CR Conditions Flashcards
Describe the 2 types of valvular heart disease
- Stenosis or fusion of valve leaflets = valves fail to open completely = impedes forward flow
- Regurgitation = valves fail to close in systole = reverse blood flow
Name 3 risk factors for dilated cardiomyopathy
Increased volume with pregnancy, chronic alcohol use, chemo drugs
Name 4 symptoms of cardiac tamponade
Small decrease in systolic BP on inspiration, low cardiac output, jugular vein distension, muffled heart sounds
What are the consequences of aortic stenosis?
Heart murmur, hypertrophy, angina, syncope (transient LOC)
Describe the 4 types of pneumothorax
Open - air into pleural space
Tension - flap opens on inspiration and closes on expiration (air trapped = increased pressure on heart = bad)
Spontaneous - spontaneous rupture
Hemothorax - collapse due to blood in pleural space
Describe congestive heart failure and its 2 types.
Heart unable to pump blood at rate required by tissues of the body or able to but at elevated filling pressures
Systolic - deterioration of contractile function
Diastolic - can’t accommodate ventricular volume
What is a flail chest? What type of breathing is expected?
2 or more consecutive ribs broken in 2 or more places = paradoxical breathing (segment moves opposite to thorax)
Describe the 2 types of pleural effusion
Transudative - pleural fluid content unchanged just increased amount (ex. heart failure, kidney)
Exudative - the content is different and amount is greater (ex. blood, pus, tumour)
What are the 3 types of pulmonary embolism?
Air embolism - may be result of trauma, surgery
Thromboembolism - venous thrombi from deep veins in LE
Fat embolism - mostly associated with # of long bones
What is one possible result of aortic aneurism
Aortic dissection - tear in inner wall of aorta = blood flows between layers of aorta wall and forces layers apart
Name the contraindications for percussions/chest PT
ribs, prone to hemorrhage, metastatic bone cancer, osteoporosis, burns, subcutaneous emphysema of neck and thorax, poor/unstable CV condition, recent skin graft or flap, resectable tumour, pneumothorax
Describe the terrible triad (myocardial)
Ischemia - inverted T waves, occurs within seconds, reversible
Injury - elevated ST, occurs in 20-40min, reversible
Infarction - abnormal Q waves, QRS complexes, 2hrs post onset, not reversible
What is the result of L vs R sided heart failure?
Left = damming of blood in pulmonary circulation Right = damming of blood in systemic and portal venous systems
Describe the 2 types of lung cancer.
Small cell = in bronchial mucosa, rapid spread, mets early
Non-small cell = squamous cell (small spread, in central portion near hilum, mets late); adenocarcinoma (slow-mod spread; early mets through lungs, brain, organs); large cell (rapid spread, wide spread mets, poor prognosis)
Name and describe the 3 mechanisms of atelectasis.
Blockage of bronchus/bronchiole = lung prevented from expanding (paralysis, diaphragmatic disorders, hypoventilation, mucous or airway obstruction)
Compression = external force prevents from expanding (ex. pneuma, pleural effusion, tumour)
Post anaesthetic = effects and prolonged recumbency
Describe ARDS and its pathology
Acute rest failure with severe hypoxemia - result of pulmonary or systemic problem
Path = lung injury causes inc. permeability on alveolar cap membrane = leakage of fluid and blood into lung interstitium and alveoli
Hypoxemic vs. hypercapnic resp failure
Hyoxemic = gas exchange failure (dec. blood O2, no change in CO2) (d/t ARDS, pneumonia, obstructive disease, PE) Hypercapnia = ++CO2 in blood, dec. O2 (d/t dec. ventilation, acute upper or lower airway obstruction, weak resp muscles, SCI)
Describe the 2 types of asthma.
Extrinsic - allergic or atopic (most common): normally due to allergen = mast cells release mediators causing bronchospasm; kids > adults
Intrinsic - non allergic: hypersensitivity to bacteria, virus, drugs, cold air, exercise, stress; adults > kids
What are the main characteristics of COPD?
Progressive airway obstruction (not fully reversible); gas exchange normal; hyper inflated; dec. elastic recoil; middle aged to older adults
What are the results of emphysema?
Dec. surface area for gas exchange; air trapping; hyperventilation flattens diaphragm (mechanical disadvantage)
What is bronchiectasis?
Irreversible destruction and dilation of airways with chronic bacterial infection
Describe tuberculosis
Infectious, inflammatory systemic disease that affects the lungs (may disseminate to involve kidneys, growth plates, meninges, lymph nodes, etc.)
What are 2 possible causes of pulmonary edema?
Inc. hydrostatic pressure d/t heart or kidney failure (pushes fluid out of vessels)
Inc. alveolar permeability (drug induced, ARDS, noxious gas)
Name 5 effects of cystic fibrosis.
Defective Cl-, recurrent chest infections, consolidation, atelectasis, thickened bronchial walls
Name 3 causes and 3 effects of chronic venous insufficiency
Causes: DVT, trauma, obstruction
Effects: damaged or destroyed valves lead to stasis; progressive edema; thickening brown skin (blood pooling) and ulcers