CPB Lecture Flashcards


What are the key components in a CPB machine?


Simplified version to know;

  • Drainage canula drains blood from body
  • Reservoir to collect blood
  • Pump to move blood forward back to the patient
  • Oxygenator/heat exchanger combo
    • oxygenates the blood
    • warms/cools blood
  • Arterial cannula for return
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Anesthesia responsibilites at the beginning of CPB case?


Bring patient into OR and induce and place lines.

  • Induction and lines
    • A-line (x 2)
    • Central line
      • vasopressors
      • volume requirements
    • PA line
      • managing pt post operatively
  • Monitoring
    • Sat probes – sometimes each side of body or upper and lower body
    • NIRS (Cerebral Oximetry)
      • used as a trending device – determine perfusion problems
      • Noninvasive monitor for tissue oxygenation
    • Temperature (x 2)
      • Esophageal
      • core temp (bladder/rectal/or PA cath) – monitor for cooling and rewarming.
  • Sedate and Paralyze
    • Reduce metabolism
      • Allows for lower CPB flows than normal CO
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What are some drugs you want available for CPB case?

  • *Phenylephrine – often used by perfusionists when on by-pass
  • The rest of the drugs are more likely to help pt transition off bypass and to be used afterward
    • Epinephrine,
    • Vasopressin
    • Dobutamine
    • Dopamine
    • Isoproterenol
    • Norepinephrine
    • Milrinone
    • Nicardipine
    • Lidocaine
    • Amiodarone
  • Refractory Vasoplegia: HoTN refractory to vasopressor therapy (rare)
    • Tx:
      • Methylene Blue
      • Hydroxocobalamin (Vit B12)
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What do we need to do to prepare for sternotomy?

  • Step 1: Opening the chest
    • “Lungs down” for sternotomy
      • Fx: deflate lungs and move the heart farther from chest wall
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What are some perfusionist responsiblities pre bypass?

  • Prime (de-air) the CPB Circuit
    • balanced electrolyte solution – most important task
      • Plasmalyte A/Normasol/ LR
  • Then drugs are added to circuit based on institution and pt need:
    • Ex: Heparin, Bicarb (Na), Mannitol, Cefazolin, Albumin, TXA/ Amicar (antifibrinolytic)
  • Determine if PRBCs/FFP needed
    • Predicted diluted Hct < 24%
    • Ex: if pt has low Hct before bypass or predicted dilutional Hct low (< 24%) → add PRBCs
  • Never prime circuit w/ plts OR cryo
    • No cryo –don’t want to promote clotting (why you give heparin)
    • Arterial blood pump would destroy platelets
  • Perfusionist get baseline ACT
    • Baseline Activated Clotting Time (ACT)
    • Normal: 70-120 sec
      • Goal is to return to this baseline after bypass
  • Perfusion will set up a cell Saver blood is obtained from
    • opening of the chest
    • blood is collected prior to heparinization
  • Crystalloid prime will REDUCE colloid oncotic pressure (during initiation of CPB)
    • → fluid shifts and hypotension will likely follow
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How do perfusionist determine the patient’s hematocrit after pump initiation?



  • Post-dilutional HCT = RBCV / TCBV + prime volume
    • RBCV= Red blood cell volume
      • TCBV x Hct
    • TCBV= Total circulating BV
      • 70-80 ml/kg
    • Prime volume= ~ 500-1000 ml
  • Example:
    • 70 kg Male
    • Hct 35%
    • Prime volume 700 ml
      • Answer: Post-Dilutional Hct → 31% (0.306)
    • Same pt but starting Hct 28% → 24% (0.245%)
      • Will probably add PRBC to circuit
  • RBCV (TCBV x Hct) / TCBV (total circulating blood volume) + prime (usually 500-1,000 ml)
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Considerations with heparin load prior to initiation of bypass?


Heparin loading dose

  • Reduce clotting from blood exposure to foreign surfaces of CPB circuit
  • Dose: 300-400 units/kg
    • Admin via central line or by surgeon directly into R atrium
    • Dose is facility dependent
      • Ex: 70 kg pt → 28,000 units (or round up to 30,000 units)
      • Once the chest and pericardium are open and surgeon is happy with exposure, they will ask the anesthesia provider to give heparin via IV or will give it directly into the right atrium
  • Considerations:
    • May need to increase dose if previous exposure
    • Large heparin bolus can cause transient hypotension – d/t decreased viscosity
      • HoTN d/t decrease viscosity (SVR 10-20%)
  • Peak affect = 1-2 min after admin
    • After 3-5 min of heparin circulation → draw blood for perfusionist to run ACT
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What is an ACT? What is the goal for ACT on CPB?

What are pump suckers?

  • Goal ACT: 480 sec
    • provides acceptable margin of safety
  • Avoid under heparinized
    • will clot circuit
    • prevent consumption of clotting factors (won’t be available when needed after CPB termination)
  • Avoid over heparinized – prevent bleeding,
  • Pump suckers – kind of like yankauers for surgical field
    • started after ACT at >300 sec (these take blood in the surgical field and pull into pump to be delivered back to patient
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How does heparin work?

  • Heparin binds to antithrombin III (ATIII) and potentiates its activity
    • ATIII: a natural thrombin inhibitor
    • Increases ATIII activity from 1,000 -10,000 x
  • Antithrombin III inhibits thrombin and other serine proteases by binding to the active site.
  • Inactivates factor Xa & thrombin → disrupting the formation of fibrin clot
  • Also works on factors VII (?), IX, XI, XII
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What are some considerations if the ACT does not reach a therapeutic level after administration of heparin?


Look for ATIII level from preop labs

  • Sometimes ACT will not reach the goal of 480 seconds with the loading heparin dose alone, when this happens the first step is for the perfusionist to provide the anesthesia provider with a second, smaller dose of heparin in hopes of getting closer to goal ACT
  • Increasing heparin dose w/ increasing body wt is only effective to some degree bc the heparin is mainly distributed in plasma.
  • Once the additional heparin reaches > 600 units/kg and the pt is still < 300 seconds → pt is “heparin resistant”
  • Heparin does need anti-thrombin 3 as a co-factor to work
    • so even additional heparin will not provide enough anti-coagulation because of an anti-thrombin 3 deficiency.
  • This can be inherited or acquired r/t prior heparin exposure.
    • Why it’s helpful to get pre-op ATIII level so a poor response to heparin can be anticipated and prepared for.
  • In cases when you have ATIII deficiency → Administer:
    • recombinant anti-thrombin (thrombate) or
    • FFP (contains ATIII)
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What is the treatment for heparin resistance?

  • Additional heparin
  • Thrombate
    • From pharmacy (not kept in OR, $$$)
    • preferred over FFP
      • Give thrombate + additional heparin → recheck ACT
    • Dosing thrombate:
      • Dose (IU)=(Desired ATIII level – Actual ATIII) x kg / 1.4 = thrombate units to admin
      • Desired ATIII level: 80-120%
        • admin dose while redosing heparin
  • FFP
    • Inconvenient (must thaw and want to avoid blood product during CV sx)
    • 1 unit of ATIII per mL of FFP
      • ~ Adult: usually 2 units of FFP
  • Perfusionist will avoid going on bypass unless your ACT is at least > 300 seconds.
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What is an heparin alternative that can be used for CPB? Consideraitons?

  • Bivalirudin (Angiomax) → Heparin alternative
    • takes a lot of planning and is usually not done on the fly.
  • Requires a constant infusion d/t short half-life (24 minutes)
    • No reversal required*
  • No easy anticoag monitoring with bivalirudin.
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Where can the arterial cannulation be inserted?

Considerations for arterial cannulation?


After heparin is giving and we have adequate ACT → cannulation can begin.

  • 1st: arterial cannulation bc how blood can be returned to patient.
    • If BP drops/bleeding → perfusionist can rapidly transfuse from bypass circuit
  • Sites:
    • Aorta Ascending: (most common site) proximal to innominate artery
    • Femoral artery: retrograde flow up the descending aorta
      • Alternative if aorta is calcified or if a “re-do” where concern for adhesion to chest wall and reopening the sternum poses risk to aorta or LV
      • Considerations:
        • Cannula in DESCENDING aorta and perfuses upper body and head via retrograde flow
          • having a femoral cannula in allows for rapid initiation of CPB if needed
        • Also have the option of going on CPB prior to opening the chest to decompress the heart and move it away from the chest wall (easier for opening)
    • Axillary artery: selective cerebral perfusion
      • Used in special circumstances
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What are some considerations with the arterial cannula size?

What occurs immediately around arterial cannulation?

How should we treat hypotension during this process?

  • Arterial cannula size
    • Too small → limit flow due to increased resistance and then jetting of blood (high pressure) – this can potentially cause an aortic dissection, biggest risk of cannulation
    • Too large → cause vessel damage
      • Need balance
      • Adult Cannula Size: 22 - 24 French aortic canula
  • Sucker bypass utilization
    • Bleeding during cannulation period → Sucker bypass collection system allows blood lost to be pumped from chest and taken back to immediately re-tx volume
  • Once the arterial canula is in place, the perfusionist will check the arterial line pressure is reading as this is a reflection of the [aortic] root pressure
    • excessively high = sign of aortic dissection.
    • Perfusionist will check for pulsatility so some fluctuation up and down in the pressure on the A-line, and can give a test transfusion of a small amount of volume to ensure the pressure doesn’t jump up.
  • The surgeon wants the pressure on the LOWER side for canulation to avoid additional bleeding during this period.
    • The pt will lose blood during cannulation, but this is only temporary.
  • Hypotension should be treated with VASOPRESSORS not volume.
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Where can the venous cannula be placed during CPB surgery?



There a few different types of venous canulation types depending on the surgery being performed.

  • Size is important as it needs to ensure adequate drainage,
    • b/c what drains out is what is returned to the patient so if not enough is drained, we can’t return enough to get good flow
  • Single
    • Dual Stage: RA, IVC
    • A single venous canula can be used in the right atrium to drain the heart in the case of aortic valve repair, arch repair, or CABG.
    • These cannulas are considered dual stage and usually have multiple holes spaced out to drain from different locations like the right atrium and IVC
  • BiCaval Canulation = two separate venous cannulas
    • SVC and IVC cannulated
      • Y-ed together and attached to venous drainage line
        • SVC: 1/3 drainage (smaller)
        • IVC: 2/3 drainage (larger size)
    • This form of drainage is utilized if the right heart needs to open for repair:
      • Ex: tricuspid valve, pulmonary valve, mitral valve, ASDs, PFO
    • Snares around each cannula → “Total Bypass”Total Bypass = obtained if snares are tightened around each venous canula used for bicaval, so then only bronchial return can enter heart. Allows for better visualization of chambers
  • Femoral canulation: via femoral vein
    • Drains Right heart via IVC
      • Redos
      • Minimally invasive
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What occurs during CPB initiation?

  • Simultaneously drain the heart while returning blood via the arterial cannula
    • Pt already heparinized, arterial perfusion cannula, and venous drainage cannula → bypass
    • Perfusionist will slowly release the clamp on the venous line to allow the heart to empty while coming up on the arterial flow to return blood to the patient
    • GOAL:
      • empty the heart and still provide enough flow to maintain pressure
  • “Fullflow”→ stop ventilating
    • Bypass has taken over lung role
    • The perfusionist will also take over the continuous administration of isoflurane using a vaporizer, usually will run it at 0.5 -1% in a case
      • if you have concerns about the adequacy of anesthetic depth, discuss with perfusionist.
  • Loss of arterial line waveform
    • A-line flattens but ideally MAP
    • stays around 60-65 mmHg
  • Begin cooling patient
  • Perfusionist responsible for:
    • Administering anesthetic gas
    • Monitoring and responding to pressure changes – Monitoring and correcting blood gases
    • Administering medications
    • Managing patient temperature
    • Taking over the role of the heart and lungs
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What is the reservoir in the bypass circuit?

  • Venous cannula → venous line → reservoir
    • Once blood is drained by venous canula it then travels down the venous line (3/8 to ½ inch tubing) and enters the venous reservoir aka the “cardiotomy”
      • → allows the blood to settle so less bubbles enter circulation.
  • “Storage” for venous blood, pump sucker return, vent return, and any additional fluid added to circuit (Ex: fluid, drugs)
    • Must maintain a minimum operating volume in reservoir to prevent air from entering the pump [next component]
  • Filters and Defoamers
    • Blood travels through these to prevent gaseous and particulate micro-emboli from entering circuit
    • Always** **placed first, before the arterial pump and oxygenator
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What is the arterial pump in the bypass machine? What are the types of pump?

  • Venous Cannula → Venous Line → [[filter/defoamer]] Reservoir à Arterial Pump
  • Pulls volume from the reservoir and forces it forward against resistance of circuit components and the patient
  • TYPES: 2
    • Centrifugal
      • Preload, afterload dependent
    • Roller
      • Preload, afterload independent
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What are some characteristics of a centrifugal pump? With what patient population is this normally used?

  • frequently used in adults,
  • kinetic pump that creates a vortex using rapid revolutions (RPMs), pulls blood into center of pump and forces it to sides where it leaves to go to patient.
    • Pump comes with a risk of retrograde flow if < 1000 RPM
      • Normal RPM = 3000 range
    • Pump will be set to certain number of revolutions per minute (RPM)
      • Resistance increases → flow will decrease unless RPM is manually increased
      • Resistance decreases → flow will increase unless RPM is manually decreased
        • RPM have to increase to maintain the same flow you had at a lower pressure → this can result in more hemolysis is resistance is not corrected
  • Several benefits:
    • less chance of air getting to the patient
    • reduces hemolysis
  • Pre-load and afterload dependent:
    • Pre-Load: requires fluid (blood) for centrifugation to occur.
      • *If air were to enter the pump, it would not be able to overcome atmospheric pressure and pump the air forward – good safety mechanism.
    • Afterload: it is like a beating heart → if it has to pump against a high resistance (higher blood pressure, smaller circuit components) must work harder to achieve the same flow.
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What is a roller pump? Characteristics? Patient population that uses it?

  • Positive displacement pump
    • Positive displacement means that tubing is occluding by two roller heads that rotate counterclockwise and these roller heads squeeze the blood forward.
      • ½ inch, 1 foot long tubing
      • push forward from each revolution: ~ 40 mL
        • ~ 4 L/min flow (less revolutions/min than centrifugal pump)
  • Preload and afterload INDEPENDENT
    • RISK: If air in circuit → air pushed forward unless stopped by perfusionist
  • Considerations:
    • If pump encounters higher pressure → it will continue to press forward anyway and can damage vessels or can cause the CPB circuit to come apart (dangerous)
    • More precise control of flow (benefit)
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What is the oxygenator in a bypass circuit? Types of oxygenator?


Venous Cannula → Venous Line → [[filter/defoamer]] Reservoir à Arterial Pump –> Oxygenator [heat exchanger, arterial line filter]

  • “Artificial lung”
      • Gas exchange (O2, CO2)
        • Utilize Membrane oxygenators: made up of small fibers that gas runs through while blood runs around these fibers so that gas can exchanged via a gradient
        • Driving pressure causes the gas to diffuse from areas of high pressure to lower pressure
      • Anesthetic gas administration
    • SA= 2-2.5 sq meters (human lung 70-1000 sq meters)
  • Oxygenators can be: 2 types
      1. Integrated: contains arterial line filter [ALF]
        * reduces prime volume
      1. Non-integrated: requires external ALF
  • ALF/arterial line filter
    • filtering device for particles and emboli from the blood, last line of defense before blood returns to pt
  • External ALF
  • Includes stainless steel heater-exchanger:
    • cool and re-warm blood/pt (water outside membrane set to any temp and blood w/in membrane)
  • Specifications:
    • Typical prime volume for oxygenator = 260 ml
    • Rated max flow= 7 L/min
      • Can run flow higher but gas exchange less effective
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How is blood returned to the patient from the bypass machine?


Venous Cannula → Venous Line → [[filter/defoamer]] Reservoir –> Arterial Pump –> Oxygenator [heat exchanger, arterial line filter] –> Arterial Line –> Arterial Cannula (Aorta)

Arterial Line à Arterial Cannula

  • Final stage of CPB circuit
  • Once blood leaves the oxygenator/ ALF/ Heat- exchanger → it travels up the arterial line and back to the patient’s aorta via the arterial cannula
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What is the function of cardioplegia?

What are the routes for cardioplegia?

Alternative to cardioplegia?

  • CPB circuit also includes a cardioplegia pump.
  • Function:
    • Helps provide a motionless field
    • Solution used to arrest the heart once the cross-clamp placed – prevent flow to systemic circulation
      • Loss of EKG activity
        • EKG activity disappear quickly if going well
        • NO EKG activity while cross clamp period
        • If EKG activity is suspected:
          • 1st: r/o interference
          • 2nd: notify surgeon
          • 3rd: re-dose cardioplegia
  • Routes:
    • Anterograde cardioplegia: via aortic root cardioplegia needle to both coronary arteries simultaneously
    • Retrograde: via coronary sinus
      • Commonly used with AI
      • Keep CS pressure < 40 mmHg
      • Less R heart protection
    • Ostial: olive tip cannulas held directly to coronary ostia
      • Aortic sx
  • Induced fibrillation: XC alternative for PVRs, TVRs
    • alternative to cardioplegia sometimes used in place of placing a cross clamp for procedures on the right side of the heart
      • ex: pulmonary valve, tricuspid valve
      • Fx: help avoid ischemia.
    • We induce fibrillation by rapidly cooling to < 30 degrees or we can use a fibrillatory device
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What is antegrade cardioplegia?


via coronary arteries (most common)

  • Delivered to both coronary arteries simultaneously via the aortic root cardioplegia needle
  • Cardioplegia needle → inserted into the aorta above aortic valve.
  • Cross clamp → placed on the aorta, above the cardioplegia needle.
  • Once the cross clamp is applied, administration of the solution from the pump beings immediately
    • Flow must be fast enough to build enough pressure to close the aortic valve (150-250 mmHg) but it can’t be so fast that it would cause dissection of the coronaries/myocardial edema
  • Once the aortic valve is closed, the solution cannot enter the heart (closed valve), cannot enter the aorta (cross clamp) so must go down the coronary arteries.
  • Will usually be flowing 250- 400 mL per minute with this form of delivery
    • will take several minutes to deliver.
  • The cardioplegia will then exit the coronary arteries via the coronary sinus into the RA
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What is retrograde cardioplegia?

  • A retrograde canula is placed through the atrium and into the coronary sinus, there is a balloon at the tip of the canula to prevent cardioplegia leakage back into the RA
  • So then the flow has to go retrograde into the coronary arteries and empties into the aortic root. The aorta will be vented in this case (drained)
  • Retrograde:
    • less right heart protection, because the right coronaries drain into the right atrium via the small cardiac veins and not the coronary sinus
      • good left heart protection
      • poor right heart protection
  • This form is utilized in cases of aortic insufficiency, because the anterograde method will leak through the incompetent valve into left ventricle and this will prevent an adequate arrest
  • Considerations:
    • monitor the sinus pressure because it is very bad to rupture the coronary sinus as it’s hard to repair because its on the back of the heart
    • Surgeon will hand you (anesthesia provider) a line to attach to CVP transducer and this is how the perfusionist can monitor coronary sinus pressure during retrograde cardioplegia
      • (max = 40 mmMg), flowing 200 mL/min
  • If retrograde cardioplegia is given, you may also see an additional dose of cardioplegia given directly via the R ostia for better right heart protection
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What is direct ostial cardioplegia?

  • When small cannulas are placed directly up to left and right coronary ostia, this form does not require competent aortic valve but it does require optimal positioning of the cannulas and slower delivery (50-100 mL/min)
  • often surgeons are too impatient for this
  • can see direct ostial cardioplegia to re-dose after retrograde flow
  • Another time you might see direct ostia cardioplegia is during aortic surgery cases requiring the opening of the aorta.
    • Basically any dose beyond the first in aortic valve repair, replacement, arch repairs, might be direct ostia cardioplegia
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What makes up cardioplegia solution?

  • Delivered cold (2-4 oC)
    • Ideally keep myocardial temp < 10 oC
      • (myocardial temp probe)
    • Ice slush in chest
  • Blood vs Crystalloid
    • Some solutions are all crystalloid and some include a ratio of pt’s blood
  • K+ most common arresting agent
    • 20-40 mmole/L K
    • Prevents repolarization of heart
      • You do need to be aware of high potassium during and after CPB but the goal is for the perfusionist to correct this prior to coming off of CPB
    • Cardioplegia solutions can also include: lidocaine, mannitol, magnesium, bicarb, glucose, calcium, sodium. A common one is called “Del Nido”
  • Standard dosing:
    • Arresting dose: 1000 ml
    • Subsequent doses: 500 ml
      • Frequency: Dependent on soln
        • q 20 min-q 2hrs
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What happens after cross clamp removal?

  • Trendelenburg + Ventilate/Valsalva
    • Perfusionist will fill heart or fill heart by turning off LV vent
    • De-air the heart (compress heart and force de-airing and avoid air to cerebral vasculature)
      • Clamp removed → stop ventilation again and come out Trendelenburg.
  • MgSO4: ~ 50 mg/kg (into circuit)
    • Transmembrane electrolyte control (Na, Ca, K)
      • Reduces risk of arrythmia, lidocaine can also be given at this time
  • Mannitol: ~12.5 g
    • Scavenge O2 free radicals
  • Occasionally the heart may fibrillate when the cross clamp is removed so the surgeon may use paddles to defibrillate

What are vents?

  • Decompress the heart
    • Prevent distention (help avoid excess blood collection → typically LV)
  • LV Vent
    • Venous cannula can remove blood returning to RA, but Still bronchial venous return that will enter heart via pulm veins (LA) ~ 1-3% CO → obstruct view
      • LV vent into right superior pulm vein (goes across MV and into LV) where can collect blood and air
  • Aortic Root Vent:
    • De-air heart post CX removal
      • usually part of the cardioplegia catheter and is placed in the ascending aorta above the aortic valve before the cerebral vasculature and the goal is that it will collect any air ejected from the left ventricle and the air will go to the vent which is connected to suction instead of any cerebral vessels

What is the hemoconcentrator/ultrafiltrator in the bypass circuit?

What are some benefits to its use?


Another additional component is the hemoconcentrator, it is not exactly like dialysis because there’s no dialysate solution used but the goals are similar

  • Ultrafiltration
    • Utilizes Pressure differential:
      • Blood side
      • Atmospheric pressure (ultrafiltrate side)
    • Remove plasma water and LMW solutes via semi-perm membrane
      • Retain larger plasma proteins (coag proteins, plts, albumin)
        • *hemoconcentrators pull off % of drugs admin (ex: heparin, bicarb, Mg, Ca)
        • Consequences: possibly make pt acidotic or reduce anti-coag during bypass
    • Increase HCT
  • Benefits:
    1. Reduce non-RBCV → Avoid donor RBC
      • Decrease hypervolemia
      • Increase Hct
        • *pt w/ low starting Hct but anticipate may have extra volume on board (MV pts) → avoid priming w/ blood and instead hemo[] that pt to increase Hct to acceptable level
    2. Correct electrolytes (esp K after cardioplegia soln)
    3. Remove inflammatory mediators
      • Help avoid pulm edema after CPB
    4. Help support kidneys (esp w/ inadequate UO)

What is ZBUF?


Zero-Balance Ultrafiltration (ZBUF)

  • Balance fluid added to fluid removed by hemo[]
    • The fluid removed from circulation is replaced by adding a balanced electrolyte solution and this is done to correct the patient’s electrolytes concentration.
  • Correct high K+
    • Utilizing a soln that contains no K (NS)/low K (plasmalyte A)
  • Decrease inflammatory response/mediators
    • → reducing cytokines and complement proteins

What are some safety devices in a bypass circuit?

  • Filters
    • in reservoir and in oxygenator/ALF combo to trap bubbles, clots, foreign particles
  • One-way valves
    • single direction of flow
  • Level detector
    • prevent draining the reservoir and introducing air to patient
  • Bubble detector - detect air
  • Servo-Regulation
    • stop the arterial pump if the reservoir level drops, or if air is detected, or if the pressure becomes too high
  • Pressure monitors
    • utilized for the arterial line and for the venous reservoir so that pressure does not become too positive or too negative
    • cardioplegia perfusion pressure is monitored to avoid over-pressuring the coronaries

What monitoring is performed while on bypass?

  • ABG, VBG (w/in 10 min on bypass and q30min)
    • FiO2
      • Keep PaO2 200-350 mmHg (higher than normal)
    • Sweep: Adjust CO2 (similar to RR)
      • ­ increase sweep = decrease CO2
      • decrease sweep = increase ­CO2
    • Adequacy of perfusion:
      • SvO2 (venous saturation) – historical marker for perfusion
        • Affected by: paralysis, anesthesia, Hgb, Blood flow, FiO2, temp
      • Lactate (delayed)
    • CDI: Continuous blood gas monitoring
      • Trend changes on CPB pump
    • Goal Directed Perfusion- adequacy of perfusion
      • -DO2 (oxygen delivery) = 1.34 x Hgb x Art Sat x Flow (ml/min)
        • Keep DO2 > 260 on bypass
          • (lower levels ass/w AKI)
        • Better determining adequate perfusion other than SVO2 and Lactate alone
  • ACT
    • Q20min
    • Admin more heparin if:
      • ACT < 480 sec
      • during re-warming → increased metabolism
      • Hemo[] → removes heparin and need more
  • MAP: 60-80 mmHg
    • Tx HoTN → Phenylephrine (HoTN more common)
    • Tx HTN (MAP > 80) → increase isoflurane
  • Temperature- esophageal, core
  • CVP- ideally 0 if heart properly drained

What are the 2 blood gas managmeent systems used during bypass?


alpha stat, pH stat


What is alpha stat?

  • Most common BG management
  • Not temperature corrected
    • blood gas values 37 degrees
  • CO2 kept constant regardless of pt’s temperature
  • Maintain metabolic/enzymatic activity and autoregulation (regardless of temp)
    • In this form CO2 levels are kept constant regardless of the patient’s temperature, so even if the pt is cooled to 28 degrees you would still run the ABG as though their temp was 37.
    • This allows CO2 and pH to change naturally
    • Maintains the pt’s metabolic activity, enzymatic activity, and autoregulation.
  • Maintain autoregulation (Blood flow to brain dependent on brain’s metabolism)

What is pH stat?

  1. Typically used in pediatrics or adults undergoing deep/profound hypothermia
    1. Peds: beneficial who are more prone to ischemic injuries
  2. Temp corrected blood values (to actual pt temp)
  3. Right shift of oxy-Hgb dissociation curve
    1. → INCREASED O2 release to tissues
  4. GOAL: Constant pH
    1. → increasing CO2 as temp decreases → intentional hypercapnia
      1. Reduce sweep to hold CO2 or actually adding CO2
  5. Allow CO2 accumulation
    1. Dilation of cerebral vasculature (why not used in adults d/t atherosclerotic plaques going to head)
    2. With this method of blood gas management, flow becomes pressure dependent, blood will be more acidotic – will reduce metabolic activity
    3. More even cooling of brain d/t dilation → Less autoregulation when temp below 20

Flow would be more pressure dependent and not metabolism → less metabolism when its cold

Temperature changes affect the proportion of gas that is dissolved versus the partial pressure, so as the pt is rewarmed the gas will come back out of solution and gas levels will normalize, so as the pt comes off bypass they will be at a normal level


What are some characteristics of flow while on bypass? What law is this based on?

  • FLOW: how we perfuse on bypass
    • Full Flow: 2.4L/min/m2 (60-70mL/kg)
    • BSA x 2.4 = full flow
      • Ex: 70 kg pt, 5’10” → Full flow 4.5 L/min
    • Normal CI: 2.5-4.0L/min/m2
    • Reduced metabolism
      • Sedation, paralysis, cooling (2.4 index adequate during bypass)
      • Higher metabolic requirments: atheletes, endocarditis, sepsis need > 2.4 index to maintain oxygenation
      • Obese → recalculate with lower BMI
  • Non-pulsatile
    • Heart is empty = no ejections
  • Poiseuille’s Law
    • Circuit components (cannulas, oxygenator size)
    • Length and radius and effects on pressures seen
    • Blood pressure will also be affected by SVR and the pt’s blood viscosity based on the different levels of cooling, but you always want the most flow possible to aid gas exchange [[hypothermia = ­­blood viscosity]]

Why do we cool on bypass? What are some cons to cooling?

What is the q10 principle 7 degree principle?

  • Allows decreased flow (below 2.4 index at normothermia) ~1.8-1.6
    • *paralysis to prevent shivering important (reduce metabolism)
  • Q10 Principle
    • 10 deg C reduction → decrease metabolism by 50%
  • 7 deg Principle
    • 7 deg C decrease temp → 50% reduction in O2 demand
      • 34 deg → O2 demand decrease by 25%
      • 30 deg → O2 demand 50% of normal
      • 23 deg → 75% reduction in O2 demand
  • Ensure adequate core and cerebral cooling by monitoring esophageal and core temperatures
  • Down falls to cooling: Why don’t we cool every patient since its reduces metabolism so much?
    • Sludging → poor capillary bed perfusion (increase viscosity)
    • Bleeding – disruption of coag
    • Third spacing
    • Dysrhythmias
    • Complement activation

Requirements for the rewarming process?

  • Increase in metabolic demand
    • Increase flow
  • Rewarm by 1 deg C q3-5 min (gradually to prevent air bubbles)
  • Create a temp gradient between blood and heater-cooler water
  • Anesthesia → turn on bairhaugger
    • Tolerate some vasodilation (HoTN) to ensure uniform blood distribution and rewarming

What is a basic checklist for CPB weaning?

  • Checklist
    • Warm
    • Blood gas, electrolytes (K+), Hgb corrected
    • Normal EKG rhythm/pacing
    • Have blood products available
    • Optimize drugs
    • Ventilation
    • Adequate pressures (BP/CVP/LAP)
  • Reduce drainage and wean flow
  • Anesthesia takes over

What is the process of weaning from CPB?

  • Weaning from CPB happens once the repair is complete and the pt has been rewarmed
  • Perfusionist should have corrected acid/base balance and electrolytes (potassium) as well as hct
  • Pt should now have normal EKG or pacing should be been initiated
  • Perfusion will likely stop treating BP with vasopressors at this time so that anesthesia can determine which drugs will be needed after CPB termination
    • Perfusion then focuses on adequate volume while anesthesia/surgeon focus on which drugs to optimize contractility/ HR / pressure
  • Anesthesia team should also be thinking of blood products they might need while coming off CPB, all cardiac cases should likely have 1-2 units PRBCs in room, but may also need FFP, platelets, cryo
  • As the anesthesia provider you will begin ventilating prior to pt coming of bypass,
    • once the perfusionist allows blood to remain in the heart, the heart will begin ejecting and the lungs will be reperfused and this may result in a reduced venous saturation (SVO2) so its beneficial to start ventilating so that the blood returning from lungs is also well oxygenated
  • Consider having nitric oxide available if needed, especially if anticipating some right heart trouble
  • Now the perfusionist will start weaning their drainage, will do this by increasingly occluding the venous line to hold volume in the heart, then will start decreasing flow so that the heart and lungs are filled and progressively start to take over and work toward fully occluding the venous line so that no blood is drained from the heart and filling takes place until parameters like CVP, LAP, BP are within goal
  • Once all volume is in they will fully come off bypass and then anesthesia takes over

How does protamine work? Dose? Timing? S/E?

  • Heparin reversal
    • Protamine bonds w/ heparin to form an inert salt → cleared by reticular endothelial system
    • ½ life heparin 2 hrs (need reversal agent)
  • DO NOT give while still on pump (don’t draw up until needed)
  • Admin slowly (over ~ 5 min)
    • Causes vasodilation
    • Extra caution w/ LV dxfx, prior protamine exposure, fish allergy, NPH insulin, prior vasectomy
  • Announce when giving
    • “pump suckers off”
    • Test dose: 5-10 mg
  • Dosing: 1.3 mg protamine per 100 units heparin (perfusionist knows)
  • Protamine Sulfate
  • Heparin Antidote

Small protein with multiple + charges, bind ionically with negative groups on heparin forming a complex that has no anti-coagulant activity

DOA: 2 hours – may need to re-dose

1 mg protamine per 100 units heparin

GIVE slowly!- can cause drop in BP


What are the types of protamine reaction?

  • Something that we always have to be aware of happening, there are several different types of protamine reactions
  • Type I: systemic hypotension
    • r/t histamine release caused by protamine
      • tx:
        • give protamine slowly
        • give IV fluids
  • Type II: true anaphylaxis
    • IgE mediated
    • most commonly seen with prior protamine exposure or NPH use.
    • Tx: steroids, epinephrine, anti-histamines and PPV
  • Type III: catastrophic pulmonary vasoconstriction/flash pulmonary edema
    • → right heart failure → left heart failure & hypotension
    • Tx:
      • Tx myocardial depression
      • → re-heparinize and go back on CPB
    • There are no protamine alternative, so the only option is to wait and allow heparin to be metabolized

What are some common causes of bleeding post bypass?


  • surgical (proline suture deficiency)
  • hypothermia
  • coagulation dysfunction
  • re-do operations → BLEEDING (cordis/rapid infuser available)
  • Interventions:
    • Obtain post protamine ACT
      • Consider heparin rebound → seen in Obese pts
        • Most heparin bound in plasma but some migrates to tissues
      • ½ life Protamine 30-45 min → may need redose
    • Cell saver blood (only high Hct)
      • No clotting factors → consider FFP
    • TEG
      • Elongated R time: residual heparin → reverse w/ protamine
    • If a pt’s coagulopathy and bleeding cannot be controlled with blood products, you may need to give factor 7 (FEIBA) – which is Factor 8 inhibitor bypass agent, this is an off label use for serious bleeding after bypass. Comes with risk of thromboembolic complications

Review of TEG?

various times/treatments?

  • R time 5-10 minutes
    • definition- time to clot formation
      • problem with coag factors
    • treatment- FFP
  • K time 1-3 minutes
    • definition- time until clot reaches fixed strength
      • problem with fibinogen
    • treatment cryo
  • Alpha angle 53-72 degrees
    • definition- speed of fibinr accumulation
      • problem with fibrinogen
    • treatment cryo
  • MA 50-70 mm
    • def- highest vertical amplitude of teg
      • problem with platelets
    • treatment- PLT and/or DDAVP
  • LY30 0-8%
    • def- percentage of amplitude reduction 30 min after MA
      • problem with fibrinolysis
    • treatment
      • TXA/amicar

Treatment for refractory vasoplegia after bypass?

  • Methylene blue
    • Vargo:
      • inhibits guanylate cyclase )blocks GMPc system)
      • dose- 2mg/kg as IV bolus followed by infusion
  • Hydroxocobalamin (Vit B12)

What can happen during chest closure?

  • monitor closely
    • Hemodynamic instability → reduces CO and diastolic filling
      • (more profound in pts w/ reduced ventricular fx)
    • Sometimes resolved w/ re-opening chest but there are times when they have to emergently go back on bypass

What are some strategies to conserve blood during CPB?

  1. Retrograde autologous prime (RAP)
  2. Venous Autologous prime (VAP)
  3. Minimal prime volume and IV fluids
  4. hemoconcentration
  5. minimize cooling
  6. diuresis
  7. antifibrinolytics
  8. ANH
  9. Autotransfusion/cell salvage

What is retrograde autologous prime?

  1. Replace crystalloid circuit prime volume w/ pt’s own blood
    1. Process may cause HoTN → tx w/ pressors or have perfusionist stop
      1. DO NOT tx w/ fluid
  2. Perfusionist will reduce the crystalloid prime of the circuit by replacing it with the pt’s own blood volume.
  3. Once the cannulas are placed and attached to the circuit, we slowly allow blood from arterial cannula to flow retrograde and we replace the crystalloid volume in the arterial line with blood.
  4. We may even be able to replace the crystalloid prime of the oxygenator with blood if the pt’s BP can tolerate it.
  5. crystalloid volume that is replaced will be removed from the circuit
  6. This process will likely cause hypotension, we don’t want anesthesia to treat this with fluid because that would defeat the purpose of RAP-ing but you can treat with vasopressors or have the perfusionist stop the process

What is venous autologous prime?>

  1. Replacing volume in venous line w/ pt’s own blood
    1. Done by opening the venous cannula and allowing the blood to drain until the venous line has filled with blood and the crystalloid volume goes back into the venous reservoir where it can be purged from the circuit.

What is acute normovolemic hemodilution (ANH)?

  1. For normal or high Hgb
  2. Remove whole blood in OR prior to sx repair
    1. from central/a line → into bag w/ anticoag CPDA
      1. ~400-500 ml and place on rocker
  3. Replace volume w/ crystalloid/albumin
    1. volume that is taken off is replaced by anesthesia with either crystalloid or albumin, idea is that the blood loss during surgery will now be more dilute
    2. Also this higher Hct blood that is collected prior to CPB won’t be exposed to the circuit and can be given back to pt once protamine is given
  4. Expires after 8 hrs

What is autotransfuion/cell salvage?

  1. Collect shed blood from surgical field
    1. Mixed w/ heparin
  2. Centrifuge to [] RBC
    1. Removal of plasma volume (highly concentrate RBC)
  3. Wash w/ 0.9% NaCl 1000 ml
  4. End product: ~60% Hct
    1. 50-70% Hct
    2. Higher pH
    3. Lower K+ than banked blood (bank blood a/w poorer CV sx outcomes)
  5. Devoid of CF
    1. Washed out CF, heparin, WBC

What are some typical cardiac cases?

  • Most commonly utilize mild-moderate hypothermia (34C- 28C)
  • CABG
    • Endoscopically harvest saphenous vein
    • Surgery harvests LIMA/RIMA
  • Valves
    • Mechanical vs tissue vs repair (annuloplasty)
      • Mechanical- long term/lifelong, req anti-coagulation
      • Tissue valves: last 10-20 yrs
      • Repairs- may need to go on bypass
    • TV/PV- may not need to arrest heart
    • MV:
      • Pt may have extra volume → perfusionist can hemo [] if starting w/ low Hct
    • AV
      • AI: difficult to arrest heart
        • hard to keep valve closed when doing anterograde vasoplegia → need retrograde cardioplegia w/ coronary sinus pressure monitoring available
      • AS: risk during induction
        • Decreased BP → cant overcome pressures of stenotic valve → dec coronary perfusion leading to arrest
          • Brash on bypass
  • Bentall Procedure
    • Single prosthesis to replace AV, root, and ascending aorta
      • Sx to reimplant coronary arteries

What is deep hypothermic circulatory arrest? (DHCA)

  • Cessation of flow
    • drastically reduce metabolic needs because there will be no blood flow
  • Often requires profound hypothermia (28 → 18 deg C)
  • Place ice on head – cessation of brain electrical activity
  • Steroids (solumedrol 10-30 mg/kg) → combat inflam resp
  • Types of cases: Aorta
    • Aneurysms
    • Dissections
    • Arch reconstruction
  • “Safe” arrest times:
    • 32 C = 10 min
    • 28 C = 10-15 min
    • 18 C = 16-45 min
    • < 18 C = 46-60 min

What is selective cerebral perfusion (SCP)


Rare Cases – Selective Cerebral Perfusion (SCP) – “arch cases”

  • Utilize moderate- deep hypothermia (28 → 24 C)
    • stop blood flow to the body but supply blood flow to the head via innominate artery and then circle of Willis.
  • Arch cases
  • Cannulate R axillary artery w/ graft
    • Flow ~ 10 ml/kg to head by snaring the innominate
      • Selective cerebral perfusion initiated to prevent flow into aorta (→ flow only provided to cerebral vasculature)
      • When SCP is not being done the snare remains off and this allows blood flow to the entire body
  • NIRS monitoring
    • Use to trend for adequate flow to head
  • R radial & Femoral A-lines
    • R radial pressure 40-50 mmHg during SCP
    • Only place that will read pressure
      • We also usually have a femoral arterial line, when cerebral perfusion is not being performed we use this one because the right radial would be above normal d/t the position of the canula and the flow to the right arm

What are some risks of CPB?

  • Exposure to foreign surfaces
    • Activation of inflam mediators → angulation, inflammation, increased cap permeability, cell lysis, altered vasomotor tone, and plt activation (dec availability of plts post-bypass)
      • Circuit made up of biomaterial that mimics endothelial cell layer to reduce issues ^ but still happen
  • Ischemia- reperfusion injury
    • blood returns to previously ischemic region → leads to inflammation, oxidative damage, and plt and neutrophil activation.
  • Systemic heparinization
  • Platelet, coagulation dsfx
  • Hemolysis
  • Stroke (from debris, microbubbles, clots)

What is VA ecmo?


Venous- Arterial ECMO (heart and lungs)

  • Cannulation:
    • Central:
      • Draining to RA
      • Returning to Aorta
        • Can leave chest open from sx
    • Peripheral: femoral artery and vein
      • Allows chest closure/long term support
      • Risks:
        • Limb ischemia
        • Decreased brain oxygenation
  • Flow:
    • RA (Venous side) → artificial heart/lung (ECMO pump) → oxygenator → aorta
  • Provides parallel circulation in tandem w/ pt circulation (although there may not be much native circulation)
    • *If Aortic valve not opening → being fully supported by ECMO circuit
  • Failure to wean from CPB, ECPR (extracorporeal CPR), COVID, transplant rejection, sepsis, myocarditis
  • Signs to wean from ECMO/signs of improvement
    • increased pulsatility, contractility, less inotropic support, stable venous saturations/lactates while weaning flows.
  • ECMO survival rates are still not great and there are lots of complications, should only be used when absolutely necessary.
    • include infection, stroke, bleeding r/t anti-coagulation, vessel damage, limb ischemia, hemolysis

What is VV Ecmo?

  • No hemodynamic support
    • Only lung support
    • take flow from SVC and IVC and return to RA
  • Cannulation sites:
    • Femoral vein(s)
    • Femoral vein, IJ
    • Avalon
      • Drainage: SVC, IVC
      • Return: RA
  • Positional cannula results in a lot of mixing of oxygenated/deoxygenated blood
  • Flow: Venous blood (IVC/SVC) → ECMO Pump → oxygenator → RA → native lung → systemic circulation
  • VV ECMO cases are usually more long term support for respiratory failure, seen with flu and COVID
    • Have options to stop ventilation or do rest settings
    • Weaning parameters: increased lung compliance, improved chest x-rays, improved CO2 goals and PaO2.
  • So you might see femoral vein cannulated and you can drain via a single femoral vein but then return needs to be placed higher closer to the IVC/RA.
  • Other option is to cannulate IVC on both sides but risk of damaging both vessels
  • AVALON cannula – one opening in SVC and one in IVC and one return lumen in right atrium – very positional cannula results in a lot of mixing of oxygenated/deoxygenated blood

What are VAD?S


Ventricular assist devices

  • Pumps used to partially or completely to replace the hearts function in pumping/circulating blood for those with a weakened heart
    • Temporary as a bridge to transplant or recovery
    • Destination therapy – VAD until death
    • Perfusionist may be responsible for priming/managing these
  • LVAD
    • Drain from LA/ LV return to aorta
  • RVAD (used for RHF)
    • Drain RA, return to PA
  • BiVAD= biventricular support (LVAD + RVAD)
    • Usually can be avoided if LVAD is implanted early.
    • But if they’re implanted at the same time, you always start the LVAD first and run the RVAD slightly lower to avoid overfilling left ventricle.

A-line won’t really have a waveform or a very depressed waveform because you won’t really have ejection or pulsatile flow.

  • Examples:
    • External: CentriMag
      • External are usually temporary – don’t leave the hospital
    • Intracatheter: impella
    • Implantable: heartmate/heartware
  • Risks: stroke/infection, bleeding due to need for constant anti-coagulation, MODs
  • Huge life style change if they go home with implantable VAD.
  • Intracatheter: Impella
  • Implantable: Heartmate II & III, Heartware

What is a balloon pump?


IABP (Intra-aortic balloon pump)

  • Balloon placed in aorta
  • USES: augment blood flow
    • Perfusionists often in charge of set up when this is needed post CABG.
  • Some indications for use include:
    • cardiogenic shock,
    • MI,
    • post-operative support after CPB,
    • when ventricular dysfunction in seen despite inotropic support
  • Usually inserted into femoral artery into descending aorta, when the balloon inflates is during diastole when the aortic valve is closed, and this encourages coronary prefusion and the balloon deflates just before systole to decrease afterload, myocardial work, and oxygen consumption
    • Balloon inflates during diastole → coronary perfusion
    • Deflation just before systole → reduce afterload

What is a hipec procedure?


Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (HIPEC)

  • Circulation of heated (40-42C) chemotherapy solution within abdominal cavity
    • Tx of cancer within the abdominal cavity utilizing the circulation of a heated chemotherapy solution
    • Tumor first undergoes debulking and then an inflow and outflow cannula are placed within the abdominal cavity so that heated chemotherapy can be circulated between 90 and 120 minutes
    • Considerations:
      • bladder temp should NOT go > 39 C during this time

What is isolated limb perfusion (ILP)?

  • Deliver heated chemotherapy to isolated limb
    • locally to either an arm or leg.
      • A tourniquet is placed on the extremity and an extracorporeal circuit is used to circulate the blood and then chemotherapeutics are injected ever 15 to 20 minutes
      • This circuit does use an oxygenator

At the end of ILP you have to flush the limb of chemotherapeutic solution prior to removing the tourniquet


What is veno-veno bypass used during liver transplants?


Veno-Venous (VV) Bypass

  • Uses: liver transplant
    • used to maintain hemodynamic stability.
    • Venous return to heart may be reduced from portal vein compression
  • Cannulation:
    • Drainage: Portal vein and femoral vein (y-ed together)
    • Return: Axillary vein or IJ
  • Provide ~2/3rd of pts needed BF
    • Blood taken from the IVC/femoral vein and then returned back to the right heart
      • *Anhepatic phase → portal vein may be compressed/occluded → decreases VR to heart (VV bypass would provide return)
  • Lungs still provide oxygenation
  • Cell saver- prone to blood loss
  • Flow would usually be about 2/3 of full flow and oxygenation here is still provided by patient’s own lungs
  • Usually don’t need to heparinize here because the pt often has clotting dysfunctions

What is left heart bypass?

  • Thoracoabdominal Aortic Aneurysm (TAAA)
    • Shunt blood around aneurysm/dissection
  • Cannulation
    • Remove blood from LA/L superior pulm vein
    • Return to descending aorta/left femoral artery
  • Lungs still provide oxygenation
  • Heart still pumping blood to proximal vessels to clamped out region of descending aorta
  • Volume given by anesthesia
  • A-lines
    • Need UPPER & LOWER (radial/femoral) on left side
    • *Too much flow being removed from atrium:
      • Femoral pressure: HIGH
      • Radial pressure: LOW
        • Flow normally 75% of full flow

What is angiovac?

  • PE removal
  • Cannulate IJ or femoral vein
    • Balloon on top to prevent clotting from emboli
  • Remove blood by circuit → filter emboli → return back to pt

What is platelet rich plasma?

  • 60 mL of whole blood in a syringe that contains ACD
    • → centrifugation of that blood is done to obtain a concentrated platelet solution
    • → combined with thrombin and calcium and this is placed at the surgical site to accelerate healing and decrease the chance of infection

Cannulation during heart transplant? Order of anastamosis?

  • require bicaval venous canulation since the heart will be removed from the chest and we still need to drain the blood from the patient,
  • we may or may not arrest the heart since it will be removed anyway
  • The typical order of anastomosis for a heart transplant is:
    • pulmonary veins
    • aorta – so that we can remove the cross clamp as soon as possible –
    • PA
    • SVC/IVC
  • Most pts who are getting a heart transplant are pretty complex so it may take a while to open the chest and pacing should always be available for these cases

Organ care systems for transpalnts?

  • Extend time b/t procurement and transplant
  • Pump circulates blood to keep organ warm and fx
  • Expand donor pool by recovering less-optimal organs
    • help optimize less optimal organs and it includes diagnostic components that help assess the function and viability of the organ
    • donor lungs can be attached to ventilator and a pump and filters for 3-4 hours and are treated with a blood-like(?) solution that contains proteins and nutrients in hopes of reversing lung injury and removing excess water
  • 2007 First beating heart transplant- transfer donor heart while beating instead of on ice