CPR Flashcards
What are some neurological, CVS, and respiratory clinical signs of impending cpr?
Neuro: pupillary dilation, decreased mentation
CVS: MM pale/blue, weak pulses, muffled heart sounds
Resp: dyspnoea, gasping
List some items needed in the first drawer of a crash cart
AIRWAY ET tubes Suction device Forceps Ambubag Laryngoscope Tracheostomy tubes Chest drains
What goes into the second and third drawers of a crash cart?
Second - emergency drugs preloaded by weight
Third - Needles, catheters, fluids, tape, clippers etc.
What is the duration of BLS?
2 minutes with brief pauses to rotate compressors and evaluate for signs of ROSC (return of spontaneous circulation)
List the types of compressions needed for different size/breed dogs/cats
Large breeds - lateral recum w/ thoracic pump
Deep chested breeds - lateral recum w cardiac pump
Barrel chested breeds - dorsal recum w cardiac pump
Small dogs/cats - lateral recum w cardiac pump
Why might the Etco2 read 0 during cpr?
The ETT is in the oesophagus
The ETT isn’t inflated properly
How should you respond if the Etco2 is less than 15 mmHG
Compressions should be evaluated - correct amount? correct depth?
What are some signs of ROSC?
Elevated etco2
Voluntary motor movements
Chewing of the ETT
Corneal/palpebral reflex