CPR Flashcards
- What is “Position #1” in CPFR’s Pit Crew CPR model?
- Where should this crewmember general be positioned?
- Compressor Position
- Left side of the patient
2023 CPFR Vector Solutions Assignment: Prehospital Cardiac Arrest
- What is “Position #2” in CPFR’s Pit Crew CPR model?
- Where should this crewmember general be positioned?
- Airway Position
- At the head of the patient
2023 CPFR Vector Solutions Assignment: Prehospital Cardiac Arrest
CPFR’s CPR metronomes should be set at (1.) — bpm.
- 110
The AHA recommends a compression rate of 100-120 bpm.
2023 CPFR Vector Solutions Assignment: Prehospital Cardiac Arrest
- Proper CPR compression depth on adolescent / adult patients
- Proper CPR compression depth on child patients
- Proper CPR compression depth on infant patients
- 2-2.4 inches
- 2 inches
- 1/3rd the depth of the chest
2023 CPFR Vector Solutions Assignment: Prehospital Cardiac Arrest
When performing BLS CPR with the LifePak 15 in AED mode, it is recommended that after automated rhythm analysis, chest compressions be restarted and sustained for approximately (1.) — to — seconds before defibrillation.
- 10-20 seconds
This time period reflects the delivery of 15-30 compressions.
2023 CPFR Vector Solutions Assignment: Prehospital Cardiac Arrest
In the event that a CPR patient cannot be ventilated with an iGel and a BVM must be substituted, continuous chest compressions with asynchronous ventilations must be also be replaced (with a compression-to-ventilation ration of (1.) —).
- 30:2
2023 CPFR Vector Solutions Assignment: Prehospital Cardiac Arrest
CPFR’s goal is to minimize all interruptions during CPR to less than or equal to (1.) —.
- five seconds
2023 CPFR Vector Solutions Assignment: Prehospital Cardiac Arrest
- Which CPR pit crew position is responsible for monitoring a pulse during ongoing CPR?
- Monitor position
2023 CPFR Vector Solutions Assignment: Prehospital Cardiac Arrest
At what point during each two minute cycle of CPR chest compressions should the Monitor Position charge the defibrillator?
- :01:45
2023 CPFR Vector Solutions Assignment: Prehospital Cardiac Arrest
While monitoring the femoral pulse, the Monitor Position should audibly count down the final (1.) — seconds of each two minute cycle of CPR.
- five
“Five, four, three, two, one, stop compressions.”
2023 CPFR Vector Solutions Assignment: Prehospital Cardiac Arrest
- How long with the LifePak 15 maintain a charge before defibrillation or self-dumping?
- 60 seconds
2023 CPFR Vector Solutions Assignment: Prehospital Cardiac Arrest
What is CPFR’s EMS Division’s recommended hand position for infant CPR?
- Two thumbs on the lower half of the sternum, with the rest of the fingers of each hand encircling the infant’s torso
2023 CPFR Vector Solutions Assignment: Prehospital Cardiac Arrest
Which CPR pit crew position is responsible for using the length-based tape to measure pediatric patient?
- Airway Position
2023 CPFR Vector Solutions Assignment: Prehospital Cardiac Arrest
What is the principle drawback of delivering excessive volume or frequency of ventilations during CPR?
- Increased intrathoracic pressure reduces cardiac preload and hence cardiac output
2023 CPFR Vector Solutions Assignment: Prehospital Cardiac Arrest
During CPR, adults should be ventilated at a rate of (1.) —.
- one breath every six seconds
10 breaths per minute
2023 CPFR Vector Solutions Assignment: Prehospital Cardiac Arrest
- During attempted CPR, is it best to place an iGel before or after the BVM, oxygen, viral filter and ETCO2 have been prepared?
- Before
Some ventilation will occur through the iGel alone during compressions.
2023 CPFR Vector Solutions Assignment: Prehospital Cardiac Arrest
Beyond securing with the commercial strap or with tape, what manual technique is recommended for ensuring an iGel remains seated after placement?
- Use the free hand to maintain constant, gentle downward pressure
2023 CPFR Vector Solutions Assignment: Prehospital Cardiac Arrest
The gastric channel of an iGel should be suctioned with a (1.) —, while the tracheal channel should be suctioned with a (2.) —. A patient’s oropharynx should be suction with a (3.) —.
- Gastric suction tube
- Tracheal suction tube
- Ducanto hard suction catheter
2023 CPFR Vector Solutions Assignment: Prehospital Cardiac Arrest
During CPR with an iGel in place, ventilations should be maintained at (1.) — to — for pediatric patients.
- 20-30
2023 CPFR Vector Solutions Assignment: Prehospital Cardiac Arrest
When operating in AED mode, electrical therapy pads should be placed in the (1.) — position.
- anterior-lateral
This allows for proper rhythm analysis.
2023 CPFR Vector Solutions Assignment: Prehospital Cardiac Arrest
Pediatric torsos which are too small for proper anterior-lateral defibrillation pad placement should be considered for (1.) — placement instread.
- anterior-posterior
Four-lead ECG interpretation will be required for proper rhythm analysis
2023 CPFR Vector Solutions Assignment: Prehospital Cardiac Arrest
What LIfePak 15 waveform display is preferable during manual-mode CPR analysis?
- Top line: Paddles or Lead II
- Middle line: SpO<aub>2</sub></aub>
- Bottom line: EtCO2
2023 CPFR Vector Solutions Assignment: Prehospital Cardiac Arrest
What CPFR CPR pit crew position is responsible for time-stamping interventions?
- Monitor Position
AED mode allows for only a generic event recording, without proper detai
2023 CPFR Vector Solutions Assignment: Prehospital Cardiac Arrest
What CPFR CPR pit crew model postion is responsible for the BLS Coach role?
- Monitor Position
2023 CPFR Vector Solutions Assignment: Prehospital Cardiac Arrest
What is it recommended that the CPR pit crew Monitor Position do during the Team Leader’s rhythm analysis?
- Print the rhythm
2023 CPFR Vector Solutions Assignment: Prehospital Cardiac Arrest
In what position is it recommended that the heart monitor be placed during CPR?
- At the patient’s right hip, with the screen towards the head
2023 CPFR Vector Solutions Assignment: Prehospital Cardiac Arrest
How is the LifePak 15’s AED Mode initiated after pad placement?
- Push the Analyze button
2023 CPFR Vector Solutions Assignment: Prehospital Cardiac Arrest
What is the most common method of changing the LIfePak 15 from AED Mode to Manual Mode?
- Push the Energy Select button
2023 CPFR Vector Solutions Assignment: Prehospital Cardiac Arrest
(1.) — is the source of energy for every cell in the body including cardiac tissue. The more coarse VF is on the monitor, the more — is still present in cardiac muscle. Fine VF is representative of very little — left in the heart muscle.
- Adenosine triphosphate
2023 CPFR Vector Solutions Assignment: Prehospital Cardiac Arrest
With respect to the “H’s and T’s”, if a cardiac arrest patient has a recent history of GI upset, diuresis, or potassium wasting medications such as HCTZ, consider (1.) —.
- Hypokalemia
2023 CPFR Vector Solutions Assignment: Prehospital Cardiac Arrest
With respect to the “H’s and T’s”, if a cardiac arrest patient has a recent history of metabolic acidosis (e.g., DKA or sepsis), renal failure, rhabdomyolysis, neuromuscular disease or recent chemotherapy, consider (1.) —.
- Hyperkalemia
2023 CPFR Vector Solutions Assignment: Prehospital Cardiac Arrest
- What is the principle adverse reaction which is likely to occur as a result of administering nitroglycerin to patients diagnosed with aortic stenosis or who are therapeutically dosed with a phosphodiesterase inhibitor?
- A precipitious drop in blood pressure
2023 CPFR Vector Solutions Assignment: Prehospital Cardiac Arrest