Brainstem functions Flashcards
Describe the general structure of the brainstem
Describe the role of the brainstem in facilitating sensation (tracts and the ascending reticular activation system)
Describe the role of the brainstem in facilitating movement (motor tracts originating from the cortex, basal ganglia cerebellum and the brainstem, and the descending reticular activation system
Describe the position and function of the vasomotor centres
Describe the position and function of the breathing centres
Describe the position and function of the vomiting centres
Describe the position and function of the theoretical cough reflex (upper brainstem)
Describe the position and function of the salivation nuclei
Describe the position and function of the vestibular nuclei
Name the descending tracts from brainstem motor nuclei
Describe the primary functions of brainstem motor nuclei
Describe how impaired brainstem function is responsible for decerebrate posturing and contract this with what occurs functionally in decorticate posturing