CPL IFR Renewal Gen Flashcards
What is an AIC ?
Aeronautical information circular :
Containing INFO that does not qualify for NOTAM or AIP
What is an AIP?
Aeronautical information publication:
Information of a lasting character essential to air navigation
Category 1 ( CAT I) operation ?
Precision instrument approach and landing with decision height not lower then 200ft
Visibility not lower then 800m and RVR not lower then 550M
Category II (CAT II) Operation?
Precision instrument approach and landing with decision height lower than 200 ft but not lower then 100ft and RVR not less then 350m
Category III (Cat III A) Operation?
Precision instrument approach and landing with a decision height lower then 100ft or no decision height and RVR not less then 200m
Category IIIB (CAT IIIB) Operation?
Precision instrument approach and landing with decision height lower then 50ft or no decision height and RVR less then 200m but not less then 50m
Category III (CAT III C) operation?
Precision approach and landing with no decision height or RVR
Hight above surface of lowest layer of cloud base below 20000ft covering more then half the sky
Circling approach ?
Extension of instrument approach procedure which provides for visual circling of aerodrome prior to landing
Contaminated runway?
runway of which more then 25% of runway surface is cover by
- more then 3mm deep water
- slush or loose snow more then 3mm deep
- snow compressed into a solid mass which resists further compression and will hold together or break up into lumps
- Ice including wet ice
En-route safe altitude ?
route to which ensures a separation height of at least 1000ft above highest terrain or obstacle where it does not exceed 5000ft above sea level within 5nm
2000ft above highest terrain or obstacle where it does exceed 5000ft above sea level within 5nm
Extended range operations?
route containing a point further then 1 hour flying time at the approved 1 engine in-op cruise speed under standard conditions in still air.
Infant ?
A person who has not reached his/her 2nd birthday
Initial approach segment?
segment between the initial approach fix and intermediate approach fix
Low visibility take off ?
Take off with less then 400m RVR
Night duty?
Period of not less then 4 hours between 2000H and 0600H