how does a CN3 palsy present?
eye down and out
dilated and fixed pupil
how does a CN4 palsy present?
vertical diplopia
how does a CN5 palsy present?
trigeminal neuralgia loss of corneal reflex loss of facial sensation paralysis of mastication muscles deviation of jaw
how does a CN6 palsy present?
horizontal diplopia
how does a CN7 palsy present?
flaccid paralysis of upper/lower face
loss of corneal reflex
loss of taste
how does a CN8 palsy present?
hearing loss
how does a CN9 palsy present?
hypersensitive carotid sinus reflex
loss of gag reflex
how does a CN10 palsy present?
uvula deviates away from side of lesion
loss of gag reflex
how does a CN11 palsy present?
weakness in turning head to contralateral side
how does a CN12 palsy present?
tongue deviates away from side of lesion
what passes through the ciribriform plate?
olfactory nerve filaments
what passes through the optic canal?
optic nerve and opthalmic artery
what passes through the superior orbital fissure?
oculomotor nerve trochlear nerve opthalmic nerve abducens nerve superior opthalmic vein
what passes through the foramen rotundum?
maxillary nerve
what passes through the foramen ovale?
mandibular nerve
accessory meningeal artery
lesser petrosal nerve