Cram 5 Flashcards
Max resolution of a high res karyotype?
w h a t s y nd r o me s i s p o l y d a c t y l y a f e a t u r e o f ?
- meckel -gruber
- trisomy 13
- Pallister-hall
- chondroectodermal dysplasia (ellis- van Creveld) -Greig cephalopolysyndactyly syn
Warburg syndrome
-di es at 10 days of age -agyri a -cerebel l ar hypopl asi a -dandy-wal ker cyst - mi crophthal mi a -reti nal detachment wi th reti nal dyspl asi a
Lang e r - Giedion s y nd r o me
del (8)(q24.11-24.13)
- only 1/4 are cytogenetically visible
- true contiguous gene syndrome
- TRPS1 gene and EXT1 gene
- MR, microcephaly, multiple exostoses, redundant skin, sparse hair
campomelic dysplasia SOX9
-skeletal dysplasia with ambiguous genitalia or female genitalia with XY
- distinctive facies, Pierre robin seq w cleft palate
-shortening and bowing of long bones
-club feet
-laryngotracheomalacia w respiratory compromise
-often neonatally lethal
-AD, most de novo -
seq’g (90%), deletion analysis (5%)
incontinentia pigmenti IKBKG (akaNEMO)@Xq28
XLD, lethal inmales, Xq28
- eosinophilia
- four stages of skin changes: erythema>blister>hyperpigmented streaks>atrophic skin patches
- hypo/anodontia, small or malformed teeth, alopecia, woolly hair, nail ridging or pitting
- retinal neovascularization causing retinal detachment
- MR is rare
- tests: free melanin granules if hyperpigmented streak biopsied
- molecular: southern blot for common exon4-10 del (80%)
AR 3 major features: -occipital encephalocele -cystic kidneys- postaxial polydactyly also: potter-like facies; short webbed neck; dandy-walker malformation; arnold-Chiari malformation; fibrotic liver -perinatal death -prenatal dx by ultrasound
chondrodysplasia punctata
non-specific finding of punctate calcifications throughout the skeleton, seen in fetuses and young children
- etiologically heterogeneous
- –genetic causes
- —- arylsulfatase onXp22-
- —Zellweger syndrome
- –non-genetic causes—– warfarin exposure
l owe syndrome (ocul o-cerebral -renal ) synrome OCLR @ Xq26
XL -defect ininositol metabolism-DD, hypotonia, DTRs absent -delayed motor
milestones -cataracts (all affected boys), infantile glaucoma (50%) -generalized aminoaciduria-renal tubulardysfunction(fanconi type)-dx:enzymeactivity<10% ( o n f i b r o b l a s t s ) - s e q u e nc i ng ( 9 5 % )
NTD risks
genpop in US: 1/1000 one sib: 2% wo sibs: 10% one parent: 4% SDR: 1% TDR: 0.5%
Fryns syndrome
diaphragmatic defect (hernia, eventration, hypoplasia oragenesis)-facies (coarse, ocularhypertelorism, broad and flat nasal bridge, thick nasal tip, long philtrum, low-set and poorlyformed ears, tented upperlip, macrostomia, mi crognathi a) -di stal di gi tal hypopl asi a (nai l s, phal anges) -pul monary hypopl asi a -ass'd anomalies(polyhydramnios,cloudycorneasand/ormicropthalmia,orofacial clefting, renal dysplasia/renal cortical cysts) -neonatal lethal, usually (MR if not) -nogenesortesting;clinical diagnosis
correct PCR primerorientation?
3’———————————————- |||||||||||3’ >
What proportion of oocytes is an aneuploid?
1-3% of all recognized pregnancy es -15-20% of all chromosomally abnl SAB -6% of all SAB -<1/20,000 liveborns -85% diandric - 2 sperm most common -diandric: **well-grown fetus, **large placenta with appearance of partial hydatidiform mole, **usual l y don't survive to term , 3/4 syndactyl y -dyginic: growth retarded fetus ** w macrocephaly **, small and fibrotic placenta* *, can survive to term* *, 3/4 syndactyly
greatest risk for choriocarcinoma?
complete mole
Aneuploidy risk ass'd with u/s anomalies? -cystic hygroma -holoprosencephaly - VSD -T-e fistula -hydrops - multiple anomalies -CHD
cystic hygroma - 60% holoprosencephaly - 47% VSD - 38% TE fistula - 40% hydrops - 32% multiple anomalies - 29% CHD - 17%
c h r o mo s o me a b no r ma l i t i e s a s s ‘ d w i t h i nc r e a s e d r i s k o f c a nc e r
trisomy 8 - myeloid neoplasia down syndrome - acute leukemia 47,xxy - breast cancer 4 5 , x / 4 6 , x y - gonadoblastoma 5 q 2 1 - 2 2 - c o l o n c a 1 1 p 1 3 , 1 1 p 1 5 - Wilms tumor 13q14.2- retinoblastoma
what proportion of birth defects are due to teratogens?
2-3% of birth defets are due to drug treatment (more defects are due to other exposures - infection, maternal disease state, etc.)
what happens if there is exposure to a teratogenbefore implantation?(up to 7 days post-fertilization)
all or none period
what happens if there is exposure to a teratogen during the embryonic period?
18- 6 0 d a y s a f t e r c o nc e p t i o n
3 - 8 w e e k s
this is the period of organogenesis -maximumsensitivity to teratogeneicity b/c ti ssues devel opi ng rapi dl y and b/c damage becomes i rreparabl e -greatest likelihood of structural anomaly