Course 2: Pathophysiology Physical Exam Flashcards
Congestive Heart Failure (CHF): Physical Exam? (2)
Rales (crackles) in lungs, jugular vein distention (JVD) in neck
Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib): Physical Exam? (2)
Irregularly irregular rhythm, tachycardia
Pneumonia (PNA): Physical Exam?
Pneumothorax (PTX): Physical Exam?
Absent breath sounds unilaterally
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): Physical Exam? (3)
Decreased breath sounds, wheezes, rales
Reactive Airway Disease (RAD): Physical Exam?
Wheezes (inspiratory or expiratory)
Ischemic CVA: Physical Exam? (4)
Neurological deficits: hemiparesis (weakness of left or right side), unilateral paresthesias (abnormal sensations), aphasia (difficulty with speech), visual field deficits
Hemorrhagic CVA (Brain Bleed): Physical Exam?
Unilateral neurological deficits
Meningitis- Bacterial v Viral: Physical Exam? (2)
Meningismus (headache, neck pain), nuchal rigidity (cannot flex neck forward due to rigidity of neck muscles)
Spinal Cord Injury: Physical Exam? (5)
Midline bony tenderness, deformities or step-offs (bones should be aligned, but not), bilateral extremity weakness, numbness, decreased rectal tone
Seizure (Sz): Physical Exam? (2)
Somnolent (sleepy), confused (postictal – after sz)
Bells Palsy: Physical Exam?
Unilateral weakness of the upper and lower face
Vertigo (Room Spinning): Physical Exam?
Horizontal nystagmus, positive Romberg, positive dix-hallpike test
Small Bowel Obstruction (SBO): Physical Exam? (6)
Abdominal tenderness, guarding, rebound, abnormal bowel sounds, abdominal distension, tympany
Gallstones (Cholelithiasis, Cholecystitis): PE?
RUQ tenderness, Murphy’s sign
Gastointestinal Bleed (GI Bleed): PE? (4)
Pale conjunctiva, pallor, tachycardia
Rectal exam: grossly bloody stool
Pancreatitis: PE?
Epigastric tenderness
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD): PE?
Epigastric tenderness
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI): PE?
Suprapubic tenderness
Pyelonephritis: PE?
Costo-vertebral angle tenderness
Kidney Stone (Nephrolithiasis): PE?
CVA tenderness
Ovarian Torsion: PE? (2)
Adnexal tenderness (right or left). Tenderness in the RLQ or LLQ
Testicular Torsion: PE? (2)
Testicular tenderness and swelling (right or left)
Upper Respiratory Infection (URI): PE? (3)
Rhinorrhea, boggy turbinates, pharyngeal erythema
Streptococcal Pharyngitis (Strep Throat): PE? (3)
Pharyngeal erythema Tonsillar hypertrophy (enlargement) Tonsillar exudates (pus)
Otitis Media (Middle Ear Infection): PE? (4)
Erythema, effusion, dullness, or bulging of the TM
Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye): PE? (3)
Conjunctival injection (redness), edema, and exudates
Epistaxis (Nosebleed): PE?
Anterior, posterior, or septal source (of the bleeding)
Musculoskeletal Back Pain: PE? (2)
Paraspinal tenderness, positive straight leg raise (pos SLR diagnoses Sciatica; back pain that radiates down the legs)
Extremity Injury: PE? (3)
Distal CSMT intact (circulation, sensory, motor, tendon) – do they have good sensation/movement/blood flow
No tendon or ligament laxity
ROM limited secondary to pain
Aortic Dissection: PE? (2)
Unequal brachial or radial pulses, hypotension
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA): PE? (4)
Midline pulsatile abdominal mass, abdominal bruit, unequal femoral pulses, hypotension
Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT): PE? (3)
Calf tenderness, cords, homan’s sign
Abscess (Cellulitis with Fluctuance): PE? (3)
Fluctuance (pus-pocket), induration, purulent drainage
Cellulitis: PE? (4)
Erythema, edema, increased warmth (calor), induration
Rash: PE? (7)
Urticaria (hives or wheals), macules (flat), papules (raised bumps), vesicles (small blisters), blanching (not dangerous), petechaie (dangerous rash), purpura (dangerous rash)
Allergic Reaction: PE? (3)
Edema, facial angioedema, urticaria (hives, wheals)
Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA): PE? (3)
Ketotic order (fruity), dry mucous membranes (dehydration), tachypnea
Psychological Disorder: PE? (4)
Flat affect, SI, HI, tangential or pressured speech
Trauma: PE?
Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS)
Appendicitis (APPY): Physical Exam?
McBurney’s point tenderness, RLQ tenderness, peritoneal signs: guarding, rebound, rigidity