Cranial Oncology Flashcards
In the UK, which one of the following state- ments regarding driving restrictions due to neurological disorders is LEAST accurate?
a. Driving can be reconsidered 6 months after craniotomy for a benign meningi- oma if there is no seizure history
b. Driving can be considered after 12 months for most craniotomies
c. Driving can be considered whenever there is no residual impairment likely to affect driv- ing after trans-sphenoidal pituitary surgery
d. Driving can be considered after 6 months for after craniotomy for a benign brain- stem tumor if asymptomatic
e. Driving can be considered 3 years after craniotomy for high-grade glioma if safe to do so and no evidence of tumor progression
e. Driving can be considered 3 years after craniotomy for high-grade glioma if safe to do so and no evidence of tumor progression
- First seizure: 6 months off driving if the license holder has undergone assessment by an appropriate specialist and no relevant abnormality has been identified on investiga- tion, for example, EEG and brain scan where indicated. For patients with established epi- lepsy they must be fit free for 12 months before being able to drive
- Stroke or TIA: 1 month off driving, multi- ple TIAs over a short period of time: 3 months off driving
- Craniotomy for low-grade tumor: 1 year off driving (if the tumor is a benign meningi- oma and there is no seizure history, license can be reconsidered 6 months after surgery if remains seizure free)
- Craniotomy for high-grade tumor: 2 years off driving, and no evidence of tumor pro- gression before
Pituitary tumor surgery: driving can resume when safe after trans-sphenoidal surgery but if a craniotomy is required 6 months off driving - Chronic neurological disorders (e.g. multi- ple sclerosis, motor neuron disease, Alzhei- mer’s) DVLA should be informed, complete application for driving license holders state of health
- Syncope: simple faint: no restriction, single episode, explained and treated: 4 weeks off, single episode, unexplained: 6 months off, two or more episodes: 12 months off.
- Stereotactic radiosurgery: Do not drive for 1 month after treatment
- Benign brainstem/posterior fossa tumor: can return to driving as soon as recovered from surgery but let DVLA know (you do not need to tell DVLA about acoustic neuromas unless you have dizziness).
Which one of the following lists of primary brain tumors is in order of frequency (highest to lowest)?
a. Glioblastoma multiforme, meningioma, nerve sheath tumors, diffuse astrocytoma, pituitary tumors
b. Meningioma, glioblastoma multiforme, diffuse astrocytoma, pituitary tumors, nerve sheath tumors
c. Meningioma, glioblastoma multiforme, pituitary tumors, nerve sheath tumors, diffuse astrocytoma
d. Meningioma, pituitary tumors, glioblas- toma multiforme, nerve sheath tumors, diffuse astrocytoma
e. Pituitary tumors, meningioma, glioblas- toma multiforme, nerve sheath tumors, diffuse astrocytoma
d. Meningioma, pituitary tumors, glioblas- toma multiforme, nerve sheath tumors, diffuse astrocytoma
The commonest intracranial tumors are brain metastases (just over 50%). Incidence of primary brain tumors is approximately 20-30 per 100,000 in adults and 5 per 100,000 children. Approxi- mately one third of primary brain tumors in adults are malignant whereas they account for two thirds in childhood. Frequency of WHO subgroups and specific tumors is given:
Which one of the following statements regarding brain metastases in adults is LEAST accurate?
a. Brain metastases are over twice as com- mon in small cell lung cancer than non- small cell lung cancer
b. Distribution of brain metastases in the CNS is proportional to amount of arterial blood supplied
c. Colorectal cancer has a higher propensity for brain metastases than breast cancer
d. Melanoma is the third most commonly
diagnosed type of brain metastases
e. Prostate cancer is the most frequent can- cer of males but has a low propensity to
metastasize to the brain
c. Colorectal cancer has a higher propensity for brain metastases than breast cancer
Colorectal cancer has a higher propensity for brain metastases than breast cancer The majority of brain metastases diagnosed origi- nate from lung, breast, melanoma, renal and colo- rectal primary tumors—reflecting how common those primary cancers are, but not necessarily their respective propensity for metastasizing to the brain. Propensity for spread to brain parenchyma is high in melanoma, small cell lung cancer, cho- riocarcinoma, and other germ cell tumors; inter- mediate in breast cancer, non-small cell lung cancer (adenocarcinoma > squamous cell), and renal cell carcinoma; low in prostate, colorectal, ovarian carcinoma, thyroid cancer and sarcomas. Metastases spread via the circulation and seed at the gray-white matter junction, and particularly watershed areas (most obviously PCA vs. MCA border) in a distribution proportional to amount of arterial blood supplied: 80% occur in cerebral hemispheres, 15% in posterior fossa and 5% in the brainstem. The frequency of metastases found at autopsy is much higher than that detected during the illness.
A 67-year-old patient presents with left hemisensory change. Postcontrast MRI is shown below, and diffusion weighted imag- ing shows the lesion to be dark on DWI and bright on ADC map. Which one of the following options is most appropriate next?
a. Urgent image-guided drainage of lesion
b. CT of chest, abdomen and pelvis with contrast
c. Imaging surveillance
d. Intravenous antibiotics
e. Lumbar puncture
b. CT of chest, abdomen and pelvis with contrast
MRI shows a peripherally enhancing, centrally necrotic lesion in the right thalamus, with DWI pattern consistent with a relatively unrestricted diffusion in the center of the mass hence this is most likely a metastasis (given previous history of breast cancer) or a primary tumor. As such, ini- tial management in a patient should consist of a search for the primary tumor based on a full clin- ical examination and staging CT of the body, fol- lowed by discussion in the primary tumor site multidisciplinary meeting to decide on options for tissue diagnosis and further management, as well as the neuro-oncology MDT. The primary neoplasms that most commonly metastasize to the brain are carcinoma of the lung, breast, malig- nant melanoma, renal cell carcinoma, and GI can- cers (e.g. colorectal). Generally, metastases appear as multiple rounded lesions with a ten- dency to seed peripherally in the cerebral sub- stance, at the gray/white matter junction. They can, however, occur anywhere in the cerebrum, brainstem or cerebellum, and can also spread to the meninges. Metastases are characterized by edema in the surrounding white matter which is often disproportionate to the size of the tumor itself. On T2 images, the neoplastic nodule may blend with the surrounding edema, giving a picture of widespread vasogenic edema and obscuring the diagnosis. Most metastases enhance strongly with IV contrast medium, either uniformly, or ring-like if the metastasis has outgrown its blood supply. Most metastases from lung and breast are similar in density to normal brain parenchyma on CT, but some types are spontaneously dense, particu- larly deposits from malignant melanoma. Hemor- rhage occurs in about 10% of metastases, resulting in high signal on T1 images and high or low signal on T2 images. Similar signal characteristics can also occur in non-hemorrhagic metastases from melanoma, due to the paramagnetic properties of melanin. Small metastases and those that are not made conspicuous by surrounding edema are often only detected on contrast-enhanced studies. Increasing the contrast dose or relaxivity of gado- linium compounds can improve the sensitivity for detection of metastases on MRI.
Which one of the following indications for stereotactic biopsy of a brain lesion is LEAST appropriate?
a. Deep seated lesions
b. Infiltrative lesion
c. Lesions in eloquent cortex
d. Lesions not curable by surgical excision
(e.g. brainstem tumors)
e. Suspected frontal renal cell carcinoma brain metastasis
e. Suspected frontal renal cell carcinoma brain metastasis
The significant development of intracranial imaging over the past few decades has allowed
much earlier diagnosis of brain tumors. Although some tumors have a characteristic appearance on imaging, no imaging modality is yet able to pro- vide sufficient diagnostic information to direct subsequent aggressive therapy. The goal of biopsy is to provide a representative sample for pathologic diagnosis to guide subsequent treat- ment, which can include cytoreductive surgery, radiotherapy, or chemotherapy. The main stimu- lus for the adoption of stereotactic biopsy over an open operative procedure is to achieve a higher rate of diagnostic accuracy while minimizing potential adverse effects. Diagnostic accuracy is important for dictating appropriate adjuvant therapy. Particular characteristics of the tumor that favor the use of stereotactic biopsy over open biopsy include (1) lesions not requiring emergent surgery or that are not curable by surgical exci- sion, such as metastases or malignant intrinsic brain tumors; (2) deep-seated lesions or those occupying space in eloquent cortex or deep nuclei (i.e. basal ganglia, thalamus), where open resec- tion would lead to unacceptable morbidity/mor- tality; and (3) infiltrative lesions (i.e. gliomatosis cerebri) that do not have a clear brain-tumor mar- gin and are unlikely to be excised completely without significant loss of normal brain paren- chyma. Moreover, if the lesion’s appearance on imaging or the course of the disease suggests an alternative cause such as an infectious or demye- linating process rather than a neoplastic one, ste- reotactic biopsy is a more appropriate first step than a large open procedure. Relative contraindi- cations include vascular tumors (e.g. metastatic renal cell carcinoma, choriocarcinoma, or meta- static melanoma) where diagnosis and biopsy the primary neoplasm instead is generally recom- mended, close proximity to a major blood vessel/ sylvian fissure/cavernous sinus/brain-pial border all increase the risk of hemorrhage
Which one of the following statements regarding biopsy of brainstem lesions is LEAST accurate?
a. Contralateral extraventricular transfron- tal approach is suited to more lateral pon- tine lesions
b. Ipsilateraltransfrontalapproachmayhavea higher risk of intraventricular hemorrhage
c. Is more commonly used in adults com-
pared to children
d. Occipital transtentorial approach is routinely used
e. Suboccipital, transcerebellar approach is
associated with greater postoperative pain
d. Occipital transtentorial approach is routinely used
Lesions within the brainstem have long been considered challenging to diagnose and treat. Although brainstem tumors represent only about 2% of all intracranial tumors in adults as compared with about 10-15% in the pediatric population, radiologic diagnosis of brainstem lesions in adults is inaccurate 10-20% of the time whereas in chil- dren the majority are gliomas (diagnosable on MRI). In general, because most adult brainstem tumors are not amenable to surgical excision, ste- reotactic biopsy is important for obtaining a path- ologic diagnosis enabling replacement of empirical treatment modalities with more specific therapies, as well as determination of a more accurate prog- nosis. Equally, given the great diversity of brainstem lesions, patients most likely to benefit from stereotactic biopsy are those who are given a better prognosis based on biopsy results or who are spared a course of debilitating therapy. Such patients include those with radiation necro- sis, chemotherapy-sensitive metastasis, a lym- phoma, or an abscess rather than a malignant glioma. In terms of complications, 6.6% have tran- sient or mild symptoms and 1.8% have permanent deficits.
Which one of the following statements regarding average prognosis of patients pre- senting with Karnofsky of score less than 70 is most accurate?
a. A Karnofsky performance score less than 70 is associated with a median survival of 2 months
b. A Karnofsky performance score less than 70 is associated with a median survival of 4 months
c. A Karnofsky performance score less than 70 is associated with a median survival of 6 months
d. A Karnofsky performance score less than 70 is associated with a median survival of 8 months
e. A Karnofsky performance score less than 70 is associated with a median survival of 12 months
a. A Karnofsky performance score less than 70 is associated with a median survival of 2 months
The median survival of patients who receive sup- portive care with brain metastases and are treated only with corticosteroids is approximately 1- 2 months. The use of whole brain radiation therapy in large series increased the average survival to 3- 6 months, and larger gains were seen in carefully selected subsets. The key parameters that deter- mine survival after the diagnosis of brain metastases are performance status, the extent of extracranial disease, and age, as well as the primary diagnosis. Recursive partitioning analysis (RPA) system was based upon an analysis of prognostic factors in 1200 patients from three Radiation Therapy
Oncology Group (RTOG) brain metastases trials and resulted in three groups being identified:
Class 1 (20%)—Patients who had a Karnofsky performance score 70 or higher, were less than 65 years of age, and had a controlled primary tumor without extracranial metas- tases had a favorable prognosis (median sur- vival was 6-7 months).
Class 2 (65%)—Patients with a Karnofsky performance score 70 or higher, but with other unfavorable characteristics (e.g. uncon- trolled primary tumor, other extracranial metastases, age >65 years) had an intermedi- ate prognosis (median survival 4 months). From a further management point of view, they are treated as either RPA Class 1 or RPA Class 3, depending largely upon the likelihood of controlling systemic disease.
Class 3 (15%)—Patients with a Karnofsky performance score less than 70 have a poor prognosis (median survival of 2 months).
Which one of the following statements regarding management of brain metastases is LEAST accurate?
a. Chemotherapy/biologics should be con- sidered alone when asymptomatic brain metastasis is found on screening before planned systemic therapy
b. Whole brain radiotherapy should be con- sidered in the setting of multiple brain metastasis (4-10) especially if primary tumor is known to be radiotherapy sensitive
c. SRS could be considered in multiple brain metastases (4-10) when the primary tumor is known to be radiotherapy resistant
d. Surgical resection should be considered in the setting of a dominant hemisphere metastasis in a critical location
e. SRS could be considered in oligometas- tases if they are greater than 4 cm in diameter
e. SRS could be considered in oligometas- tases if they are greater than 4 cm in diameter
A 55-year-old right handed male presents with headache and cognitive slowing. There is no significant past medical history. MRI is shown. Which one of the following manage- ment strategies is most appropriate?
a. Surveillance imaging
b. Awake craniotomy with goal of maximal safe resection
c. Cerebral angiogram
d. Gross total resection under general anesthetic
e. Stereotactic classification biopsy for molecular
b. Awake craniotomy with goal of maximal safe resection
Glioblastoma (WHO grade IV) is the commonest primary intracranial neoplasm in adults (fourth commonest intracranial tumor after metastases, meningioma and pituitary tumors). About 90% of glioblastomas arise de novo (primary glioblas- toma) and 10% are from malignant transforma- tion of lower-grade astrocytomas (secondary glioblastoma). The two groups have different genetic characteristics: primary glioblastomas, which occurs in a slightly older age group, show EGFR overexpression and secondary glioblasto- mas show IDH mutations like the lower-grade gliomas from which they arise. Methylation of the DNA repair gene MGMT is associated with a better response to temozolomide and better prognosis in glioblastomas. The MRI appear- ances of glioblastomas are heterogeneous, show- ing a mixture of solid tumor portions, central necrosis and surrounding edema. The solid por- tion is usually T1 hypointense, but T2/FLAIR
hyperintensity is to a lesser degree than areas of central necrosis and surrounding edema, which are similar to CSF. The solid portion of the glio- blastomas may show complete or partial or enhancement with contrast. The standard treat- ment for glioblastoma (GBM) consists of surgery (with a variable extent of resection depending on tumor location and the patient’s clinical status), followed by a combination of radiotherapy and chemotherapy with temozolomide.
A 44-year-old patient with a known history of relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis presents with worsening memory. MRI is shown below. MRI spectroscopy shows reduced NAA and myoinositol, increased choline and lipid, lactate peaks. Perfusion weighted MR shows markedly elevated cerebral blood flow in the rim of the necrotic mass. Which one of the following best explains his new deterioration?
a. Tumefactive multiple sclerosis
b. Glioblastoma
c. Lymphoma
d. Oligodendroglioma
e. Choroid plexus carcinoma
b. Glioblastoma
Tumefactive multiple sclerosis, high-grade gli- oma (GBM), PCNSL and occasionally an abscess can appear similar on imaging. Tumefactive MS refers to patients with known MS developing large tumefactive demyelinating plaques (as opposed to patients presenting with tumefactive demyelinating lesions who rarely go on to develop MS).
Which one of the following factors is most important in improving length of survival in gliomas?
a. 1p19q codeletion
b. ATRX mutation
c. TERT mutation
d. EGFR mutation
e. IDH1/2 mutations
b. ATRX mutation
Median survival advantage in glioblastoma multiforme patients undergoing 5-ALA fluorescence assisted tumor resection versus conventional surgery in the randomized controlled trial by Stummer and colleagues (2006) was which one of the following?
a. No advantage
b. 1 month advantage
c. 3 month advantage
d. 5 month advantage
e. 7 month advantage
d. 5 month advantage
Two-year survival in glioblastoma multi- forme patients receiving post-surgery temo- zolomide and radiotherapy verus in the randomized controlled trial by Stupp and colleagues (2005) is which one of the following?
a. 16.5%
b. 26.5%
c. 36.5%
d. 46.5%
e. 56.5%
b. 26.5%
Which one of the following statements regarding radiological phenomena follow- ing modern treatment of high-grade glio- mas is most accurate?
a. Tumor recurrence has a lower FDG PET uptake than radiation necrosis
b. Radiation necrosis typically occurs 2-3 months after radiotherapy
c. Pseudoprogression is associated with anti-VEGF pharmacotherapy
d. Pseudoresponse typically occurs 6-12 months after temozolomide chemora- diotherapy
e. Recurrent tumors usually show a lower ADC than radiation necrosis on diffu- sion weighted MRI
e. Recurrent tumors usually show a lower ADC than radiation necrosis on diffu- sion weighted MRI
Radiation necrosis is a late complication of radio- therapy or gamma knife surgery, and can present as an enhancing mass lesion 6-12 months after radiotherapy, difficult to distinguish from recur- rent tumor on conventional imaging. FDG- PET, PWI and DWI may help to distinguish between radiation necrosis and tumor recurrence. In radiation necrosis the enhancing lesion has a low glucose metabolism (FDG uptake) and low rCBV, both of which tend to be high in tumor recurrence. On DCE perfusion imaging, recur- rent tumors show a much higher maximum slope of enhancement than radiation necrosis. ADC measurements of the enhancing components in recurrent tumor are significantly lower than in radiation necrosis, mirroring the higher cellular density in recurrent neoplasms. The assessment of tumor response and progression in GBM had traditionally been based on measurements of enhancing tumor portions known as Macdonald criteria. With the advent of combined chemora- diation as standard therapy and antiangiogenic drugs as second-line treatment, new phenomena such a pseudoprogression and pseudoresponse have to be taken into account and have made an assessment solely based on assessment of enhanc- ing tumor portion unreliable. Pseudoprogression (therapy induced necrosis) is due to an inflamma- tory reaction, which results in a temporary increase of contrast enhancement and edema in 20% of patient, usually within 12weeks of temozolomide chemoradiotherapy, and subsides subsequently without additional treatment. Pseu- doprogression is more frequently observed in patients with methylation of the DNA repair gene MGMT, and is associated with a better prognosis (longer overall survival). Advanced MR imaging such as DSC and DCE perfusion imaging shows promise in differentiating these two conditions from true tumor progression. Pseudoresponse is characterized by a decrease of enhancement and edema following the administration of antiangio- genic drugs without improved survival. In pseu- doresponse the tumor progresses by infiltrative patterns without neoangiogenesis, resulting in an increase of non-enhancing T2/FLAIR hyper- intense tumor portions
Which one of the following statements regarding advanced imaging in gliomas is LEAST accurate?
a. Anaplastic astrocytoma
b. Oligodendrogliomas commonly show calcification (central, peripheral or ribbon like)
c. FDG-PET imaging of WHO grade III gliomas shows an uptake greater than white matter but lower than gray matter, whereas grade II gliomas have an uptake similar to white matter
d. MR perfusion imaging shows elevated regional cerebral blood flow in grade III oligodendrogliomas compared to grade II oligodendrogliomas
e. Glioblastomas show reduced NAA and myoinositol peaks and increased choline, lipid and lactate peaks on MR spec- troscopy
d. MR perfusion imaging shows elevated regional cerebral blood flow in grade III oligodendrogliomas compared to grade II oligodendrogliomas
The primary goal in the initial treatment of LGG is maximum safe resection in the majority of patients. The goal of achieving more extensive resection (over biopsy alone) is often favored because, in retrospective analyses, it is associated with prolonged survival, greater seizure control and reduced risk of transformation to a higher grade. However, surgical treatment of suspected LGGs poses a special challenge for the neurosur- geon for the following reasons: (1) Gross total resection is difficult as their diffusely infiltrative growth pattern means that intraoperative identi- fication of the exact tumor border in an LGG is frequently not possible with certainty, hence image guidance based on tumor limits on FLAIR MRI is key. (2) Histopathological undergrading is common with biopsy as LGG generally exhibits focal areas of malignant transformation (anaplas- tic foci) therefore the surgical goal is to perform precise tissue sampling from a potential anaplastic focus to avoid this and reduce subsequent treat- ment failure. (3) “Eloquent” tumor localization and infiltrative growth pattern means that awake surgery and/or functional mapping are generally employed to avoid new postoperative neurologi- cal deficits. (4) precise localization of the tumor and its relation to cortical surface anatomy and vasculature in the preoperative planning phase as well as during the operative approach is required to avoid morbidity (e.g. insular gliomas).