Cranial Lab 1/8 Flashcards
What are the tenets of cranial motion
- fluctuation CSF and potency of tide
- mobility of intracranial and intraspinal membranes, and the function of the reciprocal tension membrane
- inherent motility of CNS
- articular mobility of cranial bones
- involuntary mobility of sacrum between ilia
What axis does SBS torsion occur around
anterosuperior-posteroinferior axis (AP)
the axis of SBS torsion goes through what bones
nasion through center SBS to opisthion
how do we name SBS torsion
side of superior greater wing of sphenoid
motion in SBS torsion
sphenoid rotates in one direction and occiput rotates opposite
in sidebending rotation what axis does sidebending occur around
parallel vertical axes
one in sphenoid and one in foramen magnum
in sidebending rotation what axis does rotation occur around
AP axis in torsion
but now both rotate SAME way
how do we name SB/Rot
side of convexity of SBS
SBS moves to R in R sidebending rotation
how are vertical strains named
position of basi-sphenoid
movements of superior vertical strain
sphenoid flexion
occiput extension
movements of inferior vertical strain
sphenoid extension
occiput flexion
naming lateral strains
name by position that basi spenoid moves
axes in lateral strains
sphenoid and occiput rotate about parallel vertical axes same direction
if both sphenoid and occiput rotate clockwise
L lateral strain
if both sphenoid and occiput rotate counterclockwise
R lateral strain