Cranial Nerve V trigeminal nerve Flashcards
describe the corneal innervation?
epithelium, anterior and mid stroma are highly innervated
are there nerves in the posterior stroma of the cornea?
when do corneal nerves become myelinated?
in the last 2mm of cornea
what happens to corneal nerves after refractive surgery?
because of the corneal flap created the corneal nerves are cut up and a common symptom is dry eye . this is due to lack of input from the brain that the eyes are dry and this reduces blinking. the nerves do eventually heal
V1 & V2 innervate the eyelids and palpebral conjunctiva, which nerves specifically?
V1 = Supraorbital nerve, supratrochlear nerve, infratrochlear nerve, lacrimal nerve
V2 innervates inferior eyelid specifically = infraorbital nerve , zygomatico- facial nerve
what are the V1 dermatome areas?
sensation carried by trigeminal nerve 5
Zygomatico temporal nerve innervates?
Sensory fibers from lateral forehead through
zygomaticotemporal foramen to orbit
what is ophthalmic division V1 orbital exit? which are outside the common tendinous ring and which within?
branches exit orbit through SOF
outside= lacrimal nerve , frontal nerve
within= nasociliary nerve
what are the V3 dermatome areas?
Zygomaticofacial nerves innervates?
Fibers from lateral aspect of cheek and lower eyelid through zygomaticofacial foramen to orbit
Infraorbital nerve innervates?
i) Sup. Labial: cheek, upper lip
ii) Inf. Palpebral: lower eyelid
iii) Nasal: side of nose
Superior Alveolar nerves innervate?
-upper teeth & gums
- Ant. alveolar connects oral cavity to orbit as it connects directly to the infraorbital nerve inside the maxilla
Pterygopalatine nerves innervate?
-hard & soft palate, tonsils, mucosa nasopharynx
what are positive Hutchinsons signs? and what does it mean?
- Presence of vesicles on nose tip = (+ sign)
Increased chance of corneal involvement since
distance from ganglion to nose tip is greater than distance from ganglion to cornea
High chance of ocular complications with positive sign
Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus is caused by?
Reactivation of latent varicella-zoster virus
(VZV) in trigeminal ganglion