Cram 6 Flashcards
mtDNA - size, number of genes?
16.5kb, 37 genes
which genetic conditions cancause oligospermia?
5% of menwith oligospermia have a karyotype abnormality. -unbalanced translocations are more commoninmenw oligospermia -47,xxy - non-obstructive oligo or a zoo
fasting plasma ammonia levels innormal, UCD, transient hyperammonemia of new born
normal - 15-35uM THAN - 4,750uM CPS - 1,000uM OTC - 1,100uM AS - 892 AL - 807 use citrulline and arginine to differentiate: citrulline -CPS &OTC - no/v. low citrulline -AS - vs. high (2656) citulline -AL - high citrulline (176) -THAN -
s l i g h t l y h i g h ( 5 4 ) v s . nl 6 - 2 0 a r g i ni ne : - C P S , O T C , A S , A L - l o w - T H A N - no r ma l ( 3 0 - 84)
risk forabnormal outcome in1st cousinmating?
3-5%, double the overall background risk of 2-3% (forstillbirth, neonatal death, c o ng e ni t a l ma l f o r ma t i o ns ) - i nc r e a s e d r i s k f o r 3 r d c o u s i ns o r mo r e d i s t a nt l y r e l a t e d is negligible (T&T)
L e i g h s y nd r o me , N A R P L e i g h - ma ny mi t o c h o nd r i a l g e ne s N A R P - M T - A T P 6 o nl y gene
Leigh and NARP (neurogenic uscle weakness, ataxia, RP) are part of a continuum of progressive neurodegenerative disorders -Leigh: –onset 3-12mo, oftenafter viral infection–decompensation(w lactic acidosis) inincurrent illness - ass’d w p s y c h o mo t o r e t a r d a t i o n o r r e g r e s s i o n - h y p o t o ni a , s p a s t i c i t y , mo v e me nt d i s o r d e r s (chorea), cerbel l ar ataxi a, peri pheral neuropathy, crani al nerve abnormal i ti es) – HCM –75%dieby2-3yo(usualyrespiratoryorcardiacfailure)-NARP –proximal neurogeni c muscl e weakness w sensory neuropathy, ataxi a, pi gmentary reti onopathy
relationshipbetweenmutationrateand fitnessforcalculations?
calculationof mtnrate fromfitness of x-linked recessive
SelectionAgainst X-Linked Recessive Mutations – If anX-linked phenotype is
benignand if affected males have normal fetuses, 1/3 of mutant alleles are in males and 2/3 are infemales. Whenselective disadvantage against males occurs, μ = s * q/3 Whens = 1, 1/3 of all copies a mutant gene are lost ineach generation and the disease is a genetic lethal condition.
biochemical lab finding ass’d with Lesch-Nyhansyndrome?
hi gh uri c aci d
biochemical lab finding ass’d with acute itnermittent porphyria?
high delta-aminolevulinic acid
biochemical lab finding ass’d with x-linked ardrenoleukodystrophy?
h i g h v e r y l o ng c h a i n f a t t y a c i d s
-jaundice,abnormal liverfunctiontests(LFTs),hyperbilirubinemia-bleeding diatheses, burising, coagulopathy -feeding problems -irritability, lethargy - sepsis** -cataracts** -elevated amino acids -hypoglycemia -renal fanconi syndrome -long term: —DD, esp. expressive language delay (‘verbal dyspraxia’) —motor delays (ataxia, tremor) —POF, hypergonadotropic hypogonadism, low bone density - t x : s t o p b r e a s t f e e d i ng , d a i r y ; s o y f e e d s ; c o ns d i e r s e p t i c r i s k ; t r e a t l i v e r d i s e a s e and jaundice
at what week inthe pregnancy to physiologic omphaloceles resolve by?
1 5 w e e k s . i f s e e n p r i o r t o t h a t a n o mp h a l o c e l e ma y b e c o mp l e t e l y no r ma l a nd doesn’t warrant further testing.
ismaternal diabetesass’d withanincreased risk forNTD?
MSAFP at 2.5MoM detectionrate foropenneural tube defects?
what percentage of balanced translocations are inherited?
70% (online review course)
what phenotype is seenwith 46,XY,del(9)(p24) ?
sex reversal
Which of the following parental karyotypes is associated with the lowest risk for having a livebornchild with a chromosome abnormality?a) 45,XX,der(13;14) (q10;q10) b) 46,XX,t(11;22)(q23.3;q11.2) c) 45,XX,der(14;21)(q10;q10) d) 46,XX,del (22)(q11.2;q11.2) e) 47,XX,+21
a) 45,XX,der(13;14)(q10;q10) –1% b) 46,XX,t(11;22)(q23.3;q11.2) –6% c) 45,XX,der(14;21)(q10;q10) – 12% d) 46,XX,del (22)(q11.2;q11.2) – 50% e) 47,XX,+21 – 50%
ASAFP + ultrasound -detectionratesforNTD and anencephaly?
- N T D - 9 8 - 9 9 % - a ne nc e a p h a l y - v i r t u a l l y a l l
reasonsforelevated AFAFP
NTD -underestimated gestational age -fetal death -twins -blood contamination -abdominal wall defects (omphalocele, gastroschesis)
whenis acetylcholinesterase present (AChE)?
withinopenNTD only(not closed, not abdominal wall defect)
what is the recommended dosage of folic acid -general population?-previous child withNTD?
-genpop: 0.4 mg/day -previous child: 4mg/day
CVS details
10-12 wks 6 days -0.5-1.5% mi scarri age ri sk (some studi es say comparabl e to amnio) -biochemical testing possible (onchorionic vili, not onamniocytes, ex. c o l l a g e n s t u d i e s f o r O I ) - C V S < 1 0 w e e k s - i nc r e a s e d r i s k t r a ns v e r s e l i mb abnormality
PUBS details
> 16 weeks -1-3% fetal loss rate -rapid karyotyping (48 hrs, tho less of an
advantagewithinterphaseFISH onamnioorcvs)-indications:mgmt of Rh compatibility, featal blood profile forgenetic conditons, detectionof infection, diagnosis of hemoglobinopathies, confirmationof CVS/amnio results
2nd tri screening - time window?
15 - 20 weeks
which markers have the strongest ass’nwith downsyndrome?
h C G a nd I nh i b i n A
MSAFP cutoff and detectionrates
2 . 5 M o M - 9 0 % o f a ne nc e p h a l y - 8 0 % o f N T D
when do you repeat MSAFP?
if it’s2-3MoM (depends on the center)
FISH resolution
1-100 kb
low indownsyndrome -low intrisomy 18 -very low (0-0.15 MoM) with: —-x-
l i nked i chthyi osi s (scal i ng ski n, corneal opaci ti es, hyperkeratosi s) —-SLOS (MR, mi c r o c e p h a l y , 2 - 3 t o e s y nd a c t y l y , ma l e s w h y p o g o na d i s m o r a mb i g u o u s g e ni t a l i a ) - —CAH —-maternal anti bi oti c or corti costeroi d therapy —anencaphl y
PWS - lacking ____ contribution of _____.
paternal, 15q11-13
Angel man- lacking _______ contribution of _________.
maternal, 15q11-13
timewindowforfirst trimesterscreen?
10-14 weeks
PWS etiology by frequency
pat 15q11-13 del (70%) mat UPD (30%) impriting center defect (5%) unknown
(<1%) single-gene mutation
Angelman etiology by frequency
mat 15q11-13 del (70%) single gene mutation- UBE3 (10%) pat UPD (3-5%)
unknowncase (10-15%)
AR diseases with de novo mutations
SMA 21-hydroxyl ase deficiency
NT>3mmass’d with?
tri 21, 18, 13-turner-triploidy-CHD -diaphragmatic hernia -skeletal dysplasiaarthrogryposis-noonansyndrome– if karyotypenormal offerdetailsultrasound and fetal echo
HD repeat ranges
<35 normal 35-39 intermediate <40 affected (T&T) <26 normal 27-35 intermediate,
mutable 36+ abnormal 36-39 - incomplete penetrance 40-60 HD, 100% penetrant
> 60 juvenile HD
HD repeat: _ _ _ in the ___ region of the gene
CAG incoding regi on(i .e. polyglutamine disorder)
what maternal serumanalyte patterns are ass’d with increased risks of IUGR, fetal demise, preeclampsia, placental dysfunction?
high AFP -high hCG (>2-3 MoM) -high Inhibin(>2-2.5 MoM) -low PAPP-A (<0.35-38 MoM)
Fragile X repeat ranges
<50 normal 50-58 intermediate 59-200 premutatoin 100-200 premutation with
100% of expanding to full mtninoogenesis >200 affected, hypermethylated