Cranial nerves Flashcards
Name this Cranial nerve + function.

Optic nerve.
- Vision.

Name the cranial nerve and function[3 marks].
What does it control[4 marks].

Oculomotor nerve.
- Controls 4/6 extraocular muscles:
- inferior rectus, superior rectus, medial rectus and inferior oblique.
- Elevation of eyelid, pupillary constriction and focusing of the lens.

Name this Cranial nerve and state its function.

Trochlear nerve(CNIV).
- Controls the superior oblique( extraocular muscle).
- moves the eye up and out.

Name the cranial nerve, states its function and divisions.

Trigeminal nerve(CN V):
- Sensory and motor control over muscles of mastication(chewing). 3 divisions:
- Sensory: Opthalamic division and maxillary.
- Motor and sensory: mandibular division.

Name the Cranial nerve and state its function.

Abducens nerve(CN VI):
- Controls the Lateral rectus( extraocular muscle).
Moves pupil away from the midline.

Name this cranial nerve and state its functions[3 marks].

Facial nerve.
- Motor control over muscles to facial expression.
- Taste of *2/3 anterior of the tongue*.
Salivary glands:
- submandibular & sublingual.
- Lacrimal glands.
- glands of the palate + Nasal gland.

Name this Cranial nerve and state its function.

Vestibulocochlear nerve(CN VIII).
- Split into 2 nerves:
- Vestibular nerve: movement and position of the head.
- Cochlear nerve: auditory information.

Name this Cranial nerve and state its function.
Occurrence in palsy within this nerve as a result of MS.
Control of what muscles for motor function?

Glossopharyngeal nerve(CN IX).
- Provides taste sensation to posterior 1/3 of the tongue.
- Taste and a general sensation of poster 3rd.
Motor functions:
- Controls the _Stylopharyngeal muscle_: widens and shortens the pharynx and elevates larynx during swallowing.
- Absent general taste and sensation in posterior 1/3 of tongue.

Name this cranial nerve and state its function.
The difference in sensory and motor function.

Vagus nerve(CN X).
- Visceral sensation to the heart and abdominal viscera.
- Provides sensory taste to the root of the tongue.
Motor function:
- Muscles of Pharynx, soft palate , larynx. and elevation of uvula( ipsi.
Tip: behind the Hypoglossal nerve.

Name this Cranial nerve and state its function.
areas of control?

Accessory nerve(CN XI).
- Motor control of sternocleidomastoid muscle and trapezius muscle.
- Turning of the head.
Trapezius muscles:
- shrugging of shoulders.

Name this Cranial nerve and state its function.

Hypoglossal nerve.
- Somatic efferent(motor) nerve.
- Innervates the intrinsic and extrinsic pathway muscles of the tongue.
Damage to hypoglossal nerve:
- Protrusion and deviation of the tongue towards the area of damage.
- Muscle wasting and twitching.