Covenants and Equitable Servitudes (Cheat Sheets) Flashcards
What is a real covenant?
a written promise concerning the use of real property.
What are the two main types of real covenants?
Real covenants are either affirmative (a promise to do something) or negative/restrictive (a promise to not do something).
What are the two sides of a real covenant?
Every real covenant has two sides - the burden side and the benefit side. The burden is the duty to perform and the benefit is the privilege of forcing another party to perform.
Does a real covenant run with the land?
Real covenants may run with the land, which means that subsequent land owners may be able to enforce them or be burdened by them, if certain requirements are met. These requirements change, depending on whether the burden or the benefit is being enforced.
What is required for the burden of a real covenant to run with the land (i.e. if the successor-in-interest is the defendant then the burden is being enforced)?
In order for the burden of a covenant to run with the land, certain elements must be satisfied. Those are: notice, intent, touch and concern, vertical privity, and horizontal privity.
(nelson is totally very huge)
What is required for the benefit to run with the land (i.e. if the successor-in-interest is the plaintiff then the benefit is being enforced)?
In order for the benefit of a covenenat to run with the land, certain elements must be satisfied. Those are: intent, touch and concern, and vertical privity.
(I’m truly virtuous)
Define the element of notice that is required for the burden of a real covenant to run with the land.
Under common law, a subsequent purchaser of land was subject to the burden of covenant regardless of whether he or she had notice.
Modernly, recording statutes have modified the requirements so that a bona fide purchaser without notice of the covenant, and who records his or her own deed will not be bound by it.
There are three types of notice: actual notice, constructive notice, and inquiry notice.
Actual notice
refers to direct knowledge of the covenant.
Constructive notice
Constructive notice is notice given to the public at large by virtue of the covenant being recorded with a public official. I.e. record notice.
Inquiry notice
A party is said to have inquiry notice when a reasonable inspection of the land would have revealed the covenant.
Define the element of intent that is required for the burden (or benefit) of a real covenant to run with the land.
The original covenanting parties must have intended that the successors in interest be able to enforce the covenant. This intention is usually found in the language of the original agreement.
Define the touch and concern element that is required for the burden (or benefit) of a real covenant to run with the land.
A covenant touches and concerns the land when it directly relates to the use and enjoyment of the land (in either a negative or positive way).
Tip: briefly address and argue the heck out of whichever side you choose.
Define the element of vertical privity that is required for the burden (or benefit) of a real covenant to run with the land.
Vertical privity exists between the original party to the covenant and the subsequent owner. In order to be bound by the covenant, the successor must hold the entire estate in land held by the original party.
Define the element of horizontal privity that is required for the burden of a real covenant to run with the land.
Horizontal privity requires that at the time the original parties entered into the agreement, they shared some interest in land, independent of the covenant (e.g. landlord and tenant, mortgagee and mortgager, dominant estate and servient estate in an easement, etc.).
What are the remedies for breach of a real covenant?
A breach of a real covenant warrants only an award of monetary damages. If an equitable remedy is sought, the promise is no longer enforced as a covenant, but instead is enforced as an equitable sevitude.