CPE Flashcards
Go down in history
Ex: They will go down in history as possibly the greatest pop musicians of all time
Войти в историю
Make no bones about sth
Ex: He made no bones about his dissatisfaction with the service
Открыто говорить
Not miss a trick
Ex: Jonathan doesn’t miss a trick! If there’s a bargain to be had, he’ll find it.
Не упускать возможности
POSE star Billy Porter channels ballroom icon Hector Xtravaganza on the Academy Awards red carpet
See the writing on the wall
Ex: A lot of writing on the wall, I should have read it.
Распознать намёк, читать между строк, получить предостережение
To keep on one’s toes
Ex: Sometimes he just wanted to mix things up a bit - to keep everybody on their toes
Держать в тонусе
We are in the homestretch
Мы на финишной прямой
Изобретательный, искусный
We need to hash things out
Мы должны проговорить эти вопросы
Успешный, многообещающий
Привередливый, придирчивый
It didn’t pan out
Не сработало, не принесло ожидаемых результатов
Малодушный, робкий, трусливый
Говорливый, болтливый
Sell down the river
Наколоть, надуть
Sell somebody on something
Ex: She’s really sold on the idea of moving to Australia
Убедить, склонить
Go pear-shaped
Ex: We started well, but it all went pear-shaped and we lost five matches in a row
If a situation or activity goes pear-shaped, it starts to fail or have problems
Something never ceases to amaze somebody
Ex: It never ceases to amaze me how quick email is.
He never ceases to be amazed by her physical strength
You are always impressed or surprised by a particular person or thing, even though you know them well
To cement the presence in the … landscape
Прочно удерживать позиции
To strike a chord with …
Прийтись по душе
To pitch
To run/operate a skeleton crew
Сводить концы с концами; располагать минимальным количеством ресурсов при максимальной нагрузке
Что у трезвого на уме, у пьяного - на языке
A drunk mind speaks a sober heart
To pitch smth
Ex: to pitch a book to a publisher
Исследование по чему-либо
A study into
Ex: A study into asset management and the surrounding services is also being considered.
He tells me about a study into the respiration of musicians and crowd at a classical concert
Ex: tell-tale eye, tell-tale sign
To be down-at-heel
Ex: Some of the buildings are a little bit down-at-heel.
Быть/выглядеть потрепанным, видавшим виды
Ex: If the gear ratio is an integer such as 1, 2 or 3…
Целое число
Remain on the offensive
Example: Ukraine will remain on the offensive this winter.
Продолжить наступление
To keep a lid
The wartime measures could keep a lid on dissent in Russia and allow the pro-Moscow authorities to impose curfews, seize property.
Сдерживать, не позволять себе
A staple
Drones, the smaller, cheaper weapons, are likely to become a staple of modern conflicts.
Неотъемлемый элемент, основной товар