Cranial Nerves Flashcards
How many pairs of cranial nerves are there?
What types of fibres may cranial nerves contain?
- SOMATIC MOTOR FIBRES (supply striated muscle; efferent)
- VISCERAL MOTOR FIBRES (smooth muscle and glands
- VISCERAL SENSORY (afferent; from pharynx, larynx, heart, lung, gut etc; not normally conscious)
- GENERAL SENSORY – (afferent inputs e.g. touch, temperature, pain; from skin & mucous membranes
- SPECIAL SENSORY (taste, smell, vision, hearing & balance)
Difference in structure between the different nerve fibres?
- Sensory (afferent) fibres = signals from periphery to CNS; ganglion along axon
- Somatic motor (efferent) = signals from CNS to periphery; ganglion in CNS
- Autonomic motor (efferent) fibres = signal from CNS; signals synapse between pre and post ganglionic fibres before heading to periphery
Order of cranial nerves I to XII?
(olfactory, optic, oculomotor, trochlear, trigeminal, abducent, facial, vestibulocochlear, glossopharyngeal, vagus, accessory, hypoglossal)
Pathway of olfactory CNI?
Receptors in olfactory epithelium of nasal cavity, olfactory nerve fibres pass through foraminifera in cribriform plate of ethmoid bone and enter olfactory bulb in anterior cranial fossa
Components of olfactory CNI?
Special sensory = smell
Clinical application for olfactory CNI?
• Fractured cribriform plate may tear olfactory nerve fibres = anosmia
Pathway of optic CNII?
Enters via optic canal, nerves join to form optic chiasm, fibres from medial (nasal) half of each retina cross to form optic tract
Components of optic CNII?
Special sensory = vision
Clinical application of optic CNII?
- Increased CSF pressure = papilloedema
- Section of right optic nerve = right eye blindness
- Section of optic chiasm = loss of peripheral vision (bitemporal hemianopsia)
- Section of right optic tract = blindness in left temporal and right nasal fields (left homonymous hemianopsia)
Pathway of oculomotor CNIII?
Emerges from midbrain and exits via superior orbital fissure
Components of oculomotor CNIII?
- Somatic motor - extraocular muscles (superior, medial & inferior rectus and inferior oblique) and eyelid (levator palpebrae)
- Visceral motor - parasympathetic to pupil causing constriction & to ciliary muscle causing accomodation of lens
Clinical application of oculomotor CNIII?
- Drooping of upper eyelid (ptosis)
- Eyeball abducted & pointed down
- No pupillary reflex
- No accomodation of the lens
Pathway of trochlear CNIV?
Emerges from dorsal surface of the mid brain and exits via the superior orbital fissure; goes through pulley and innervates superior oblique
Components of trochelar CNIV?
Somatic motor - extraocular muscle (superior oblique turns eye downwards)
Clinical application of trochlear CNIV?
Diplopia (double vision) when looking down
Pathway of abducent CNVI?
Emerges between pons and medulla and exits via the superior orbital fissure