Cranial Nerves/ Neuro Exam Flashcards
Cranial Nerve 1 detects what?
Cranial Nerve 2 is what nerve?
Optic .
How do I test cranial nerve two?
Visual acuity in each eye
Cranial nerve three is called what?
How do I test cranial nerve III?
Pupil size and constriction with light. Also check the near response, convergence, and accommodation. Problems with cranial nerve III can lead to ptosis (Myasthenia Gravis, Horner syndrome).
Explain the Snellen chart
First number is the patient’s distance from the chart. Second is the distance at which a normal eye can read the line of letters
Myopia is what?
Hyperopia is what?
Presbyopia is what?
focusing problems for near vision found in middle aged and older adults
How do we measure confrontation?
Static finger wiggle test
Cranial nerve IV is what?
Cranial nerve VI is what?
How do we test cranial nerves 3, 4, & 6?
EOM. Ask the patient if they see any double vision. “diplopia”. Watch for nystagmus.
How to I test cranial nerve 5?
Check the strength of the temporal and masseter muscles by having the patient clench their jaw. Ask them to open the mouth and move jaw side to side. Then check sensory to three areas on both sides using a soft object (cotton), sharp object (broken popsicle stick), normal sensation with a finger. If any abnormalities check temperature sensation.
Cranial nerve 5 is called what?