Cranial nerves Flashcards
How many cranial nerves is there?
What is the first cranial nerve?
Olfactory - special sensory nerves for the sense of smell.
What is the route of the olfactory nerve?
Originate in the receptors of the olfactory epithelium and pass through the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone, ending at the olfactory bulbs.
What is the second cranial nerve?
Optic nerve - Special sensory information for vision
What is unique about the optic nerve?
Developed from the optic vesicle, an out pocketing of the forebrain. Therefore is considered part of the CNS, and examination of the nerve enables an assessment of intracranial health.
Describe the intracranial course of the optic nerve
Within the middle cranial fossa, the optic nerves from each eye unite to form the optic chiasm.
At the chiasm, fibres from the nasal (medial) half of each retina cross over to the contralateral optic tract, while fibres from the temporal (lateral) halves remain ipsilateral:
- Left optic tract – contains fibres from the left temporal (lateral) retina, and the right nasal (medial) retina.
- Right optic tract – contains fibres from the right temporal retina, and the left nasal retina.
The right and left optic tracts of the optic nerve travel to the lateral geniculate nucleus. Where is this?
The thalamus where the two optic tracts synapse.
The axons from the LGN (optic nerve) then carry visual information via a pathway known as the optic radiation. The pathway itself can be divided into two other RADIATIONS, what are they?
Upper optic radiation
Lower optic radiation
What is the third cranial nerve?
Oculomotor nerve - MOTOR
The oculomotor nerve has a motor and parasympathetic role, what is the motor role?
Innervates the majority of the extraocular muscles (levator palpebrae superioris, superior rectus, inferior rectus, medial rectus, and inferior oblique).
The oculomotor nerve has a motor and parasympathetic role, what is the parasympathetic role?
Supplies the sphincter pupillae (constrict the pupil in bright light) and the ciliary muscles of the eye (change shape for focusing)
What does the levator palpebrae superioris do
Raise the upper eyelid and to maintain the upper eyelid position
What does the superior rectus do?
Elevates the eyes upwards
What does the inferior rectus do?
Depresses the eyes downwards
What does the medial rectus do?
Adducts the eye medially (inwards)
What is the function of the inferior oblique?
Responsible for elevation, and abduction (upwards and out)
What is the function of the superior oblique?
Move the eye in the down-and-inwards direction
What is the fourth cranial nerve?
The trochlear nerve is the fourth paired cranial nerve.
What is the smallest cranial nerve but has the longest intracranial nerve?
The trochlear nerve
What kind of nerve is the trochlear nerve?
Somatic motor
What is the function of the trochlear nerve?
Innervates the superior oblique
What is the fifth cranial nerve?
The trigeminal nerve - motor and sensory
What is the largest cranial nerve?
The trigeminal nerve
What does the sensory portion of the trigeminal nerve do?
The three terminal branches of CN V innervate the skin, mucous membranes and sinuses of the face.
What is the motor function of the trigeminal nerve?
Only the mandibular branch of CN V has motor fibres.
It innervates the muscles of mastication: medial pterygoid, lateral pterygoid, masseter and temporalis. The mandibular nerve also supplies other 1st pharyngeal arch derivatives: anterior belly of digastric, mylohyoid, tensor veli palatini and tensor tympani.
What are the three divisions of the trigeminal nerve?
Ophthalmic (V1), maxillary (V2) and mandibular (V3)
What one of the three branches of the trigeminal nerve has motor functions?
Only the mandibular branch of CN V has motor fibres.
What is the 6th cranial nerve?
The abducens nerve
What is the role of the abducens nerve
It has a purely somatic motor function – providing innervation to the lateral rectus muscle. Abducts the eyeball
Where does the abducens nerve arise from?
The pons of the brainstem
It exits the brainstem at the junction of the pons and the medulla.
What is the name of the 7th cranial nerve?
The facial nerve
What kind of nerve is the facial nerve?
A combination of sensory, motor and parasympathetic fibres.