Cranial nerve palsies Flashcards
Describe the anatomy and function of each Cranial nerve pair
Describe the anatomical and functional basis of anosmia
Describe the anatomical and functional basis of blindness of different visual fields
Describe the anatomical and functional basis of eye movement abnormalities
Describe the anatomical and functional basis of abnormalities of gustation
Describe the anatomical and functional basis of abnormal pupillary responses
Describe the anatomical and functional basis of abnormal facial sensations
Describe the anatomical and functional basis of abnormal balance
Describe the anatomical and functional basis of abnormal autonomic signals (HR, Skin, RR, pupils)
Describe the anatomical and functional basis of diplopia
Describe the anatomical and functional basis of shoulder strength deficit
Describe the anatomical and functional basis of tongue deviation
Describe the anatomical and functional basis of Bell’s Palsy
Describe the gag relflex and how it relates to intubation