CP Investigation Policy and Procedure Flashcards
What is the first and paramount consideration when a report of concern is received?
The safety and wellbeing of the child.
Parental control legislation
Section 59 (4) - CA 1961
Police have the discretion not to prosecute complaints against a parent of a child to an offence involving the use of force against a child, where there is no public interest in proceeding with a prosecution.
** EXAM ** - Ill-treatment/neglect of child or vulnerable adult
Section 195 - CA 1961 - 10 years imprisonment
Offence applies to those who
- have actual care or charge of complainant
- staff member of hospital, institution or residence where child or vulnerable adult resides
** EXAM ** - Failure to protect child or vulnerable adult - when is someone criminally liable?
Section 195A - CA 1961
person has frequent contact with a child (or vulnerable adult) and:
- knows (mens rea) the victim is at risk of death, GBH or sexual assault as a result of the acts or omissions of another person; and
- fails (actus reus) to take reasonable steps to protect the victim from that risk.
** EXAM ** - What is required to be proved?
- at risk child under 18 at time of offence
- defendant over 18
- defendant member of the same household or a staff member in a H/I/R where victim resides and has frequent contact
- defendant had knowledge of the risk of harm to the child
Rights of a child
Every child has the right:
- to a safe and nurturing environment
- to live in families free from violence
- to protection from all forms of physical or mental violence, injury or abuse, neglect or ill treatment
- to protection from all forms of sexual exploitation and sexual abuse
Principles guiding police practice
- rights of a child
- accountability
- working collaboratively
- service delivery
** EXAM ** - Investigations into reports of historic child abuse
- should be conducted in accordance with ASA investigation policy and procedures
- should include early consultation with specialist child protection investigators and OT to consider other children who may be at risk.
- may still require referral to OT
Acute child abuse defined
Child abuse occurring less than 7 days before it was reported.
Adult defined
A person aged 18 years or older
Child defined
A child or young person under the age of 18 at the time of their referral.
Child abuse defined
Oranga Tamariki Act 1989
The harming whether physical, emotionally or sexual, ill-treatement, abuse, neglect or any deprivation of any child or young person.
Child abuse defined - What things are regarded as abuse when submitting a ROC?
- physical, sexual, emotional or psychological abuse
- neglect
- presence in unsafe environments (e.g. clan lab)
- cyber crime exploiting children
- child trafficking
** EXAM ** - OT and CPT timeframes
Critical 24hrs - Child is at risk of serious harm and require immediate involvement to establish safety
Very Urgent 48 hrs - At risk of serious harm but protective factors present for next 48 hrs. High priority follow up required
Urgent 7 days - At risk of harm or neglect that will likely negatively impact child and options of safety/support being explored
** EXAM ** - When contacting the medical forensic practitioner, what information should you give them?
- age and gender of victim (may impact practitioner suitability)
- when sexual assault occurred
- brief outline of info known including any drugs involved, victim injuries, level of intox, other health concerns
- victims wishes about gender of examining practitioner
- discuss whether the sexual assault complaint should be investigated using ASA or CP procedure
** EXAM ** - Before conducting a medical forensic examination, what should be explained to the victim?
- examination will be conducted by a medical forensic practitioner specially trained in examining people who have been sexually assaulted
- examination has potential health benefits and can help Police obtain evidence to apprehend the offender
- expected duration of examination and possible outcomes
- ask them about any concerns about gender of practitioner and will do the best to accommodate them
** EXAM ** - Outline Section 42 - Oranga Tamariki Act 1989
Power to remove a child without warrant.
Police believe on reasonable grounds it is critically necessary to remove child to prevent injury or death.
Can enter and search by force if necessary any dwelling, building, vehicle etc. and
Remove or detain, by force if necessary and place in custody.
Serious child abuse defined
- sexual abuse
- serious physical abuse
- serious wilful neglect
- serious FV where child is a witness
- allegations against OT approved caregivers involving serious child abuse
- allegation against employees of OT or Police involving serious child abuse
** EXAM ** - ‘Child centred timeframes’ defined
Timeframes that are relevant to the childs age and cognitive development. The younger the child the more vulnerable they are and therefore they require a quicker response.
** EXAM ** - What are the 3 areas to consider when determining the seriousness of physical abuse?
- action of the abuse
- injury inflicted
- circumstances
What is an IJIP and its purpose?
Initial Joint Investigation Plan
Initial plan jointly created by OT and Police to record agreed actions on the agreed template.
Purpose is to ensure OT and Police work together to secure child’s immediate safety and ensure any evidence is collected.
What types of actions will meet the threshold of serious physical abuse?
- blow or kick to head
- shaking of infant
- strangulation
- use of object as a weapon
- attempted drowning
What types of injuries will meet the threshold for serious physical abuse?
- death
- bone fracture
- burn
- concussion or loss of consciousness
- injury requiring medical attention
- bruising or abrasion where child is very young and does not appear accidental
** EXAM ** - What are the important points to remember regarding the questioning of a child?
DO NOT ask or question a child further if:
- clear disclosure made by child and adult can provide further info
- unclear what child said but no urgent safety issues
- it becomes clear offence has been committed during questioning
If necessary to ascertain safety, ask child open ended questions.
** EXAM ** - What is the primary and secondary objectives of a medical examination?
Primary: the victims physical, sexual and mental health and their safety
Secondary: the opportunity to collect and trace evidence
** EXAM ** - List things you should remind the victim to refrain from before a medical exam
- eating or drinking
- going to the toilet
- washing or showering
- washing hands or biting fingernails
- smoking
- change of clothes
- brushing hair
- brushing teeth or rinsing mouth
CPP defined
Child Protection Protocols
Ensures timely, coordinated and effective action by OT and Police so that:
- children are kept safe
- offenders are help accountable
- child victimisation is reduced
Examples of neglect
- not providing adequate food, shelter or clothing
- not protecting child from physical harm or danger
- not accessing appropriate medical treatment or care
- allowing child to be exposed to clan lab
Psychological abuse defined
- causes or allows child to see or hear physical, sexual or psych abuse of person with a domestic relationship with child or
- puts or allows child to be put at real risk of seeing or hearing the above
Powers of removal
- Section 42 - removal without warrant
- Section 39 - place of safety warrant
- Section 40 - removal with warrant
When would you need to remove a child from a household?
- not safe to leave them there and believe on RG that if left likely to suffer ill treatement, neglect, deprivation, abuse or harm
- no other practical means to ensure their safety
Police are informed of situations requiring notification to OT that a child may be at risk. What 4 categories do cases fall into?
- child abuse
- family violence
- environment/neglect
- other criminal activity
Who is preferred for conducting examinations of serious child abuse?
DSAC trained doctors
Doctors for Sexual Assault Care Incorp
What offences come within section 29 Victims Rights Act?
- Sexual violation or other serious assault
- Results in serious injury, death or incapable
- Has led victim to have ongoing fears on reasonable grounds for their physical safety and security or for a member of their immediate family