CQ Maneuvers Validation (642) Flashcards
EFB, Flight Plan, WDR, DUs
- Set up FD Pro with planned departure/approaches, company pages, etc…
Flight Plan
- Swap databases
- Flight Plan
- FPLN>INIT: Orig, dest, crz alt, departure, arrival
- FPLN>FUEL: ZFW, etc…
- PERF>DEP: Big “G”
- NAV (press for FMS dep, de-select for heading/vectors)
- Speed (V2, FMS)
- Heading (runway heading, or departure heading)
- Stab Trim
- Other PERF pages as necessary (climb speed restrictions, arrival data)
DU Setup
- DU 5 Departure setup: PERF>DEP, ROUTE>LEGS
- Big Map showing first fix, WXR, TFC, VSD, etc…
FCP XFR pushbutton to PF
WARTS briefing
- Weather / NOTAMs
- Aborts / Abnormals (including non-normal/MEL items)
- Runway / Return runway
- Taxi / Terrain / Transition altitude
- SID / Specials (company pages)
Before Initial Takeoff
WDR entry
Press and verbalize “Autothrottle”
Box the CAS
Run Before Takeoff Checklist (see separate notecard)
Confirm runway heading on HSI
Before Takeoff Checklist
- Runway Position
- Flap
- Navigation briefing
- Flight Attendants
- Rudder trim indicator
- EICAS and Info
“Before takeoff checklist”
- Runway Position - “36L inside, 36L outside”, “36L inside, 36L outside”
- WDR “inside”, actual “outside”
- ensure WDR intersection or longer
- Flap - “2, 2”, “2, 2”
- PERF>DEP setting first
- EICAS flap indication
- Navigation briefing - “complete”, “complete”
- Flight Attendants - “Notified & acknowledged”
- FO responds
- look for READY flag
- Rudder trim indicator - “green”, “green”
- keep it simple - just verify rudder trim green
- EICAS and Info - “checked”, “checked”
- (checking EICAS msgs, INFO flag, communications flags)
“Before takeoff checklist complete”
Normal Takeoff (NADP2)
55%… then max (follow auto-throttles)
“Captain’s throttles” (no response)
Captain’s hand remains on thrust levers until V1
“80 knots, hold thrust normal”
“V1” - Captain’s hand off thrust levers
Pitch target marker, then flight director
(Sidestick trim = V2+10; no need to trim until accel ht)
“Positive rate”….”Gear up” Hand on throttles
400’ - verify/select lateral mode (If rwy hdg/vectors, request heading mode)
Autopilot above 400’ (1000 for check-ride?)
At 1000’ - verify VFLC, thrust mode = CLB (CLB at 1300’ in sim)
Passing F1 - “FLAP 1”…. “Flap 1”
Passing F0 - “FLAP 0, After takeoff checklist”
PM - “Flap 0”
“After T/O checklist”
Steps are silent
“After takeoff checklist complete”
Close-In (NADP 1) Special Takeoff Profile
Noise abatement procedure - used when directed by company pages
Differences from normal takeoff:
- Thrust reduction from takeoff (TO) power to climb (CLB) power occurs at 1500’
- Maintain airspeed until 3000’
- At 3000’, vertical mode changes to VFLC, and commands a pitch decrease for acceleration
- Retract flaps on speed (F1 - “Flap 1”, F0 - “Flap 0, after takeoff checklist”)
- If ATC cancels your altitude restriction, do NOT fire the VNAV, because it will cancel the NADP… that’s BAD!!!
- Instead, you must?
**Departure Windshear
- Suspected/reported prior to takeoff
- “Windshear Alert”
- “Monitor Radar Display” or “Windshear Ahead” after takeoff
Windshear suspected/reported
- more runway
- more performance
- Use highest performance on WDR, consider TOPR for WS - “warranted safety”, change runways/use longest runway)
“Windshear Alert”
- Need more info
- Consider environmental conditions, PIREPS, radar returns, etc.
- Consult dispatch for additional information
- Takeoff not authorized while alert is active
“Monitor Radar Display” or “Windshear Ahead” after takeoff
- Thrust levers - MAX
- Turn to avoid windshear
- Windshear escape maneuver
**Windshear After Takeoff
- PM actions
- “Clear of Windshear”
“Positive rate”… “Gear up” - Hand on thrust lever
PM - “Airspeed” or “slow”
- Thrust levers max, TOGA
(AT engages, WSHR guidance activates)
- Pitch - 15°, then follow FD
If no FD guidance (MEL), pull to soft stop
- DO NOT turn, except to avoid terrain
PM actions
- Verify thrust levers max
- Verify WSHR guidance in FMA
- “Guidance”, or …
- “No guidance. - TOGA”
- Verify spoilers retracted
- Call out radar altitude (“400 feet, 450 feet”)
- Advise “clear of windshear”
“Clear of windshear”
- Stand up throttles… press AT disconnect to silence alert
- “FLC, man speed, 180… make a PIREP”
- “Autopilot”
- “Autothrottle”
- “After takeoff checklist”
**Reasons to abort - prior to 80 kts (low speed abort)
- Captain’s Decision
Three Fs (Eng failure, “FIRE”, not Flyable”)
Master Warning/Master Caution
“Config xxxx” (flaps, spoiler, brake, etc…)
Tire failure
Abnormally slow acceleration
If escape hatch opens
Windshear (Predictive windshear caution or warning)
**Reasons to abort - 80 kts to V1 (high speed abort)
- Engine failure
- Fire or fire warning (any aural annunciation with the word “FIRE”) - NOT SMOKE
- Aircraft unsafe/unable to fly
[MV] **Rejected takeoff (RTO)
**Most important **
- 80 knots call
- call tower
- Non- Normal ECL FIRST, then
- RTO checklist in PROC tab
Announce abnormality “Engine Fail” “DU fail”
Captain -
Without delay, simultaneously:
“Abort, I have the aircraft”
- Idle
- Verify RTO auto-brake or apply maximum manual wheel brakes
First officer -
- If PF, maintain aircraft control until Captain takes control
- Verify:
- Thrust levers - idle
- Max brakes
- if RTO above 60 kts, monitor for deceleration
- if below 60 kts, manual braking required
- Max reverse thrust
- “80 kts” (field length permitting)
- “Tower, Delta xxx, aborting on rwy xxx, [request emergency equipment]”
Post RTO
- PA to pax “Ladies and gentlemen, we have decided to discontinue the takeoff, please remain seated with your seatbelts fastened and we’ll get back to you shortly”
- Run Non-Normal checklists
- Reason for abort (ECL or QRH)
- Rejected takeoff - Post RTO considerations (PROC tab)
- Evacuation? [QRH] / [NNP]
Communicate 2 in, 2 out
- FA and passenger follow-up
- Company [FOM]
**Rejected takeoff factors/considerations
- Autobrake Speeds
- Common Errors
≤ 60 kts - Manual brakes required
≥ 60 kts - auto-brakes active when throttles moved to idle
Common Errors:
- Words before actions (“abort” before initial abort actions)
- Delayed initiation
- Unused thrust reversers
- Moments of “uncontrolled” aircraft
- Misuse of auto/manual brakes
- Missed callouts (80 knots)
- Missed communication with ATC or cabin
[MV] **V1 Cut
PF - Rudder to maintain centerline, do not relax rudder during rotate
“Engine failure”
“Positive rate”
“Gear up”
“Left/right engine fail”
“Associated message” - in response to any Caution/EICAS messages that pop up related to the engine failure
At/above 400’ AFE
“Declare emergency, request runway heading to a safe altitude”
PM - “Tower, Delta 642, Emergency, request runway heading to a safe altitude”
PM - “Heading 360”… PF - “Heading 360”
PM - “4000”… PF - “4000”
PF - Trim rudder to the “boop”
PF - “Autopilot on”…. PM - “Autopilot”
At/above 1000 AFE
PF - “Flight level change, MAN Speed, 180”
PM - “Flight level change, MAN Speed, 180”
PF - Verify Flap 2
PF - “After Takeoff Checklist, Engine Failure Checklist” (or checklists that pop up on the ECL page)
PM - Accomplish SILENTLY
Approach Briefing (NATS)
-Go Around
Wx, NOTAMS, Arrival/Approach, Terrain/Taxi/Threats (Flaps/Speeds, AutoBrakes, Threat Mitigation), Specials
I have the aircraft
“Descent and Approach checklists”
**Single Engine Approach and Landing (ILS)
Similar to normal approach and landing, except:
- Reference ODM landing distance
- Reference NNOI
- Configure 1.5 dots below glideslope
- Remove rudder trim prior to touchdown
- In case of missed approach -
- set VAC
- req rwy hdg to safe alt
- DEP/ARR: ILS 36L, WELET, enter, execute
- ROUTE>LEGS: Direct to WELET, crs 003, enter, execute
- Flap 4
(Don’t use ODM VREF unless FMS is way off)
- Add 5 knots for AT, or half the gust up to 10 knots
- Baro - DA
- Wx/NOTAMS, Arrival/Approach, Terrain/Taxi/Threats, Specials, Go-around [if not already briefed])
“I have the aircraft, Descent Checklist, Approach Checklist”
Downwind or 20nm - Man speed, 210, Flap 1
Base or 10nm - Man speed, 180, flap 2 (lead with speed)
Cleared Approach - [APPR], [VNAV], FCP Alt (when conditions met)
1.5 dots below glideslope
- VREF “Gear down, Flap 4, landing checklist”
On GS (prior to 1000 AFE) Missed approach Alt
Remove rudder trim prior to touchdown (Technique - after 1000’ call)
When out of weather - disengage autopilot
- Single Engine Autoland NOT authorized
When “Approaching minimums”
- CA - “Approach lights in sight”
- FO - echo, “Approach lights in sight”
Descend below 100’ with red termination bars/side row bars
At “Minimums”
- CA - “Runway in sight”
- FO - echo, “Runway in sight”
Reverse thrust should be used CAUTIOUSLY to prevent loss of control
- ODM single engine landing distance assumes no reverse thrust