CPCU 530 Ch. 7 Flashcards
A legal, consensual relationship that exists when one party, the agent, acts on behalf of another party, the principal
In the agency relationship, the party that is authorized by the principal to act on the principal’s behalf
The party in an agency relationship that authorizes the agent to act on that party’s behalf
A written document that authorizes one person to act as another person’s agent or attorney-in-0fact
Power of attorney
An agency relationship created by a principal’s words or conduct that cause a third party to reasonably believe that an agency exists
Agency by estoppel
Creation of an agency relationship resulting when a principal adopts the act of another who has purported to act for the principal and has neither power nor authority to perform the act for the principal
Authority (express or implied) conferred by the principal on an agent under an agency contract
Actual authority
The authority that the principal specifically grants to the agent
Express authority
The authority implicitly conferred on an agent by custom, usage, or a principal’s conduct indicating intention to confer such authority
Implied authority
A third party’s reasonable belief that an agent has authority to act on the principal’s behalf
Apparent authority
The routine or mechanical task performed by agents
Ministerial duties
A principal whose existence and identity are known to the third party dealing with the agent
Disclosed principal
A principal whose existence is known, but whose identity is not known, to the third party dealing with the agent
Partially disclosed principal
A person hired to perform services for another under the direction and control of the other party, called the employer
A person (an organization) hired to perform services without being subject to the hirer’s discretion and control regarding work details
Independent contractor
The legal principle under which an employer is vicariously liable for the torts of an employee acting within the course and scope of employment
Respondeat superior
The liability of multiple defendants either collectively or individually for the entire amount of damages sought by the plaintiff regarding their relative degree of responsibility
Joint and several liability