CPR sequence Flashcards


CPR sequence


Approach the casualty with caution, not putting own self at risk of
 Attempt to stimulate the casualty by means of verbal or pain
stimuli(pinch the ear lobes hard, neck muscles, shoulder muscles etc..)
 Call for help if no response from casualty as there may be a need to
escalate the situation depending on the next steps.
 Open the airway using “Head tilt Chin lift” manoeuvre. (hand on
forehead tilting head back and using forefinger and thumb to lift the
chin forward)
 Assess breathing for up to 10 seconds by means of “Look, Listen and
Feel” (looking for evidence of chest rise and fall, listening for normal
breathing sounds, feeling for breath on cheek)
 If no signs of breathing, recognise that this is now likely Cardiac Arrest
and phone ambulance immediately for help. (9999 off landline at DDH)
use speaker phone function on mobile phone if alone to allow for
immediate chest compressions.
 Perform chest compressions by placing heel of hand in centre of chest
(lower half of sternum), pressing down 5-6cm and recoiling the chest 5-
6cm at a rate of 100-120BPM with interlocked fingers, locked elbows
and straight arms to perform the correct technique. (Songs to get into
correct rate include: “staying alive- Bee-Gees” “Another one bites the
dust- Queen” “I would walk 500 miles – the Proclaimers”)
 Stop after 30 compressions to perform 2 rescue breaths by opening the
airway, creating a seal around the patient’s lips, pinching the nose and
gently breathing into the patient. Only attempting this twice before
moving back to chest compressions. (Current guidance states that
rescue breaths should not be attempted due to risk of contracting
Covid19, candidates talk through this stage rather than performing the
rescue breaths)

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