerve CN 11 via the vagus CN 10
Palatopharyngeus origin and insertion
Palate aponeurosis
Lateral wall of pharynx
Palatopharyngeus action
Closes oropharyngeal isthmus by elevating pharynx
Palatopharyngeus BV & N
Ascending pharyngeal artery
Accessory spinal nerve CN 11 via vagus CN 10
Palatoglossus origin and insertion
Palatine aponeurosis
Lateral aspect of tongue
Palatoglossus action
Closes oropharyngeal isthmus by approximating the tongue and soft palate
Palatglossus BV & N
Ascending pharyngeal artery
Accessory spinal nerve CN 11 via vagus CN 10
Uvular origin and insertion
Posterior nasal spine
Uvular action
Raises uvula
Uvular BV & N
Ascending palatine artery
Ascending pharyngeal artery
Accessory spinal nerve CN 11 via vagus CN 10