CP/PNR Flashcards
What is the formula for CP?
Distance to CP (from HOME) =
Total Distance (between aerodrome) x Ground Speed HM
Ground Speed HM+ Ground Speed ON
What is the EPNR formula?
FFA (-1600 if BRW)
To estimate PNR don’t forget to revise FFA if fix is not overhead HOME. Use standard SGRs with allowances for EPNR.
Flight plan to EPNR
Adjust PNR accordingly.
What RSWT and Mach is used for 1 Engine INOP?
Need to find altitude capability
FL235 RSWT and LRC Mach for EMZW (approx TAS 420)
What RSWT and Mach is used for DEPRESSURISED?
FL185 RSWT and M.59
What effect does wind have on CP?
CP mostly always into wind
Where does the estimated CP lie?
Estimate CP as half way or close waypoint/subdivision into wind
What effect does wind have on PNR?
PNR farthest from departure in NIL WIND
PNR closer to departure in ANY WIND
What is the PNR dependant on?
Flight Fuel Available
How do you calculate Flight Fuel Available for the calculation of a PNR?
FOB-taxi/shutdown (unless in flight calc), holding, fixed reserve, variable reserve (not for DP).
Revise FFA if in flight calc being made and fix not over HOME.
FFA - (appropriate SGR x distance from fix to HOME)
What would you estimate a PNR Minimum Landing Weight?
ELW = BRW or GW at fix - FFA
What information is required to calculate Depressurised Critical Point?
- Total distance
- Ground speeds ON and HOME @FL130
- Average tracks, winds and temperatures from roughly half way ON and a HOME
What information is required to calculate OEI Critical Point?
- Total distance
- Ground speeds ON and HOME at hemispherical level according to GW altitude capability
- Average track, wind and temps