Cranial Nerve Exam Flashcards
II, III, IV and VI
II- optician chart one eye at a time, pen light to test dilation and constriction, point to the finger that’s moving, visual field test, fundoscopy
III- H test for eye movement
IV- H test for eye movement
VI- H test for eye movement
V and VII
V- sensory touch with cotton wool against opthalamic, maxillary and mandibular branches, clench jaw and palpate, jaw jerk reflex
VII- eye blink, raise eyebrows, screw eyes shut and try to open them, purse lips, bare teeth, check taste, dry mouth
IX, X, XI and XII
IX- check taste, ask about dry mouth
X- ask to cough, ask to sip water, ask about heart palpitations
XI- shrug and apply resistance, turn ahead against resistance
XII- tongue in cheek and push against them