Cranial nerve notes Flashcards
How to remember functions of CN
Some-I Say-II Marry-III Money-IV But-V My-VI Brother-VII Says-VIII Big-IX Boobs-X Matter-XI More-XII
Special sensory cranial nerves
*Derived from ectoderm structures
Forebrain-olfaction: CN I
Midbrain-vision: CN II
Hindbrain-balance and equilibrium: CN VIII
Somatic motor cranial nerves
*From somites of the head. Give rise to extraocular muscles and tongue muscles
CN III-most extraocular (and parasymp. to eye)
CN IV-sup. oblique
CN VI-Lateral rectus
CN XII- all tongue mm that end in glossus except palatoglossus
Why calling calling CN V and XI primitive dorsal roots is a bit of a “fudge”
Because parasympathetics coming out of the brain only travel with 3 of the 5 gill arch nerves classified as primitive dorsal roots, VII, IX, and X
What does general visceral motor aka general visceral efferent refer to
The parasympathetic component of CN III, VII, IX, X
What muscles does gill arch nerve V innervate?
Masseter temporalis Pterygoids Mylohyoid Anterior belly of digastric Tensor tympani Tensor palati
What muscles does gill arch nerve VII innervate?
muscles of facial expression
posterior belly of digastric
What muscles does gill arch nerve IX innervate?
What muscles does gill arch nerve X innervate?
palatoglossus palatopharyngeus levator palati pharyngeal constrictors laryngeal mm
What muscles does gill arch nerve XI innervate?