Court Cases Flashcards
Castellain vs. Preston
Subject-matter of the contract
Rozanes vs. Bowen
The assured must make a full disclosure to the underwriter without being asked of all the material circumstances
Carter vs. Boehm
The underwriter trusts the proposers’ representation
Kettlewell vs. Refuge Assurance Company
Misleading an insured about a policy cover is a breach of utmost good faith
Roselodge vs. Castle
The judge ridiculed the insurer’s suggestion that the fact the proposer was caught stealing when he was 12 would be material to an application for insurance many years later
Oei vs. Foster
Chip-pan fire
Coles vs. Hetherton
Insurers seeking vehicle repair costs at the market rate, when work was carried out by their own repair network at a discounted rate, was lawful
Currie vs. Misa
Definition of consideration - each person’s side of the bargain which supports the contract
Dalby vs. The India and London Life Assurance Company
There need be no value insurable interest at the time of a claim for a life insurance policy
Gloystarne & Co Ltd. vs. Mr G S Martin
Apparent (ostensible) authority - for an agent that claims to act on behalf of a principal it takes the principal’s conduct to indicate that the agent is acting on their behalf, or if they don’t have authority to carry out certain tasks, the way to determine whether a contract is valid is if the actions carried out by the agent is of the kind that is usual in the trade or profession
Household Fire Insurance Co. vs. Grant
The rule that contract acceptance is made when the letter of acceptance is posted applies even if the letter is delayed, lost or destroyed in the post and never reaches the offeror
Hyde vs. Wrench
Conditional acceptance
Leyland Shipping vs. Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society
Causation is not a chain but a net, proximate cause is proximate in efficiency
Lister vs. Romford Ice and Cold Storage Ltd.
Cannot pursue subrogation rights against a fellow employee
Lucena vs. Craufurd
The law will not allow that the man due to inherit an estate has any interest, or anything more than a mere expectation
Marsden vs. City & County Insurance Co.
It was not inevitable that a crowd would gather and riot after the fire
North British and Mercantile vs. Liverpool London and Globe, known as Queen and King Canaries
Contribution only applies where the policies cover a common interest in the subject-matter, i.e. the insurable interest is the same
Pawsey vs. Scottish Union and National
Proximate cause means the active, efficient cause that brings about a chain of events without the intervention of any new force
Williams vs. Baltic Assurance Association
No evidence for interest subsisting at the time of inception, must be a reasonable expectation of acquiring interest
Yorkshire Insurance Co. vs. Nisbet Shipping Co.
Insurers not entitled to recover more through subrogation than they have paid out, e.g. through exchange rates