CPch.3 - Diagnostics & Assessment Flashcards
Reliability - Validity
What is Reliability and it’s four types?
The consistency between measures
- Interrater reliability
- Test-retest reliability
- alternate-form reliability
- internal consistency reliability
Interrater reliability
Two different observers agree on what they see
Test-Retest Reliability
If you make someone take the same test twice (with a time gap between the first and second), the person will obtain the same scores
Alternate-form Reliability
(In tests that have multiple forms), when scores on two different types of the same test are consistent (nearly the same)
Internal Consistency Reliability
When items on a test are correlated to each other (how well a test/survey measures what you actually want to measure)
What is Validity and it’s three types?
If a measure measures what it’s supposed to measure
- Criterion Validity
- Content Validity
- Construct Validity
Criterion Validity
If scores on two different tests that measure the same variable are consistent
(e.g. somebody with depression: if BDI and PHQ [depression inventories] have criterion validity, then the person’s scores on the two tests will correlate/be similar)
Content Validity
If a measure represents all facets/aspects of the measured construct
(e.g. measure anxiety, take into consideration social, panic, agoraphobia etc.)
Construct Validity
When the measure measures the abstract construct of interest (if operationalization of construct is good or not)
What is the reason for Diagnosis?
If you can’t diagnose what disorder a person suffers from, how can you determine what treatment to administer?
What should a valid Diagnosis entail?
- information about related clinical characteristics and functional impairment (personal level or social level) !!! distress must be present for there to be a diagnosis !!!
- Information about course of disorder and response to different treatments
- Information about Etiology of Disorder: Possible causes of disorder
!!! In general: STRONG CONSTRUCT VALIDITY -> Predict broad range of characteristics !!!
What should a good Diagnosis include?
- Classification
- Dimensional Data
- Conceptualization of a client specific case
- The personal perspective of the clinician
What is Classification?
Grouping mental disorders on the basis of their characteristics or symptoms