cranial nerves Flashcards
cranial nerve 1
cranial nerve 2
cranial nerve 3
cranial nerve 4
cranial nerve 5
cranial nerve 6
cranial nerve 7
cranial nerve 8
cranial nerve 9
cranial nerve 10
cranial nerve 11
cranial nerve 12
CN 1 test, how to and positive test
smell - block one nostril close eyes and hold scent 10 cm away
posiitve = anosmia
CN 2 test, how to and positive test
visual acuity - snellen chart = 3m away from chart assess 1 eye at a time
assesses macula and fovea,
positive = no 6/6 vision
peripheral vision = get pt to cover eye, cover your same eye, test peripherals by wiggling fingers in corners then move hand really fast horizontally to watch for physiological nystagmus.
positive = cant see peripherally (visual field not in tact)
opthalmascope - look inside eye for abnormalities, vesiculations and discolouration.
positive = abnormalities in fundus
CN 2 AND 3 test, how to and positive test
sight and eye movements = have patient separate eyes with hand shine a light into pupil and look at that eye then shine again into the same eye but watch the other eye.
positive = lack of pupillary miosis
CN 3, 4, 6 test, how to and positive test
h test - have patients move eyes in the 6 cardinal directions of gaze (assessing 1 eye at a time)
covergence test = have pt stare at something in distance, then focus on finger and bring to nose
positive = diplopia, ptosis, pathological nystagmus, non coordinated eye movements
CN 5 test, how to and positive test
LIGHT TOUCH AND PAIN SENSATION = compare bilateral sensation of the v1,2,3, where 3 sharp sensations on each side in each region should be identified
positive = lack of ability to sense
motor testing = testing contraction of mm of mastication
positive = lack of contraction
CN 7 test, how to and positive test
ASSESS ACTIVE FACIAL EXPRESSION, puff cheeks and get pt to resist you popping them, close eyes tight and resist practitioner opening
positive = assymetrical expression, involuntary movements, difficulty with expression. inability to resist change to movements
CN 8 test, how to and positive test
Positive = if not heard equally there may be conductive or sensorineural hearing loss
WEBBER TEST - place tuning fork on vertex and ask if pt can hear equally in both ears
positive = difference = conductive and sensorineural hearing loss in defective ear
RINNE test = place tuning fork on mastoid process and ask pt to say when vibration stops, then move fork to near and ask of they can still hear it
positive = bone conduction being better than air conduction (cant hear fork when placed next to ear)
cn 9 and 10 test, how to and positive test
ask pt to say ahhh - use a tongue depressor and examine the soft pallete and uvula
positive = uvula will swing to the good side, menaing other side has a weak cn x
cn 11 test, how to and positive test
RIT to traps abd scm
resist shrug and then head rotation
positive = assymetrical and weak contraction
cn 12 test, how to and positive test
movements of the tongue = listen to pt articulation of words, ask pt to open mouth and stick out tongue
positive = slurred speech, tongue atrophy and vesiculations, weak tongue movements. tongue will move to weak side.